Aboriginal Post Secondary Education: Different Perspectives


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The Legislative Assembly of British Columbia


Outlining an Adult Literacy Strategy for British Columbians


Select Standing Committee on Education

First Report

2nd Session, 38th Parliament




Composition of the Committee
Terms of Reference
Committee Process
Defining and Measuring Adult Literacy
BC Demographic Profile
Lessons from Other Jurisdictions
Homegrown Proposals
Selected Research Documents
Appendix A: Schedule of Meetings
Appendix B: Public Hearing Witness List
Appendix C: Written Submissions


November 30, 2006


To the Honourable
Legislative Assembly of the
Province of British Columbia


Honourable Members:


I have the honour to present herewith the Report of the Select Standing Committee on Education.

The Report covers the work of the Committee in regard to its inquiry into specific strategies to address the specific challenge of adult literacy and to improve literacy rates among aboriginal people, adults who speak English as a second language, and seniors.


Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Committee,

John Nuraney, MLA




John Nuraney, MLA Chair                       Burnaby-Willingdon

Doug Routley, MLA Deputy Chair            Cowichan-Ladysmith

David Cubberley, MLA                            Saanich South

Rob Fleming, MLA                                   Victoria-Hillside

Daniel Jarvis, MLA                                  North Vancouver-Seymour

Richard T. Lee, MLA                               Burnaby North

Norm Macdonald, MLA                            Columbia River-Revelstoke

Lorne Mayencourt, MLA                         Vancouver-Burrard

Mary Polak, MLA                                     Langley

John Rustad, MLA                                   Prince George-Omineca



On February 20, 2006, the Legislative Assembly agreed that the Select Standing Committee on Education be struck to examine, inquire into and make recommendations with respect to finding effective strategies to address the specific challenge of adult literacy and, in particular, to conduct consultations to consider:

Successful strategies from other jurisdictions on the promotion of adult literacy.

Specific strategies to improve literacy rates among aboriginal people, English-as-a-Second-Language adults, and seniors.

In addition to the powers previously conferred upon the Select Standing Committee on Education, the Committee shall be empowered:

to appoint of their number, one or more subcommittees and to refer such subcommittees any of the matters referred to the Committee;

to sit during a period in which the House is adjourned and during any sitting of the House;

to adjourn from place to place as may be convenient; and

to retain such personnel as required to assist the Committee,

and shall report to the House no later than November 30, 2006, to deposit the original of its reports with the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly during a period of adjournment and upon resumption of the sittings of the House, the Chair shall present all reports to the Legislative Assembly.

Here is some of the advice we received from adult educators across the province:

“I guess my main point is that the situation is very confusing. We have the Ministry of Education, which is school district courses, and Advanced Ed college courses. The overlap between all of those ministries, plus the child care and the welfare ministries can be very confusing. Then Literacy BC has practitioners around the province. We have many different agencies and workplace literacy. Even with all of those people in the game, we’re missing a lot of people.’ (Yvonne Chard, Adult Basic Education Association of BC)

“Don’t reinvent the wheel; use what is out there in the system and build on it.” (Dr. Greg Lee, Capilano College)

“There is the need for consolidation of responsibility across all ministries for developmental programming and for immigrant integration.” (John Boraas, BC Public Post-secondary Deans and Directors of Developmental Education)

“We would like to see a cross-ministerial directorate that integrates and builds on natural partnerships. This would allow for the creation of one commonly understood set of best practices and evaluation criteria, avoid overlap and duplication of outcomes measurements, and enable the development of a sustained core funding structure.” (Julia Dodge, University College of the Fraser Valley – Abbotsford Campus)

“There is the need to address the precarious working conditions of adult educators based in school districts.” (Victor Guenther, Adult Educators’ Provincial Specialist Association)

“Adults must have the opportunity to learn in a place where they feel comfortable and which has stable funding — whether it’s a community college, or a church, or a community centre.” ( Vancouver Community College Faculty Association)

“Aboriginal students face unique barriers; it has been demonstrated that these students are less likely to succeed if we fail to incorporate their culture and values into the program.” ( Leslie Kiehlbauch, Okanagan College)

“Don’t tell our organizations how to do things, but outline what is expected.” (Sean Kocsis, IIG- All Nations Institute)

