不熟悉中國近代史的美國人可能不知道,黃海其實也是中華民族的傷心之海。在 100 多年的 1894 年 9 月中旬,正是在黃海,日本海軍重創清朝的北洋水師,從而揭開了中國對日作戰 50 年不勝,割台灣等地,賠巨額錢款的曆史序幕。可以說,今天的台灣問題正是源起於當年的黃海海戰完敗。
此次美航母來黃海軍演的風聲早就傳出來了,但時間上一改再改,從六月到七月,美國航母如大家閨秀般,千呼萬喚不出來,可能是在考量我方的反應再行斟酌。據報道, 韓聯社 7 月 11 日援引韓國軍方高級消息人士的話說,韓美當局已商定在 7 月內實施黃海聯合軍演,但美國航母是否參加軍演 “ 尚未被確定 ” , “ 韓美當局正就此進行商討 ” 。現在看來, 美國航母到底還來不來,到底什麽時候來,恐怕隻有美國軍方心裏最清楚。
不過,美國航母雖然迄今為止還未現身,但美國海軍的其它艦艇並未閑著,前幾天,美國 《時代》雜誌 (Time) 就報道說,三艘美軍「俄亥俄」級核潛艇 6 月 28 日突然同時在亞洲東部和南部中國周邊三個地方現身。分析人士指出,原本隻在大洋中「神出鬼沒」,三艘極少拋頭露麵的「俄亥俄」級核動力潛艇的「集體亮相」,旨在向亞洲各國尤其是中國展示美軍在太平洋的實力依然強大得 “不容忽視”。這種核潛艇每艘可最多裝載 154 枚戰斧式 (Tomahawk) 巡航導彈,能以傳統彈頭攻擊 1000 英裏內的任何目標。
美國的網民們對此消息頗感興趣,留言達三千多條。筆者庸人自擾,選擇了一些有些代表性的留言與讀者分享(以下英文為筆者直接 copy 而來,文字中的錯字別詞筆者概不負責,括號內中文部分為筆者的翻譯或評論):
1 ) The US has paid for the military expansion in Communist China by shipping all of our manufacturing jobs out of the country and buying EVERYTHING from Communist China! Here we are with millions unemployed, open borders, so called free trade deals and still running HUGE trade deficits. When are the American sheeple going to wake up and demand a stop tho this madness? (這位老兄認為美國為中國的軍事發展買了單,美國則有了數百萬人失業,和巨額貿易赤字。美國何時能警醒而不再做這種傻事?)
2 ) This has NOTHING to do with China. North Korea now thats another matter. (這和中國無關。目標在北朝鮮。)
3 ) It is called intimidation ! Now that the Chinese had been made to feel inadequate , they will take measures to save face . We may have started an arms race . You can expect Chinese submarines to give us a similar visit in the not too far future . (這是在恐嚇!現在中國人一定感到受了侮辱,會想方設法挽回麵子。我們也許已經開始了軍備競賽。可以想見的是,中國的潛艇會在不遠的將來回訪我們。)
4 ) Want to send a message to China.Our country can't do it with military might But we can as a country.Stop buying cheap Chinese products.When I was a kid we did everything the best.Come on people we are the greatest country ever.Be Proud BUY AMERICAN. (給中國傳達信息不必用軍事手段。停止買中國的便宜產品吧。在我小的時候,我們可以製造出任何最好的東西。以買美國貨為驕傲吧。)
5 ) China will never be the villain or aggressor. They follow Sun Tzu's Art of War to the letter, they watch and react to situations, never strike first. They are already the world's super power, without firing a shot. Both economically and militarily. The U.S. needs to wake up, fix it's domestic problems, not be the World's police by spreading freedom (with bombs), then maybe we can get out of debt and be a productive nation. (中國永遠不會是侵略者。他們遵循孫子兵法,審時度勢,從不先發製人。他們不發一槍一彈,已經是世界上的超級大國,無論在經濟上還是軍事上。美國應該醒醒了,處理國內問題要緊。)
6 ) Good use of non-nuc SSBN's, nice placement and msg to China. USA is still the big boy on the block, despite the current administration. (用非核彈是個好主意。美國仍然是老大,盡管當前的政府不怎麽樣。)
7 ) Stop buying crap at WalMart that is made in China! War over! US wins! (停止買沃爾瑪來自中國的便宜貨吧!戰爭結束了!美國贏了!)
8 ) Most of us have no clues that the chinese navy have been aggressively & forcefully taken over small islands that belonged to Vietnam and aiming at other islands near the Philippines. These countries are begging for more U.S. naval presence. Howerver, U.S. ships are just like typical U.S. paper tigers, wandering around, popping up here and there and do nothing. The chinese have forced our C130 plane from the sky and took hostages and what did we do? Nil, Zip. The U.S. has already lost the cold war. The chinese is really doing "hot war" out there and no one could do anything about it. They can even buy an island if they want to. They have been looking to buy even our U.S. ports, knocking right at our doorsteps. ( 此君看來是美國憤青,對我國海軍在南海的行動頗有微詞,說美軍是典型的紙老虎,轉來轉去,光說不練。 )
9 ) This is another feel good article, probably paid for by the pentagon. Americans love thinking other countries shiver at the thought of Americas military might.
Nothing could be farther from the truth. If you brag to the Chinese about Americas military might, they will politely but gleefully remind you that they kicked America’s sorry @#$% out of North Korea in 1953, and 22 years later, they kicked America’s sorry @#$% out of Vietnam.
Chinese also smile and remind you that in both instances, the American army declared victory while they were running towards home.
Chinese are quite capable of defending themselves and have no fear at all of the American army (此君看來比較清醒,他指出中國人會說早在朝鮮戰爭和越南戰爭中,中國人就取得了勝利。美國人在聲稱自己勝利的同時,跑回了老家。中國人有能力保衛自己,根本不怕美國軍隊。)
10 ) you guys dont understand media do you? its designed to scare you, presenting all stories in worse-case scenarios. China doesn't want war, we don't want war, I'm 14!!!! and even I know this, (媒體是來嚇唬人的。中國不想要戰爭,我們也不想要戰爭。我才 14 歲,就知道這一點 --- 這個小孩還挺清醒的。)
11 ) The US Navy OWNS the Pacific!
Go US Navy! Good work! (美國海軍擁有太平洋。美國海軍大膽往前走吧!好樣的!)
12 ) They won't kill us...we owe them too much money. (他們不會殺我們的。我們欠了他們太多的錢。)
13 ) I dont know what types of weapons world war 3 will be fought with, but world war 4 will be fought with sticks and stones ---Albert Einstein (此君留下了愛因斯坦說的話:我不知道第三次世界大戰的交戰者用什麽武器,但是第四次世界大戰將用棍棒和石頭。)
14 ) Absolute insanity!
The Chinese must be laughing at our latest display of "Saber rattling".
China is definitely our greatest threat, and the country that will ultimately "conquer" us.
The way to beat to beat the US is no longer militarily; it is economically, and that is a war that we are losing badly.
Both Iraq and Afghanistan are economic disasters, with no solution in sight.
Worse yet; China is rapidly becoming the world''s Industrial Super Power with our willing assistance as American companies continue to establish Chinese based manufacturing ties, and provide the latest high tech data and knowledge.
We are truly being "sold out" from within.
The way to beat the US is to bankrupt us, and this is presently what is happening!