(2010-08-23 19:11:37)
特技書畫--可以特別部位持筆,開始練習,還有鍛鍊身體效果,爭取進一步完美. 2.26.2013
Stunt calligraphy - can hold a brush by special parts , and began to practice, as well as exercise effect, seek to further perfect.
做了自辱事 不敢威脅人 如此膽怯者 母牛羞與群 彼畜比喻人
購衣特號人 此鳥又是鐵 鐵挺為撬棍 大小固有別 色厲竟相同 (3 E.words contains 4 letters maximum)
_:mad: Does something of self-humiliation, /Not dare to threat others/Such a timid person, whom even cows are shamed by being with
A fat person is likened to this livestock /This bird is also iron /Iron stand is the crowbar/Although their sizes differ/but fierce of mien is the same