2009 (3)
2012 (106)
2017 (164)
西方文明遊(17 ) 拜占庭帝國
意大利聖馬可教堂入口的四匹馬銅像是 1204年第四次十字軍從東正教拜占庭首都君士坦丁堡搶劫來的
The Baptism of Constantine painted by Raphael's pupils (1520–1524, fresco, Vatican City, Apostolic Palace). Eusebius of Caesarea records that, as was customary among Christian converts at the time, Constantine delayed receiving baptism until shortly before his death
Created in 1422 by Cristoforo Buondelmonti, this is the oldest surviving map of Constantinople.
The Joshua Roll, a 10th century illuminated Greek manuscript probably made in Constantinople (Vatican Library, Rome).