别有感觸: 我的一位亲戚当选水仙花皇後
(2010-08-21 18:27:25)
??一月兰花神屈原 他亲手在家“滋兰九畹,树蕙百亩”,把爱国热情寄托於兰花,並赞兰花“幽而有芳”,且常身佩兰花,故後人把兰花视为“花中君子”和“国香”,把兰花作为高尚氣节和纯真友谊的象征。
??二月梅花神林逋 他终生无官、无妻、无子,隐居西湖孤山,植梅为妻,畜鹤为子。他的“疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏”诗句,被赞为神来之笔。梅花被誉为“国魂”和“花魁”,把它视为敢为天下先優秀品德的象征。
??三月桃花神皮日休 他在《桃花赋》,赞扬桃花为“艳中之艳,花中之花”,並以古代许多美人作比拟,使人见了桃花,犹如见到美人。由此桃花常被作为吉祥美好、美满爱情的象征。
??四月牡丹花神欧阳修 他遍历洛阳城中十九个花园,寻觅牡丹佳品,写有我国第一部栽培牡丹的书《洛阳牡丹记》。牡丹花朵硕大,花容端丽,素有“花中王”之称,後人把它作为“繁荣富强,和平幸福”的象征。
??五月芍药花神苏东坡 他赞“扬州芍药为天下之冠”,任扬州太守时,看到官方举办“丌花会”,损害芍药,滋擾百姓,便下令废除“丌花会”,受到百姓拥护。芍药是表示相互的爱情和友谊的象征。
??六月石榴花神江淹 他写《石榴颂》雲∶“美木艳树,谁望谁待?┅┅照烈泉石,芳披山海。奇丽不移,霜雪空改。”石榴“千房同膜,十子如一”,成熟後微微绽开一点红唇兒,笑向人间,所以人们常以石榴作礼品,祝其子孙发达、前程无量。
??七月荷花神周敦颐 他的散文《爱莲说》高度赞扬荷花品種∶“出汙泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,中通外直,不蔓不枝,香远益清,亭亭净植,可远观而不可亵玩焉。”莲花成为廉潔清正,不同流合汙的道理规範的化身。
??八月紫薇花神杨丌裏 他咏紫薇雲∶“谁道花无百日红,紫薇长放半年花。”道出了紫薇優於百花的特色。
??九月桂花神洪 他对桂花情真意切,咏诗道∶“风流直欲占秋光,叶底深藏粟蕊黄。共道幽香闻十裏,绝如芳誉亘千乡。”我国人民向来用桂花表示友好、和平和吉祥如意,青年男女则以桂花表示爱慕之情。
??十月芙蓉花神範成大 晚年居故裏苏州,随地就势誅亭建榭,遍種芙蓉,写有《携家石湖拒霜》、《窗前木芙蓉》等赞美芙蓉,後人谓芙蓉二妙∶美在照水,德在拒霜。民间视其为夫妻团圆之物。
??十一月菊花神陶潜 弃官归隐庐山後,種菊吟诗自娱。“采菊东篪下,悠然见南山。”他是第一位颂扬菊花为“霜下傑”的人。“一从陶令评章後,千古高风说到今”,菊花已成为坚不可摧充满生命活力的象征。
??十二月水仙花神高似 孙他写的水仙花前赋後赋千餘言,把水仙花描写得十分美丽可爱,现人们还以水仙为“纯潔爱情”的化身。
??一月 梅花 江采蘋
??江采蘋,即梅妃,出生於福建莆田江东村,唐玄宗开元中,太监高力士出使到福建、广东一带,见到豐神楚楚、秀骨姗姗的江采蘋,就收她选入宫中服侍唐玄宗,大受宠幸,唐玄宗自得江采蘋,视宫中粉黛如尘土。江采蘋癖爱梅花,所居之处遍植梅树,唐玄宗戏名曰梅妃。唐玄宗曾当着诸王麵称赞梅妃“吹白玉笛,作《 鸿舞》,一座光辉”。後来因杨贵妃的出现,梅妃失宠,孤寂而终。
??二月 杏花 杨玉环
??三月 桃花 戈小娥
??四月 牡丹 丽娟
??五月 石榴 公孙氏
??公孙大娘,唐代最傑出的舞蹈家之一,以舞《剑器》而闻名於世。她在继承传统剑舞的基础上,创造了多種《剑器》舞,如《西河剑器》,《剑器浑脱》等。唐代著名诗人杜甫描叙她的剑舞道∶“昔有佳人公孙氏,一舞剑器动四方。观者如山色沮丧,天地为之久低昂。霍如羿射九日落,矫如群帝骖龙翔。来如雷霆收震怒,罢如江海凝清光。”?说草 张旭的狂草书就是从她的剑舞中获得的灵感。
??六月 莲花 西施
??七月 玉簪花 李夫人
??八月 桂花 绿珠
??九月 菊花 梁红玉