“Our holistic program is based in the context of Nuu-chah-nulth values and teachings and could and should be a model for other communities to contextualize to their needs and edu-cultural values.” (Jan E. Green, haahuupay’k Adult Education Centre)

“ Special needs screening should be ongoing throughout the regular school system and even start in early childhood.” (Diane Kirby, Victoria)



The Education Committee recommends that the provincial government give serious consideration to implementing our adult literacy strategy for British Columbians, which is outlined below:

An Adult Literacy Strategy For British Columbians

Strategy’s Primary Goal:

To make British Columbia the best-educated and most literate jurisdiction on the continent of North America by 2010


Strategy’s Guiding Principles

Four principles are presented to guide the development and implementation of the new adult literacy strategy:

Leadership Approach

Integrated Approach

Learner-Centred Approach

Preventive Approach



British Columbia

2010 Legacies Now. 2006. Literacy Now: A Planning Guide. Vancouver: 2010 Legacies Now.

British Columbia . Ministry of Advanced Education, Training and Technology Adult Basic Education. 1993. Adult Basic Education (ABE) Issues in British Columbia: A Comparison and Synthesis of Recommendations of Seven Reports Prepared for the Ministry of Advanced Education, Training and Technology. Victoria: The Ministry.

British Columbia . Ministry of Education. 2006. 2006/07-2008/09 Service Plan. Victoria: The Ministry.

British Columbia . Ministry of Education. Committee on Continuing and Community Education in British Columbia. 1976. Report of the Committee on Continuing and Community Education in British Columbia. Victoria: The Ministry.

British Columbia . Premier. Advisory Panel on Literacy. 2006. Literacy and Lifelong Learning in B.C.: A Legacy of Leadership: Final Report. Victoria: Premier’s Advisory Panel on Literacy.

British Columbia . Premier. Advisory Panel on Literacy. 2005. Literacy and Lifelong Learning in B.C.: A Legacy of Leadership: Interim Report. Victoria: Premier’s Advisory Panel on Literacy.

British Columbia . Provincial Literacy Advisory Committee. 1989. Opening the Doors to Lifelong Learning: Empowering Undereducated Adults: Report of the Provincial Literacy Advisory Committee (PLAC) to the Minister of Advanced Education, Training and Technology. Victoria: The Ministry.

Butterwick, Shauna and Caroline White. 2006. A Path Out of Poverty: Helping BC Income Assistance Recipients Upgrade Their Education. Vancouver: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives B.C. Office.

Cookson, Cathie. 1995. Filling the Gap: Learning and Language in Non-Formal Educational Settings. Victoria: Ministry of Skills, Training and Labour.

Cumming, Alister. 1991. Identification of Current Needs and Issues Related to the Delivery of Adult ESL Instruction in British Columbia. Victoria: Ministry of the Provincial Secretary.

Faris, Ron and Wayne Peterson. 2000. Learning-Based Community Development: Lessons Learned from British Columbia. Victoria: Ministry of Community Development, Cooperatives and Volunteers.

Faris, Ron. 1992. Lifelong Learning for the 21 st Century: A Report on the Future Development of Adult/Continuing Education in British Columbia. Victoria: Ministry of Education.

Huget, Stacey. 2002. The Big Picture Up Close: Literacy and Learning in BC. Vancouver: Literacy BC.

Rodriguez, Carmen and Don Sawyer. 1990. Native Literacy Research Report. Victoria: Ministry of Advanced Education, Training and Technology.

Taviss, Reena and Zena Simces. 2004. English as a Second Language Services Review: Phase I: Current Practices and Critical Issues: Report on Findings. Victoria: Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women’s Services.

Thomas, Audrey M. 1990. The Reluctant Learner: A Research Report on Nonparticipation and Dropout in Literacy Programs in British Columbia. Victoria: Ministry of Advanced Education, Training and Technology.

Thomas, Audrey M. 1976. Exemplary Adult Literacy Programs and Innovative Practices in Canada. Victoria : Ministry of Advanced Education and Job Training.

Wassing, Ali. 2006. Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy: Resources for Family Literacy: Final Report 2005-06. Location Unknown: Columbia Basin Trust.


