2010 (840)
2011 (629)
2012 (247)
2013 (653)
2014 (1463)
2015 (155)
2016 (265)
2017 (251)
屢次三番敗....again and again 屢教仍不改...refuse to mend one's ways despite repeated admonition
屢見不鮮事...common occurence 驢打滾逼債...snowballing usury
曾步履維艱...hobble along 今步履輕盈...
綠燈通行時 仍當履薄冰...as if walking on thin ice
深思熟慮後....careful consideration千慮一得之
屢試而不爽...time-tested 旅進旅退無...have definite views of one's own
嚴以律己難...be strict with oneself, 驢唇馬嘴碰...donkys' lips bump horses' jaws
黔驢常技窮....has exhausted its tricks, 不綠又見棕
唐璜躺著說謊...6+ English words (2011-01-24
唐璜躺著說謊 知道女人所在?
誹謗放蕩惡言傷 淫蕩好色揭蓋 li-