Living in the sun


還是熱 (圖)

(2005-04-06 21:21:16) 下一個

今天好熱,昨晚睡得不好,總是做夢,很累很累,早上頭暈暈的,下午早早就回來了。在學校的時候也沒有怎麽學習,看了兩集康熙來了,嘉賓是徐若宣還有李紋。回家看了《下一站天後》,其實兩年前聽這首歌的時候,就決定要看得,隻是喜歡裏麵的阿s,在後台,默默的低下頭唱這首歌的情景。整個影片看過之後,又重複了看一下這個鏡頭,然後刪掉了。 晚上看了7th heaven,最後一個鏡頭看到matt來到教堂,阻止heather的婚禮,heather看到他之後,毅然的轉身,隨著matt跑掉了,心裏突然深深的感動了,咚咚的跳著,好喜歡matt啊!! 之後看了《天堂影院》,久聞大名的一部電影,現在終於有勇氣來看了,三個小時的版本,最後看到老年的多多的時候,一直很感動,心裏喉嚨裏一直哽咽著。有人為了誰而在等待和遺忘裏度過了一生? "Now I understand why the soldier went away just before the end. That's right, just one more night and the princess would have been his. But she, also, could not have kept her promise. And...that would have been terrible, he would have died from it. So instead, for ninety-nine nights at least he had lived with the illusion that she was there waiting for him..." "I didn't want anybody. I always remained faithful....That's the way I'm made, there's nothing I can do about it. ....And you're like me, you're too honest and too attached to the things you love...But I don't know if that's a good thing. Faithfulness is a bad business. If you're faithful, you're always alone!" 很遺憾我看得不是英文的版本,所以隻能看字幕,不過聽聽原聲也好。 大家都很blame老人的行為,認為他毀掉了多多一生的幸福,可是我卻覺得不是。如果多多和愛蓮娜在一起了,之後兩個人的愛情會不會天長地久呢?會不會因為現實的殘酷,差距的不可掩飾而無疾而終呢?曾經的激情總有消耗殆盡的一天。那麽多多一生就一事無成了。至少這樣的結局,多多得到的最多,他的完美的事業,還有他和愛蓮娜之間的愛情,雖然他們不能在一起,在不在一起那麽重要嗎?
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