To命苦di"我招":那些辦法不是太緩就是太急. Best ways...
(2008-08-18 14:47:15)
(if you are lucky in finding the right person. Or..)
Finding another job is a too hasty solution therefore the worst. 太急.
As for taking over the position yourself - 太緩, pardon me for being honest, you seemingly are not ready. It seems you don\'t have that kind of ambition and personality to be the director. Additionally, it may not be wise to break the work-life balance you have been enjoying.
To reach the 自由王國 of delegating work to competent sub-ordinates (as uppermanagement said)(assuming you will survive to see that day), you will have to go through a hectic turmoil period of time of one year at the minimum. Besides, it seems there are few competent people in the team right now.
I suggest: look around you, inside and outside the company, to see if there is a candidate to replace the director. Recommend the person to the big boss as the replacement. The key is: this person should share the same work philosophy/ideal/style with you, and two of you know each other\'s positions. Caution: don\'t merely count on today\'s good personal relationship. You know what to do next.
Candidates I have from this forum-->
澳土: the only downside is that he will bring with him countless sexual harassment law suites.
uppermanagement: only problem is that the position probably is too low. He is already upper.
ntking: the only probelm is that the first thing he might do is to fire everyone as losers, including you.
There is another way: see if it\'s doable to spin off a portion of work from the group to place under your control --- either owned by your solely or by a very small group led by you. And you report directly to the upper.