(2011-06-23 06:27:37)
挑撥黑了蛋白質 擔當責任不擔擱 抵擋當年蘆蕩火 掂算開店頭顛破
抖摟背包上陡坡 奪冠不可躲戰火 扼喉遏製勢力惡 拱手讓人攻克破
拂袖而去不扶助 俯首帖耳來撫摩 摧殘畫家人憔悴 搞好稿子告訴我
secret in this doggerel 0.3萬美元 award
This artist separates (septal 隔膜的)from the critics so the sensible error of "sepulcher 墳墓" is the natural sequel of this event.
May the Queen family returns to serenity. Kate portrait
凍糷盞ガ?獶ガ 1,2 繭籲π︾礶い︾ 3
候ō?︾?︾胦 4,5 そ??布ぃ?カ 4
㏑笲ぇ?盽家絢 6,1 ︾?瘮ガ獽?? 2,7,4 ユ硄局峨?潮? 8,9
?︾?璓超輥迭 10,4 -------------- ?狹皊?皊煎稵 5 English words 2011-06-23 08:08:11
?狹皊?皊煎稵冠冠臩?恥ㄢ? 咎戴辨瑲琌?┤ ?恥荷??罺硓 5 English words -------------- ぃ瑈琌猟猦 1-2 English words ぃ瑈琌猟猦瑈?琌?匪ぃ刪?瑌話ぃ埃胊習? ぃ蛻矰?ブ ō炒絕辨? 籊ψ?ì堡輕視拋棄ぇ ------------------- ?涼 vs.↖悶, desolet vs. dreary, secret discoved. 2011-06-19 09:38:54 ?
涼對↖悶稺張對↖著 ?廢對?ノ ?誕對タ寫 ?波對實踐 ?瞉對貞間 ?謎從?稈簡て??別 2011.6.18 Marked PU 618 event 45 years I discoved the secret of that how to analyze I discoved the secret of that how to analyze ?涼 vs.↖悶,etc...my future book will disclose it. this is my gift to my father, ... ---------------- ?р??さ?懾 18+2 English words 2011-06-18 09:25:35
рさぱ?は?娩 ?硄磕?祔稬跑 ?р??さ?泥 さ????纞捧 ?候????警 ????さ祇瞷 ??筽?さ∕﹚ ?Юぺ?跑じン ?秈??さ╇痙 ??甊?さ?? ?и??さ露笵 ?σ剛?伐癚菇 さ礚ら?は籊籯 ??ら?Τさぱ さら芠├?鑼跑幢硑らる傳穝ぱ ------------------- ??潰逼? 2011-06-23 05:35:15 ?
?潰逼? ?臕癦?礚睛〓? ??ň?? ???摧逞狥﹁綾?盽箂床蟲計ゼゲΤ? ぁ碿窣?┣ ?礹ㄌ綼璸˙竟ゴ饅ぶ訣穦擊腫??畉缽 8+ English words