凶惡 VS.凶猛..........EBTT--50
(2010-11-20 11:25:03)
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Confucius passed by the side of Mount Tai, a woman crying in the tomb looks very sad. Kong Zi rose against the crossbar, sending the woman Zi Lu to Information. Confucius said: Do you crying so sadly, seems to have very sad thing. The woman said: My father was the tiger to eat, my husband was eating tigers, and now my son was eating tiger . Confucius asks: Why do not you leave here? the woman replied: (There) is no harsh tyranny. Confucius said: The students remember the harsh tyranny of the ferocious than the tiger but also terrible.
Confucius over the side of Mount Tai, a woman who cried at the tomb of the grief. Master-type and listen, so Zi Lu asked the, said: Son of crying, One who seems heavy with worry. And said: Ran. Formerly, my uncle died of the tiger, my husband also died Yan, Wu Zi and death Yan. Master asked: What do not they? said: No tyranny. Master said: Kid-sighted, tyranny is fiercer than a tiger also.
Here are two words 凶惡 and 凶暴, I may say comparable to tiger vs. dragon
凶惡凶猛 are nature of ferocious animal, since it is inhuman, they don\'t celebrate Thanksgiving, but as in Lu Xun\'s poem:知否興風狂嘯者,回眸時看小於菟.正是希望革命後代也能如自己那樣勇猛,那樣興風狂嘯,像一隻小老虎.
So 凶猛 is more positive than 凶暴 . Tiger is better than dragon, the later is an evil symbol in western culture.
凶暴,凶狠殘暴fierce and brutal;malignant;ruthless;implacable, may used to describe Pol Pot who killed over million of his own people.
So, 兩害相權取其輕 The least of two evils.兩利相權取其重The best of two options. Choose the least of two evils and the best of two options.