吉光片羽 (6) Operation PTJM
(2011-02-08 09:44:25)
My new year's plan is Operation PTJM, this code name stands for four persons I am seeking for advices, no organizations involved. Just a coincidence, the order is better in PTJ-M.In a form of word play: I'm reaching out in order to be rich in resource, I plan for more visiting to catch a vitals for me at this critical moment.In a church I took a look at a blueprint of a expantion construction with a schedule, which I rarely used for my works. I try to map out a rough plan from this inspiration:100 daysA1-a. PJ....Feb.8-9, complete an 1000 words proposalFeb.8-28, sortingCompleted date:1-b. 2 Publishing houses2-a. T....Feb.10-11,2-b. Pub. houses3-a M and G.P. Feb.183-b Dead line for a portrait: Mar.30B.Second round of communications, Mar.8-18Among 1-3. omit oneC.Final communication before May 10th, completeomit two of them.Content;proposalreferencessample of a paragraph