??梁红玉,宋抗金名将韩世忠之妻,其人见识不凡,胆略过人。曾星夜抱子驰马奔赴秀州知会韩世忠回京城勤王,平定苗傅等人的叛乱,得封安国夫人。韩世忠與金国大将金兀术大战於黄天荡,梁红玉一身戎装亲於战舰之上击鼓助威,进而大获全 。後宋高宗聽信秦桧谗言,以“莫须有”的罪名杀害名将嶽飞,为之抱不平的韩世忠也被罢去兵权,被封为成安郡王。韩世忠愤然辞官,與梁红玉归隐杭州西湖,死後夫妻合葬於苏堤灵岩山下。
??十月 芙蓉 貂蝉
??十一月 山茶花 王昭君
??王昭君,姓王名嫱,南郡秭归人。汉元帝时以“良家子”入选掖庭。传因不肯贿赂画师毛延寿,毛延寿便在她的画像上点上丧夫落泪痣,自此一直无缘君麵。时呼韩邪来朝,帝敕以五女赐之。王昭君入宫数年,不得见禦,积悲怨,乃请掖庭令求行。呼韩邪临辞大会,帝召五女以示之。昭君豐容靓饰,光明汉宫,顾影徘徊,竦动左右。帝见大 ,意欲留之,而难於失信,遂與匈奴。後呼韩邪单於亡故,昭君按照匈奴“父死,妻其後母”的风俗,继嫁予呼韩邪的长子複株累单於雕陶莫皋。
??十二月 水仙 甄宓
??甄宓,生於汉光和五年,三岁失父,九岁喜书,视字辄识。十餘岁时,天下动乱,又逢饥馑,甄家广有储穀,甄宓劝母亲将穀物赈济亲族邻裏,广施恩惠,得举家称善。汉献帝建安年间,袁绍之子袁熙聘娶甄宓为妻。及曹操平定冀州,攻破邺城,曹丕纳其为夫人,生曹睿及东乡公主。黄初元年曹丕在洛阳登基,史称魏文帝,汉献帝进献郭氏、李氏为嫔妃,二妃受宠,甄後失意,有怨言,曹丕大怒,於黄初二年六月派人赐死甄後,葬於邺城。魏明帝曹睿即位後, 谥她为文昭皇後。
??正月梅花花神----- ?说是北宋诗人林逋,他隐居於西湖孤山,终生不仕。一说是明代戏曲牡丹亭中柳梦梅,
??二月杏花花神----- ?说是键人氏,他教人取枣杏之火煮食。一说为杨玉环,安禄山之乱平息後,玄宗欲移葬
??三月桃花花神----- ?说是北宋杨家将之一的杨延昭,他守边二十年,屡破契丹军。可能是他抵紧外寇就像桃
??四月牡丹花神----- ?说为曾写下多首牡丹诗的唐代诗仙李白。
??五月石榴花神----- ?说为从西域取回石榴的张春。一说为钟馗,因石榴花开时正籍端午,每家多贴钟馗以辟
??六月荷花花神----- ?说为西施曾在苏州锦帆径留下采莲的故迹。
??七月玉簪花神----- ?说是汉武帝宠幸的李夫人,因为她平时常插一朵玉簪花於鬓旁。
??八月桂花花神----- ?说是五代的窦禹钧。他教子有方,五个兒子皆为达官显臣,放他们父子被誉为“灵椿一
??九月菊花花神----- ?说为陶渊明,这位东晋田园诗人以菊花为友,曾写下很多咏菊的诗句。以这位高节的隐
??十月兰花花神----- ?说为战国时楚国大诗人屈原,他在 骚中曾以兰蕙自喻。他深爱国家,但见朝政腐败而
??十一月水仙花花神-- ?说指洛神。由於水仙花生於水边,其姿态飘逸清雅,有若淩波仙子,所以人们以洛神为
??十二月臘梅花神--- ?说是宋代的苏东坡及黄庭坚。因为他们倡议将黄梅改称为臘梅。
About 12 spent five claims of God
12 Flora claim a
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Popular Communication is the Lunar Flowers on February 12 birthday. Qing Cai Yun a poem: flowers birthday Auspicious not until the spring to spend half the DPRK; purpurin thousands of Phi Fairview, yet workers dotted He spent God. Talked about is the birthday flowers bloom as the flower of God sight.
