

(2011-06-28 20:08:09) 下一個

十年苦研談何易,驚人突破性發現終於取得,我的關於英語詞匯以及與漢字聯係中的秘密一書,計劃數月內完稿出版發行,可以無疑地說,這將是遠超現有同類書籍的一本重要著作,盡管首版難免有待精煉加工,但其基本新鮮構想已完整,將在很大程度上解決英語詞匯理解記憶的難題,奇書妙想,提綱挈領,敢叫鬼符字中隱私,無所遁形,速令土洋倉頡陰謀,暴露天下,使人可於半日之內,了其大意, 假以時日, 或可卸二十載攻讀不得其門而入之重負,多位網友以"功德無量"等來形容此類書的價值,本人表示感激朋友們的期待與鞭策。


My discovery is far more deep than most of current books. There are few books are not bad,Like Mr.Zhu and Chen,but are limited, none of them tell the relation with Chinese character,which is my way, far more convincing, direct and thorough.

For instance,


talked that double consonant "bl" has 6 basic meanings. That is specious,apparently right, but actually wrong. 

For example: stead vs. stay,which I'm reading now.

As far as I know,no one ever explain in a more pertinent way, not to say their relationship with the Chinese counterpart.

These methods are not dead formula,though, mainly because Chinese is more chaotic,especially its pronounciation as we knows. I may say my analys may cover atleast 2/3 of the words, yet if lucky in the right words, its correctness is in great majority, to say an English word has many Chinese words to explain


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