
Positive One

(2010-03-06 19:15:04) 下一個
This is another proof that everyone can take full control of his/her own life. Although being very negative about his somehow depressing attitude last night, I finally controlled my feeling and went to our bedroom upstairs until early this morning. He was naked napping in the sofa. He looked peaceful and reacted friendly to my words. So we went to bed together.

I have to say the power of love always remains mystery to me. I was almost ready to  fight with him a couple minutes ago, but then after I hid my negative feeling and reacted to his hugs everything went nicely fine. I feel this is my adorable hubby again. He is surprisingly still hasty like in the 20's, or should I say he is not really caring about how he should make his partner happy first. Regardless of that I feel I fully enjoyed the night, because I am more open and we are able to communicate our needs without any difficulty. I would give it a B score,  A is not hard to get too but it will be too tired to get an A, B is good enough for now.

Today we went out for a walk to the park nearby. Although I am worried about the boy staying home alone, I accepted his request and it was a positive experience. I feel I am so attached to him now. Always look back to think about his sacrifice, which made the love heavier through the time.
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