Calligrapher history interesting and chant flowers, came up with many interesting anecdotes to, thus giving birth to 12 months out of the flower god. Is the so-called day with flowers, flowering month of God, the.
January orchids God Yuan He personally at home, Zi Lan Jiuwan tree LOH mu, the patriotic fervor in the hands of orchids and orchid praise quiet and Youfang, often with body Perrin flowers, so future generations to orchids as Flowers in the Gentleman and the Hong, the orchid as a noble symbol of integrity and pure friendship.
February plum God no official Lin Bu his life, no wife, no children, seclusion Lake Gushan, wife of Mei, animal crane for the child. His Sparse crossfall water clean and shallow, subtle fragrance floats evening, a poem, was praised as the flash in the pan. Plum as the national spirit and courtesan, Dare to it as a symbol of good moral character.
God Pi Rixiu his March Peach Peach Fu, praised the Peach Blossom as Yan of the Yan, the flower of flowers, and in ancient times, many Americans as analogy, people met with peach, like to see the beauty. This peach is often as good luck, happy symbol of love.
God Xiu April Peony in Luoyang city he traverses 19, Garden, looking for peony to share and read, my first peony cultivars book Luoyang Peony. Peony flowers large, Huarongduanli, known as the king of flowers, said, future generations to it as prosperity, peace and happiness symbol.
May peony flower Su He praised God for the world highest, Yangzhou peony when any of Yangzhou Prefecture, see the official host, 10000 Flower peony damage, nuisance people, they ordered the abolition of 10000 Flower by the people support. Peony is said that mutual love and a symbol of friendship.
Jiang Yan Jun pomegranate God he wrote, Pomegranate Song goes: U.S. wood tree Yan, who hope to be who? ... ... According to strong Tanzanite, Fang Phi mountain and sea. The strange and beautiful unwavering, frost air change. Pomegranate 1000 Housing with the membrane, 10 sub-one , ripe red lips slightly blooming little children, laugh to the world, so people often make pomegranate gift, Zhu Qizi Sun developed, future limitless.
God lotus July yi his essay Reminiscence highly commended lotus varieties: the mud without being contaminated, wash clean ripple without demon, in foreign direct links, not spread without branches, Hong Yuan Yi Qing, Tingting net planting can not fondle a distance, and Yan. Lotus to become honest and clean, not the incarnation of evil deeds of truth standard.
August Myrtle Lagerstroemia Flora Yong Yang Wanli he goes: Who Road, withered red, put half a year to spend a long crape myrtle. Revealed the crape myrtle is better than the characteristics of flowers.
September Osmanthus Osmanthus God, his sincere Hung appropriate, Wing-sie: The Merry Straight To account for Autumn, the bottom of deep yellow millet core. Co-channel fragrance smell for miles and never as Fang Yu Gen 1000 Township. Our people have always Osmanthus said with a friendly, peaceful and good luck, young men and women express love for Zeyi osmanthus.
October Hibiscus hometown of God Fan Chengda old age home in Suzhou, anywhere on the potential construction of pavilion building kiosks, over the species of hibiscus, wrote a bring home to resist frost Shek Wu, window Hibiscus mutabilis and praise hibiscus, Hibiscus Ermiao posterity that: According to the water in the United States and Germany in resisting frost. Private view them as husband and wife reunited things.
November Chrysanthemum Tao Qian official position hermit Lushan God, the kind of poetry and self-entertainment chrysanthemum. Picking Chrysanthemum eastern fence, find it a pleasure to see the mountain. He was the first tribute chrysanthemum frost Jie people. A chapter from the Tao that assessment, the age-old said the high winds today, chrysanthemum has become a symbol of indestructible full of vitality.
December Narcissus Sun appears high God daffodils before he wrote after Fu Fu thousand words, the very beautiful and lovely daffodil description, are people still in the narcissus as pure love in disguise.
