
See, think

(2011-07-09 09:46:32) 下一個
see: perceive with eyes 
Synonyms: be apprised of, beam, behold, catch a glimpse of,  descry, detect, discern, distinguish, espy, examine, eye, flash, gape, gawk, gaze glimpse, heed, identify, inspect, lay eyes on, look, look at, make out, mark, mind notice, observe, pay attention to, peek, peep, peerpenetrate, pierce, recognize, regard, remark, scan, scope, scrutinize, sight, spot, spy, stare, surveyview, watch, witness kan, shi, jian, wang, qiao,chou,  not toush,smell,hear
Antonyms: be blind
appreciate, comprehend
Synonyms: appraise, ascertain, behold, catch, catch on, conceive, descry, determine, discern, discover, distinguish, envisage, envision, espy, experience, fancy, fathom, feature, feel, find out, follow, get, get the drift, get the hang of, grasp, have, hear, imagine, investigate, know, learn, make out, mark, mind, note, notice, observe, perceive, ponder, realize, recognize, remark, study, suffer, sustain, take in, think, tumble, undergo, understand, unearth, view, visualize, weigh
Antonyms: ignore, neglect, overlook
Main Entry: see
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: accompany, guide
Synonyms: associate with, attend, bear company, call, come by, come over, conduct, consort with, date, direct, drop by, drop in, encounter, escort, go out with, go with, keep company with, lead, look up, meet, pilot, pop in, receive, route, run into, shepherd, show, speak to, steer, stop by, stop in, take out, usher, visit, walk
Antonyms: turn loose
Main Entry: see
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: visualize
Synonyms: anticipate, conceive, divine, envisage, envision, fancy, feature, foresee, foretell, imagine, picture, realize, think, vision

恒--heart+cross, one should not think one side only.

Part of Speech: verb
Definition: believe; anticipate
Synonyms: assume, be convinced, comprehend, conceive, conclude, consider, credit, deem, determine, envisage, envision, esteem, estimate, expect, fancy, feature, feel, foresee, gather, guess, hold, image, imagine, judge, plan for, presume, project, realize, reckon, regard, see, sense, suppose, surmise, suspect, take, understand, vision, visualize
Antonyms: disbelieve, disregard, excogitate
Main Entry: think
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: contemplate
Synonyms: analyze, appraise, appreciate, brood, cerebrate, cogitate, comprehend, conceive, consider, deduce, deliberate, estimate, evaluate, examine, figure out, have in mind, ideate, imagine, infer, intellectualize, judge, logicalize, meditate, mull, mull over, muse, ponder, rack one's brains, rationalize, reason, reflect, resolve, revolve, ruminate, sort out, speculate, stew, stop to consider, study, take under consideration, turn over, use one's head, weigh
Antonyms: forget, ignore, neglect
Main Entry: think
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: remember
Synonyms: call to mind, recall, recollect, reminisce
Antonyms: forget
Main Entry: apprehend
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: understand
Synonyms: absorb, accept, appreciate, believe, catch, comprehend, conceive, digest, fathom, get, get the picture, grasp, have, imagine, know, perceive, read, realize, recognize, sense, think
Antonyms: misunderstand

sprinted ji

hurtled hurl,(hurdle) peng

wobbled yao (wodge,wolf)

strolled 4 chu

grabbed zhua

inched yi, not/man dong

zoomed douzhi ss

lurched qingxie

snatched zhua

crawled pa

whizzed sou

rolled tuantuan

lop--ped che

gathered jizhong

sped  jiasu

flew fei

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