老鼠混同正確 視覺銳敏牛眼 老虎不知疲倦 兔子迅速逃竄 龍王驅走幹旱 蛇女舒適溫暖 蠢驢追求美女 淫羊刺激尋歡 金猴清除贓物 金雞極度快感 古狗收集資料 胖豬工作不倦 24 eNGLISH WORDS
王者一貫三 I may use it loosely for my new tip--to combine three or more paying of bill in one day so to avoid a lapse.
春蟲(蠢) 2 English words
a rabbit caught in the headlights 驚兔呆立。pulled a rabbit out of a hat 想出辦法, mad as a March hare. 把我逼瘋 to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. 兩邊討好, rabbits on. 說個不停。