12 Flora argument 2
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Jan Plum Jiang Tsai-ping
Jiang Tsai-ping, that Mei Fei, born in Fujian Province and Jiangdong Village, Emperor Xuan, the eunuch Gao Lishi ambassador to Fujian and Guangdong, see Feng Shen spotlessly clean, show bone Shanshan Jiang Tsai-ping, on the electoral palace in her serve receive Emperor, seriously concubine, Emperor contented Jiang Tsai-ping, as the palace Prostitute as dust. Jiang Tsai-ping addiction love plum, plum trees planted between the home, Emperor opera sounding name Mei Fei. Emperor has praised the presence of kings face Mei Fei, blow the White Yudi, as caught a Dance , a brilliant. Yang Yuhuan was due to the emergence of Mei Fei fell out of favor, loneliness and eventually died.
February Heng Fa Chuen Yang Yuhuan
Yang Yuhuan, China, one of the four beautiful women, natural beauty, character Yuen Shun, good command of music, good at singing and dancing, and good playing the pipa. Tempo four years, the daughter of Emperor register to Wei Zhao Xun Li for the life after the princess, then register for the concubine Yang Yuhuan Li. She has since brought to the palace, following the feudal court system, but the court asked politics, power struggle is not to intervene in order to tame their own charm and extraordinary musical talent every possible way by the reign of favor, though Zengyin jealousy and anger reign, so that sent the eviction of two, also the palace and the An Lushan affair, but in the end is still hard to let go of her reign. Until the Rebellion, Emperor Yang Yuhuan West to escape with only in maweipo soldiers remonstrance, the Concubine Yang was forced to Prince in the annual party 38 years old.
Ge Xiao E, March Peach
Ge Xiao E, Yuan Shun, who favored the Ella, flushed Yen as drunk, but Fubaisiyu, the water seems to peach with dew, the more growth charming, Emperor Yu says: This yao Peach women also. Due to call for race Peach Lady.
April Peony Lijuan
Lijuan, Emperor Wudi who fortunately Palace. Yuji soft, inflatable, such as orchids, irises and orchids Dianpang taste in the song back wind of music, whom turn over court in the tree flowers, is called Qu court fly.
May\'s pomegranate Gongsun
Gongsun ma\'am, one of Tang\'s most outstanding dancers to dance the Sabre which is famous for. She inherited the basis of the traditional sword dance, creating a variety of Sabre dance, such as River sword and A sword device Hun off and so on. Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu depicts her sword dance: The Xi You beautiful woman Gongsun\'s, a Dynamic and four sword. Mountains viewer, such as depression, low earth whom long-Ang. Huo Yi shot nine as the sun, such as correction Kwan Tai Lung Cheung Can. to receive angry as thunder, strike like Jianghai coagulation clear light. mad cursive is said to Cao Sheng Zhang Xu is the sword dance from her to get inspiration.
Xi Shi Jun Lotus
Xi Shi, the first of the four beauties of China. Formerly known as Shi Yi light, Zhuji Boehmeria nivea Boehmeria nivea dill dill mountain village Wun Sha women, natural beauty, exquisite endowment, according to legend even frown Fuxiong morbid, is also the imitation of female neighbors, and therefore, mere copycat, the story. Zionist plot revenge after Goujian be elected from the training of civil evacuation and King Wu, to indulge in sex, regardless of affairs of state, and finally perished in the road to doom. After the fall of legend, Wu Shih Tzu with the boat riding the Pan-Fan Li lakes away.
July Hosta flowers Mrs. Lee
Lee, the late Emperor\'s most beloved wife. Court musicians Li Yannian good command of music, drew much Emperor favor, on the 1st for song the North, beautiful woman in the former emperor, Emperor Wu of smell can not help but sigh, said: How can you sing the world the kind of beautiful woman? Princess Pingyang aside try to figure out that the song implies, taking advantage of the said: The sickness of the little sister, Empress Dowager\'s masterpiece is a beautiful woman. Emperor Wu heart of a dynamic, Li Zhao Wei Fei Li palace satisfied his. Thus Lee Chong Guan Temple, No. Mrs. Lee. Mrs Lee was seriously ill after, died Emperor refused to see her, to maintain the good image of the Emperor Wu of her mind, after death following the imperial family to enjoy the peaceful and rich.
