
記錄和分享我的所聽, 所見,所感,所想。


(2008-09-04 14:18:46) 下一個

前段時間由"子女教育"論壇的一幅帖子作了一篇相關小文,承蒙論壇內各位讀者支持,在此一並謝過。文章貼出來後收到一讀者 "悄悄話"發來的一封郵件,跟培養孩子寫作興趣有關,讀完後很受鼓舞,決定跟大家分享,願對滿有愛心,耐心,誠心和恒心的父母們有幫助。

下麵是讀者來信的原文,大意是這個媽媽為了激發女兒的寫作興趣,決定一家人一起寫家庭日記,每人每天在家庭日記裏麵寫一點東西,長短不限. 據該媽媽說效果不錯,既可以把每天發生的事情記下來又可以通過這種方式表達家人之間不常說出口的細膩微妙的情感。真是好點子! 再次感謝有心的讀者!

"Writing is truly a joy if one has a born talent and interest for it. Otherwise, it will be a painful chore. It is a challenge to help kids discover the joy of writing. Nevertheless, we, as parents, must work with our kids tirelessly on this matter as this skill is so essential and criticial in a democratic society!

My child is an average girl who is not particularly interested in writing. I have been quite at a loss as to what to do. Until recently all the things I tried were quite in vain. But a few days ago, an idea dawned upon me. We decided to start a family journal. Everyone in the family will write something in the journal every day. It can be about anything of any length! So far it has been working. We have been writing everyday together! Not only we maintain a record about our daily life, we also get to communicate some subtle feelings and emotions which are otherwise difficult to express verbally. I thought I would like to share this idea with you!

Thank you!

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