Asselin, Marlene, Jennifer Branch and Dianne Oberg. 2003. Achieving Information Literacy: Standards for School Library Programs in Canada. Ottawa: Canadian School Library Association.

Calamai, Peter. 1987. Broken Words: Why Five Million Canadians are Illiterate: A Special Southam Survey. Toronto: Southam Communications.

Campbell, Alison. 2005. Profiting from Literacy: Creating a Sustainable Workplace Literacy Program. Ottawa: Conference Board of Canada.

Canada . Parliament. House of Commons. Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs. 1990. You Took My Talk: Aboriginal Literacy and Empowerment: Fourth Report of the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs. Ottawa: The Committee.

Canada . Parliament. House of Commons. Standing Committee on Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities. 2003. Raising Adult Literacy Skills: The Need for a Pan-Canadian Response: Report of the Standing Committee on Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities. Ottawa: The Committee.

Darville, Richard. 1992. Adult Literacy in Work in Canada. Toronto: Canadian Association for Adult Education.

Doherty, Gillian, and Martha Friendly, Jane Beach. 2003. OECD Thematic Review of Early Childhood Education and Care: Canadian Background Report. Ottawa: Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada.

Haycock, Ken. 2003. The Crisis in Canada’s School Libraries: The Case for Reform and Re-Investment: A Report for the Association of Canadian Publishers. Toronto: Association of Canadian Publishers.

Holmes, David. 2006. Redressing the Balance: Canadian University Programs in Support of Aboriginal Students. Ottawa: Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada.

Mendelson, Michael. 2006. Aboriginal Peoples and Postsecondary Education in Canada. Ottawa: Caledon Institute of Social Policy.

New Brunswick . 2002. Lifelong Learning: Quality Adult Learning Opportunities: Policy Statement on Adult and Lifelong Learning. Fredricton: Province of New Brunswick.

Thomas, Audrey M. 2001. “How Adult Literacy Became of Age in Canada.” In Adult Literacy Now! Toronto: Culture Concepts Inc.

Thomas, Audrey M. 1983. Adult Literacy in Canada: A Challenge. Occasional Paper 42. Ottawa: Canadian Commission for UNESCO, 1983.

Thomas, Audrey M. 1976. Canadian Adult Basic Education and Literacy Activities. Toronto: World Literacy of Canada.

Veeman, Nayda. Adult Learning in Canada and Sweden: A Comparative Study of Four Sites [dissertation]. Saskatoon: Department of Educational Administration, University of Saskatchewan.

Statistical Reports

Arrowsmith, Stephen et al. 2001.A Report on Adult Education and Training in Canada: Learning a Living . Ottawa: Statistics Canada.

BC Progress Board. 2006. Interim Benchmarking Report 2006: Interim Results: Interprovincial Performance. Vancouver: BC Progress Board.

Clark, Warren. 1996. “Adult literacy in Canada, the United States and Germany.” Canadian Social Trends 43, Winter.

Education Indicators in Canada: Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program . 2005. Toronto: Canadian Education Statistics Council.

Ferrer, Ana et al. 2004. The Effect of Literacy on Immigrant Earnings: International Adult Literacy Survey. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.

Jones, Stan and Gilles Montigny. 1990. “Overview of literacy skills in Canada.” Perspectives on Labour and Income 2, no. 4, Winter.

Jones, Stan and Jean Pignal. 1996. Reading the Future: A Portrait of Literacy in Canada . Ottawa: Statistics Canada.

Jones, Stan et al. 1995. Literacy, Economy and Society: Results of the First International Adult Literacy Survey. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.

Schellenberg, Grant et al. 1998. The Value of Words: Literacy and Economic Security in Canada: International Adult Literacy Survey. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.

Statistics Canada. 2005. Building on Our Competencies: Canadian Results of the International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.

Statistics Canada. 2005. Learning a Living: First Results of the Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.

Statistics Canada . 1998. At Risk: Socio-economic Analysis of Health and Literacy Among Seniors . Ottawa: Statistics Canada.

Tuijnman, Albert. 2001. International Adult Literacy Survey: Benchmarking Adult Literacy in North America: An International Comparative Study. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.

Additional Materials

Cusack, Sandra and Wendy Thompson. 2003. Mental Fitness for Life. Boulder: Bull Publishing Company.

