

(2009-05-31 18:06:47) 下一個
車牽長列無花樣, (train)   氣吹一團自吹捧, (xx from a train)  盛氣淩人為何物?   煙霧散盡何處尋.
(2 English words from a same page of dict...)   Answer: pull, puff

A 3 years old India girl smashes stone to support...2009-06-01
I hope that chilled child can get shield.
I wish that bony girl no longer be chilly,
but become cute and happy...

Be all smiles, I do have a gift to
the children of the world,
but this picture is a gift I'll keep.
To work harder because I imagine
that child is laboring for me.

單調板滯客索然  爛畫應拋垃圾堆  甜香愉悅客喜愛  佳畫應歸公爵公   (5 English words from a same page)
冬風吹得尿壺響,尿壺獨奏是原創,嚇得勃事後尿了炕,罪犯的尿用不上  (尋3個有關聯的英語單詞)2009-07-03
英名半相同,..........,一個飛流下,一個織雲紋. (2 E.words and names)
貂進頂 玉環圓(滿) 至高昭 西璽冕   (guess an English word)  至高?上的; 登峰造極的  頂部的   圓(滿)

(ID) 扮演先帝劉玄德, 隨員全體上馬車, 智力資質訓練足, 資產豈隻化妝盒. (guess a Chinese words--chizhu, 3 English words)
Y   遊有幼,遊有右,遊有由,遊有油,遊有友
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