(2010-04-12 16:30:35)
I complained by posting at the [文學城意見區] about being offended by language used in a post ( 被黑人誣告了,怎麽辦。 有圖有真相 -dadaigou- ♀ (1178 bytes) (583 reads) 1/15/09, in [法律谘詢] ), specifically the wording "這個黑人真是無恥之極", not to mention the repetitive use of "黑人". However, the two posts I made was deleted by the 論壇管理 without any explaination.
I am seeking your opinon as to whether FCC or local human right groups or attoneys should be consulted regarding this, since you are the host of the [法律谘詢]. I believe blocking my access will only aggravate the issue. BTW, I have no personal agenda.