United Kingdom . Department for Education and Employment. 2001. Skills for Life: The National Strategy for Improving Adult Literacy and Numeracy Skills. Nottingham: DfEE Publications.




Aboriginal Mother Centre Society, Penelope Irons, 05-Jun-06 ( Burnaby)

Aboriginal Mother Centre Society, Grace Tait, 05-Jun-06 ( Burnaby)

Adult Basic Education Association of British Columbia, Yvonne Chard, 05-Jun-06 ( Surrey)

Adult Educators' Provincial Specialist Association, Victor Guenther, 05-Jun-06 ( Surrey)

B.C. Public Post-Secondary Deans and Directors of Developmental Education, John Boraas, 26-Apr-06 ( Victoria)

BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres, Paul Lacerte, 26-Apr-06 ( Victoria)

BC Federation of Labour, Jim Sinclair, 05-Jun-06 ( Burnaby)

Dr. Adrian Blunt, 26-Apr-06 ( Victoria)

Dr. Satya Brink, 28-Sep-06 ( Vancouver)

Barry Brooks, 28-Sep-06 ( Vancouver)

Burnaby School District Parenting and Family Literacy Centres, Doreen George, Souad Hage-Hassan, Ben Qui, 05-Jun-06 ( Burnaby)

Canadian Council on Learning, Health and Learning Knowledge Centre, Robert Aucoin, 20-Oct-06 (Langford)

Canadian Immigrant Settlement Sector Alliance, Chris Friesen, 05-Jun-06 ( Surrey)

Capilano College , Del Dhammi, Dr. Greg Lee, Diana Twiss, 11-Apr-06 ( Vancouver)

Centre for Learning Alternatives, Teresa Saunders, 04-Oct-06 ( Prince George)

City of Victoria, Councillor Helen Hughes, 20-Oct-06 (Langford)

Jeremy Clare, 20-Oct-06 (Langford)

College of New Caledonia, Developmental Education Programs, Dr. Flora Abraham, Terry Neilson, Marcia Timbres, 04-Oct-06 ( Prince George)

Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy, Castlegar, Joan Exley, 05-Oct-06 (Castlegar)

Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy, Nakusp, Jennifer Cliff-Marks, Ali Wassing, 05-Oct-06 (Castlegar)

Connie De Melo, 05-Oct-06 (Castlegar)

Douglas College, Ted James, Mardi Joyce, Bob Logelin, Carol St. Jean, 05-Jun-06 ( Burnaby)

Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver, Shawn Bayes, 05-Jun-06 ( Burnaby)

Vaughan Evans, 05-Jun-06 ( Burnaby)

Dr. Ron Faris, 22-Mar-06 ( Victoria)

Dr. Glen Farrell, 12-Apr-06 ( Vancouver)

Mohammad Fazeli, 05-Jun-06 ( Surrey)

Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC, Dileep Athaide, Phillip Legg, 05-Jun-06 ( Surrey)

Ann Godderis, 05-Oct-06 (Castlegar)

Donald Hamilton, 20-Oct-06 (Langford)

Dr. Graham Hingangaroa Smith, 28-Sep-06 ( Vancouver)

IIG - All Nations Institute, Sean Kocsis, 05-Jun-06 ( Burnaby)

Invergarry Learning Centre, SD No. 36 (Surrey), Virginia Campbell, Lee Weinstein, 05-Jun-06 ( Surrey)

Kaien Island Alternate School, Kevin Leach, 04-Oct-06 ( Prince Rupert)

Diane Kirby, 20-Oct-06 (Langford)

Beverley Krieger, 05-Jun-06 ( Surrey)

Susan Lakusta, 04-Oct-06 ( Prince George)

Learning Difficulties Centre of BC, Sarah Cunningham, Donna Jarvis, 04-Oct-06 ( Prince George)

Lheidli T'enneh Band, Joe Gosnell, Jr., 04-Oct-06 ( Prince George)

Literacy BC, Linda Mitchell, 12-Apr-06 ( Vancouver)

Literacy BC, New Caledonia Region, Rebecca Beuschel, 04-Oct-06 ( Prince George)

Literacy Kitimat, Janette Camazzola, 04-Oct-06 ( Prince Rupert)