Aug role in today Osmanthus
Role in today, the legendary former surname Liang, students in the state in the white double-angle foot, good flute. Shichong to Cochin interview so wealthy, the demand here especially to the local prefect role in today to return, prefect offer for a fight pearl, pearl Shichong to 10 cups of a slip of the hands got changed role in today, then the stone house Jingu re-sound, pearl 10 Gok Buy Painting sentence. Shichong man Jiaoshe unassuming, extremely pet role in today. Shichong dependent of the court after the forces of Mi Jia Bei Zhu, Shichong be removed from office, has role in today\'s SUN Xiu-coveted role in today refused to Shichong request, he came and made the ruling Zhao Wanglun Heaven\'s Shichong. Kill Bingzhi, Shichong on the role in today sigh, said: I am Guilty of State today to carry on. Role in today tears: The monarch is willing to die before the effect. Then falls to death.
Sep Chrysanthemum Liang Hongyu
Liang Hongyu, Song Han Shizhong anti gold star wife, their human experience extraordinary, extraordinary courage. Starry Night spores gallop has rushed back to show the state informed the Han Shizhong Beijing loyalist, put down the rebellion Miao Fu and others, who may seal An Guofu. Han Shizhong and general Jin Jin Huang Wu Shu World War in the swing, Liang Hongyu a pro-military uniform cheer on warship on drums, and then victory. Qin Hui calumny after Gaozong listen to unwarranted charges killed famous Yue Fei, whom disaffected Han Shizhong also stop to military power, was given the title as security Dukes. Han Shizhong angrily resign, and Liang Hongyu Retire Hangzhou West Lake, after the death of husband and wife buried together at the foot of Sudi Lingyan.
October Hibiscus Diao Chan
Diao Chan, Wang Yun Han Dynasty Stuart House showgirl. When Dong Zhuo and bring disaster on the capital, Wang Yun then set a comic account: first secretly promised to Lu Bu Diao Chan, and then offered to Dong Ming. Against Dong Zhuo Diao Chan Lu Bu into the government revenue as Ji disgruntled. Day, Lu Bu Dong Zhuo towards a ride when the government probe into Dong Zhuo Diao Chan, and invited Phoenix Pavilion meet, see Lu Bu Diao Chan, Dong Zhuo pretend to cry occupied by the pain, anger Lü Bu. Then back to the government and saw Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu\'s Fangtianhuaji anger and overpowered, perpendicularly Lu Bu, Lu Bu sideways to escape from two mutual suspicion, Wang Yun took the opportunity to persuade Lu Bu, Dong Zhuo eradicated. Descendants Weici said: Stuart Miaosuan care maiden\'s red dress, no arms no soldiers. Hulao only three war effort, they played the Phoenix Pavilion song of victory.
November camellia Zhaojun
Wang Zhaojun, were named Wang Qiang, Shire Zigui people. When Emperor Yuan of Liang Jiazi selected Ye Ting. Biography for having refused to bribe the portrait master Mao Yanshou, Mao Yanshou her portrait will point widowed tears mole, has been missed since Jun surface. When Hu Hanxie to the DPRK, Royal Edict in five women is giving. Wang Zhaojun palace for several years, may not see the Imperial, plot Sad, is seeking orders please Yeting line. Hu Hanxie Pro address the General Assembly, Di Zhao of five women to show. Zhao Junfeng Rong Liang decorated, bright Palace, Gu shadow hovering, anxious about. Emperor See Shocked, the desire to stay, but difficult to break its promise, then with the Hun. Hu Hanxie Chanyu after death, Zhaojun in accordance with the Huns, Fusi, his wife was home, the custom, after the eldest son married to Hu Hanxie complex strains tired Chanyu carving Thamo Gao.
December Narcissus Chen Mi
Chen Mi, was born in Han Kuang and five-year-old lost father, old hi book, as the word to frequently know. More than ten years old, the world is chaos, has stimulated famine, grain storage Guang Chen family, Chen Mi relief relatives persuaded her mother to the neighborhood of grain, wide obligation put, his family said was good. Emperor Xian of Han Jian years, Yuan Shao\'s son Yuan Xi Chen Mi engaged to marry a wife. And Cao Cao put down Jizhou, break Ye City, Pi incorporated it as his wife, Princess Health beware and Togo. The beginning of the first year of Huang Pi ascended the throne in Luoyang, the history Wei Wendi, Emperor Xian of Han Jin Xian Kuo, Lee as concubines, two imperial concubines favored, after screening frustrated, complaining, Cao Pi was furious first two days in June sent in yellow Prince in Chen, the buried city of Ye. Emperor Ming Cao Rui\'s reign, posthumous her Zhen Luo.
