移居思兵役也須大動幹戈 5 English words
(2011-05-29 18:49:26)
移居思兵役(也須大動幹戈) 1,2
戰鬥去溫柔除盡膽小陳腐 2,3,4,5
這種情況並不能使歐洲人中立,也並不意味著,如果真的大動幹戈,歐洲人會袖手旁觀,但這的確意味著,如果決定要甘冒與俄國動手的危險,對歐洲人來說比對美國人來說,要困難百分之X(是25%,還是50%? )。
That does not make them neutralists, and it does not mean they will not be there if push comes to shove, but it does mean that every decision which means taking a risk with Russia is x% harder for Europeans (25% harder? 50%) than it is for Americans.