
ZT:Yinu:I just spoke with 田牛媽媽 on the phone!

(2008-07-23 07:30:03) 下一個
I called 田牛媽媽 and spoke with her for 10 minutes. She sobbed(we both did) and told me that she's very grateful that there are so many people caring about her and willing to help. I can tell that she is very weak but trying her best to fight the battle. With the permission of 田牛媽媽, I have summarized her latest condition based on our conversation.

1) She is getting little bit of her appertite back and trying to eat more food(the support from all of you has given her hope and encouraged her to eat more). She mentioned she is trying to drink little bit soy milk and regular milk and eat little bit egg, chichen and meat. As she does not have stomach, she has to spend more time to chew the solid food and has to stand straight after eating and drinking(to avoid the food deposit in one part of the instestine, I think). She feels that she's gaining some ennery after eating solid food.

2) She is taking Chemo medicine in 14 days interval and the medicine makes her very drowsy, tiring and weakened. She will take a short break after 14 days. Tomorrow(July 22) is the last day of the recent round. She will then has a short window to feel better(less side effects of the medicine). I have asked if we can see her, she said 'yes' but worried that her home is a bit massy. I told her not to worry about anything else other than herself.

3) As she does not have the energy to take care 牛牛 since her surgery, 牛牛 is currently staying with her relatives back in China. She missed him terriblely and wanted to be with him...

4) They have decided to go back to China on 30th. They are currently packing and storing their belongings. They will hire moving company to help with the moving. They will leave their car in a friend's as they may not be able to sell it within such short period of time.

She mentioned that all the caring and support from this forum have given her hope and strength to fight the battle(gaining some appertite is a positive sign). She also told me that she worked for Ranch 99 for a week before she got very sick(and had to go back to China for surgery). When her colleagues learned her condition, they offered helping hands to her and her family(she was sobbing badly when she told me this). She told me that she is extremly thankful to all the people who is caring and helping her...

Here are few thoughts from me:

1) For those sisters and brothers who live nearby and want to visit 田牛媽媽, I suggest that we organize the visit instead of going seperately. I told 田牛媽媽 that I would call tomorrow to find out when we can visit. If you are interested, please give me a call at: 512-484-5293.

2) Please keep giving your words of encouragement, prayers, financial support...whatever way you can help to 田牛媽媽. Let her know that we are with her and there is hope...

I will keep you posted on the visting date.

• Thanks for sharing! -2006MOM- ♀ 給 2006MOM 發送悄悄話 2006MOM 的個人博客首頁 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 7/22/08 
• thanks for the info! agreed, people should not visit her -木墩- ♀ 給 木墩 發送悄悄話 木墩 的個人博客首頁 (19 bytes) (48 reads) 7/22/08 
• 回複:I just spoke with 田牛媽媽 on the phone! -胖大海媽- ♀ 給 胖大海媽 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (100 bytes) (192 reads) 7/22/08 
• 目前還是大家自己寄支票。 -2006MOM- ♀ 給 2006MOM 發送悄悄話 2006MOM 的個人博客首頁 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 7/22/08 
• 在文學城,好象不可以募捐。你沒看到置頂都被拿下來了嗎?((( -5月新媽- ♀ 給 5月新媽 發送悄悄話 5月新媽 的個人博客首頁 (0 bytes) (6 reads) 7/22/08 
• ????? -2006MOM- ♀ 給 2006MOM 發送悄悄話 2006MOM 的個人博客首頁 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 7/22/08 
• 回複:回複:I just spoke with 田牛媽媽 on the phone! -Yinu給 Yinu 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (57 bytes) (152 reads) 7/22/08 
• 謝謝UPDATE -重出江湖之貝貝- ♀ 給 重出江湖之貝貝 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (223 bytes) (128 reads) 7/22/08 
• This is so touching! Thanks for sharing!! -臭臭媽媽- ♀ 給 臭臭媽媽 發送悄悄話 臭臭媽媽 的個人博客首頁 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 7/22/08 
• 謝謝分享,能不能找田牛媽媽要個賬戶號,我不在美國,寄支票無法在30 -佳肥貓- ♀ 給 佳肥貓 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (58 bytes) (37 reads) 7/22/08 
• 回複:謝謝分享,能不能找田牛媽媽要個賬戶號,我不在美國,寄支票無 -Yinu給 Yinu 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (39 bytes) (94 reads) 7/22/08 
• OK, I've done it, thanks mate -佳肥貓- ♀ 給 佳肥貓 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 7/22/08 
• 祝福堅強的田牛媽媽!!! -Amy媽媽給 Amy媽媽 發送悄悄話 Amy媽媽 的個人博客首頁 (0 bytes) (6 reads) 7/22/08 
• 加油 -西風雅雅- ♀ 給 西風雅雅 發送悄悄話 西風雅雅 的個人博客首頁 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 7/22/08 
• 算我一個,等待你的消息。 -ranch99- ♀ 給 ranch99 發送悄悄話 ranch99 的個人博客首頁 (26 bytes) (47 reads) 7/22/08 
• 請問能不能給我點有關田牛媽媽病情的介紹,如果田牛媽媽願意提供的話 -繁忙的2006- ♀ 給 繁忙的2006 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (312 bytes) (218 reads) 7/22/08 
• LINK, you also can search and find more information from Tian Hu -ranch99- ♀ 給 ranch99 發送悄悄話 ranch99 的個人博客首頁 (62 bytes) (236 reads) 7/22/08 
• Thanks for sharing! -炒雞蛋- ♀ 給 炒雞蛋 發送悄悄話 炒雞蛋 的個人博客首頁 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 7/22/08 
• 田牛媽-堅強! 我相信你肯定會好的 -食指小動給 食指小動 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 7/22/08 
• 田牛媽堅強-我相信你肯定會好的 -食指小動給 食指小動 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 7/22/08 
• 還是希望用paypal,支票對我們這些不在美國的不方便 -autoplay- ♀ 給 autoplay 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 7/22/08 
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