12 Flora argument 3
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Plum first month - Shouyang Princess
February apricot - Concubine Yang,
March Peach - Interest wife
April Peony - Li Bai
May Pomegranate - Chung Road,
Jun Lotus - Xi Shi,
July hollyhock - Mrs Lee,
August Osmanthus - Xu Hui,
September Chrysanthemum - Tao,
October Hibiscus mutabilis - Shiman Qing,
November camellia - Bai,
Wax on Narcissus - E Wong and female English.
12 Flora argument 4
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----- The first month of God is said plum flower Song poet Lin Bu, his seclusion in the West Lake Gushan, life neither an Official. One said to the Ming Dynasty opera The Peony pavilion Liu Mengmei,
In the dream, he saw the situation in the plum tree died Du, was Du Revival and Liu dream combination a success
Tortuous marriage.
----- February apricot flower is said to be key native of God, he teaches people to take dates apricot cooking fire. One said to Yang Yuhuan, An Lushan Rebellion died down, reign want reburial
Royal, the whole slope of the next forest apricot ghost horse, so future generations in order to Heng Fa Chuen Flora Yang Yuhuan.
----- March peach flower God is said to be one of the Yangs Song Yang Yanzhao, he Shoubian two decades, repeatedly breaking Khitan army. He arrived in tight Waikou might like peach
A tree can expel evil fierce as it was labeled peach Flora. Cui Tang dynasty poet, a reform that, because he wrote people do not face
Know where to go, Love and be loved, the famous.
April Peony ----- God is said to have written more for the first poem of the Tang Dynasty Shixian Peony Li Bai.
May God ----- pomegranate is said to recover from the Western Regions Zhang pomegranate. One that is Zhong Kui, opening hours, membership for the Dragon Boat Festival pomegranate, each multi-posted to the provision of Zhong Kui
Evil, so any relationship between pomegranate and Zhong Kui.
June lotus flower is said that the beauties of God ----- Suzhou Jin Fan Drive to stay in it traces were spectators.
----- July Hosta is said Flora Lee Han concubine wife, because she often inserted a Hosta usually spent in the temple next to the.
----- August Osmanthus Flower God is said to Yu Jun sinus Five. He encouraging parent, five sons are all high places were ministers, let them father and son known as Ling Chun-an
Strains of old, Tan Kwai Fong 5. Another said that the Western Jin Dynasty role in today Jingzhou Shishi Chong\'s wife, her good flute and beautiful. ZHAO Zheng Sima
SUN Xiu-Lun\'s party won the role in today wife wanted to, cause for the King of Zhao Shichong killed by falling role in today for Love. Yu Guihua the scattered people to
Role in today, and closed her osmanthus flower of God.
----- September chrysanthemum flower God said to the Tao, the Eastern pastoral poet, daisy-friendly, Yong Ju, who wrote many verses. Implicit in the high section
Persons as representatives to spend a recluse, the most it is appropriate, however.
----- October Autumn Harvest God for the Warring States Period, Chu said to the great poet Qu Yuan, he used the saying in Sao Cymbidium speaks for itself. His beloved country, the whole royal government corruption
His political ideals and can not achieve the vote in tears Lo river.
November Narcissus Flower God - is said to refer to Roselle. As Narcissus was born in Pin, the elegant and graceful posture, if it floats on the waves with the fairies, so people in Roselle for the
Narcissus flower of God.
Flowers bloom in December --- God is said to be Su Song and Huang Ting. They renamed the initiative will apricot bloom.
12 Flora claim 5
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Flower Culture in China, a long gradually formed some of the traditional and magical practices, and to worship according to the different levels of various flowers, and gradually evolved into a flower of God, and according to their flowering habits to represent the different months. By month in China there are 12 flora and 11 species were spent.
The first month: Liu Mengmei, plum
February: Yang Yuhuan, Heng Fa Chuen
March: Yangyan Zhao, Peach Blossom
April: Zhang Lihua, roses
May: Zhong Kui, the pomegranate
June: Xi Shi, Lotus
July: Shichong wind, daffodils
August: role in today, Osmanthus fragrans
September: Tao, chrysanthemum
October: Xie Suqiu, Hibiscus
November: White Lotte, camellia
December: Old Order woman, plum blossom