
蘇格蘭的第四大島Nature Eagles of Mull(2009)馬爾島之鷹mkv英語中英字

(2009-06-28 23:57:26) 下一個

◎片  名 PBS Nature Eagles of Mull
◎譯  名 馬爾島之鷹
◎年  代 2009
◎片  長 50 Mins
◎國  家 美國
◎對白語言 英語
◎字  幕 中/英文
◎編  碼 x264 + AAC
◎視頻碼率 800 kbps
◎音頻碼率 70 kbps
◎視頻尺寸 800 x 448
◎文件大小 310 MB
◎MD5值 51e5cdc4291754b9e2c53c1a3c5ad793
◎CRC值 a20572b2
◎簡  介 
馬爾島是蘇格蘭的第四大島,其300英裏的海岸線擁有豐富的物種。盡管這裏常見的動物是水獺,海豹和海豚,但馬爾島聞名於世的卻是鷹。該紀錄片通過Gordon Buchanan的視覺帶你體驗生活在馬爾島的鷹、水獺、海豹等生物的精彩瞬間~
  They say ‘There’s no place like home’ and for wildlife filmmakerGordon Buchanan, it takes more than growing up in a place to trulyappreciate its beauty. It takes coming home again. Born and raised onthe Isle of Mull off the west coast of Scotland, Buchanan set off whenhe was 17 years old in pursuit of his dream of filming the animals andnatural settings of faraway places. But presented with an opportunityto return home after 15 years abroad to film the wildlife on Mull, hewas happy for the chance to take a new look at his native land, throughhis camera lens. In the process, he found more admiration for it thanever before.
  The Isle of Mull is the fourth largest Scottishisland, and its 300-mile coastline supports a wide range of species.Although animals such as otters, seals and dolphins are often seenthere, the island is most famous for its eagles. The golden eagle, oneof the most familiar birds of the region, presents a magnificentdisplay of colorful plumage and powerful features. And anotherinhabitant is getting lots of attention — the white-tailed sea eagle,which was once extinct in the area, but has since been re-introducedand has taken up residence on Mull. It has a striking appearance, anenormous 8-foot wingspan, and impressive hunting tactics. The seaeagles can eat anything from fish to the occasional lamb, and can beseen soaring through the air with their prey dangling from their sharptalons. It’s no mystery why their growing presence has become a sourceof pride for the island. And for Buchanan, who left Mull before thebirds were re-established in the area, the eagles were an excitingaddition to his home turf.



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