Like a golden dream in my heart, ever smiling Lives the image fair of happy love I knew in days gone by Still I seem to hear your laughter beguiling
Still to see the joy The love light beaming from your radiant eye
Can my dreaming be in vain Will my love ne'er come again? Ah come! Shall we waste the golden hours of youth far apart What care I for life without you by my side
Do not delay, the hours slip away Your arms are my paradise You and only you can fill my heart
Oh, star of my heaven Come back and shed your light upon my way Come back! Come back!
“生如夏花之絢爛,死如秋葉之靜美”, 是形容生命,亦可形容愛情吧? 當一切轟轟烈烈成為過往, 我們能否坦然凝望, 那片搖曳的紅葉, 和那抹由濃轉淡的綠色, 一如憶起最初的那個吻?