

歌曲“小河趟水” 和“瑪依拉”的翻譯

(2008-08-11 19:31:01) 下一個



“If the river water"

is one of the most popularand famous folk songs in Yunnan Province, China. The poetic lyrics are pristine nature and full of imagination.The unforgettable beautiful Yunnan-style melodies with relative free rhythmdepict an idyllic world of the far-reaching conception with silver moonlightand surrounded by a quiet and calm environment. It is heard that only the flowing water sound of the river in thefoot of mountain. The beautifulintelligence girl "A Mei" fell down into a loving feeling for herlover,"A Ge" under the moonlight, she moved all the passionate lovingfeeling inside the touching song she sang and her deep affection would approachto the village where her lover A Ge lived along with the river water runningforward to.

瑪依拉是中國西北新疆地區一首著名的哈薩克民歌。多年來屢唱不衰。歌曲描寫了哈薩克女歌手瑪依拉傲人的表白: 人們都叫我瑪依拉,詩人瑪依拉,歌手瑪依拉。誰能來唱上一首歌比比瑪依拉。來往人們擠在我的屋簷底下,青年哈薩克人人羨慕我,知道我,從那遠山跑到了我的家。瑪依拉,瑪依拉。


is a famous Kazakhstan folk song inXinJiang Province, Northwest China area. It is so popular that were sung bylocal people years by years. The lyrics depict self-feeling of Mayila, a femalesinger of Kazakhstan. It was so proud by herself: People call me Mayila, Mayila the poet, Mayila the singer. Who will sing a song to compete with me,Mayila ? People passing by are allcrowding under my eaves, every young Kazaks admire me, know me. They run fromthe far away mountain to my home. Mayila, Mayila.

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