Literacy Now, Brenda Le Clair, 11-Apr-06 ( Vancouver)

Literacy Now - North Coast Region, Beth Davies, 04-Oct-06 ( Prince Rupert)

Malaspina University College, Cowichan Campus, Reading and Writing Centre, Joanna Lord, Vicki Noonan, Nora Randall, 20-Oct-06 (Langford)

Dr. John Martin, 26-Apr-06 ( Victoria)

Donna Miller, 20-Oct-06 (Langford)

Ministry of Advanced Education, Post Secondary Education Division, Paul Goyan, 22-Mar-06 ( Victoria)

Ministry of Education, Achievement and Assessment Development, Monica Pamer, 26-Apr-06 ( Victoria)

Ministry of Education, Deputy Minister, Dr. Emery Dosdall, 26-Apr-06 ( Victoria)

Wai Ng, 05-Jun-06 ( Burnaby)

Northwest Community College, Adult Special Education, Sharon Jo Scott, 04-Oct-06 ( Prince Rupert)

Northwest Community College, Development Education and Career Programs, Lianne Gagnon, 04-Oct-06 ( Prince Rupert)

Northwest Community College, ESL, Marie Grinstrand, Guiha Jians, Jeseema John Nixon, Linh Vo, 04-Oct-06 ( Prince Rupert)

Evangeline Nyce, 04-Oct-06 ( Prince Rupert)

Monty Palmantier, 28-Sep-06 ( Vancouver)

Prince George Native Friendship Centre, Frank Siegrist, 04-Oct-06 ( Prince George)

Prince George Public Library, Mark Saunders, 04-Oct-06 ( Prince George)

Project Literacy Victoria, Ruth Derrick, Lilaine Galway, 26-Apr-06 ( Victoria)

Dr. Irv Rootman, 12-Apr-06 ( Vancouver)

Dr. Kjell Rubenson, 11-Apr-06 ( Vancouver)

Edna Ryan, 04-Oct-06 ( Prince Rupert)

Selkirk College, School of Adult Basic Education, Dr. Lyle Olsen, 05-Oct-06 (Castlegar)

Servants Anonymous Society Surrey, Lynda Dickson, 05-Jun-06 ( Surrey)

South Island Learning Community, Lilaine Galway, Alegha van Hanuse, Doug Symington, 20-Oct-06 (Langford)

Richard Stock, 05-Jun-06 ( Surrey)

Support for Dyslexia and Learning Difficulties, Rhonda Henry, Stephanie Lindstrom, Charlene McLean, Gloria Olafson, 04-Oct-06 ( Prince George)

Surrey Teachers' Association, Lynda Toews, 05-Jun-06 ( Surrey)

Audrey M. Thomas, 22-Mar-06 ( Victoria)

University College of the Fraser Valley, Sue Brigden, Julia Dodge, 05-Jun-06 ( Burnaby)

Paramjeet K. Uppal, 05-Oct-06 (Castlegar)

Vancouver Community College Faculty Association, ABE, Laurie Gould, Stephanie Jewell, Ingrid Kolsteren, 05-Jun-06 ( Burnaby)

Vancouver Community College Faculty Association, ESL, Nina Kozakiewicz, Lyn Lennig, 05-Jun-06 ( Burnaby)

Victoria READ Society, Claire Rettie, 20-Oct-06 (Langford)

Bonita Wilson, 04-Oct-06 ( Prince Rupert)

Dr. Frank Wood, 28-Sep-06 ( Vancouver)

Lorraine Woods, 04-Oct-06 ( Prince Rupert)

Bo Xiao, 05-Oct-06 (Castlegar)



Adams Lake Band, Education Department, Donna L. Jules, EC-2006-36

Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC, Immigrant Integration Coordinating Committee (representing 33 immigrant-serving agencies), Lynn Moran, Timothy Welsh, EC-2006-4

Azure English Language School , Glenn Strange, EC-2006-64

BC Construction Industry Skills Improvement Council, SkillPlan, Lynda Fownes, EC-2006-31

BC Teacher-Librarians Association, Pat Parungao, EC-2006-74

Clare Marie Belanger, EC-2006-6

Blueberry Creek Community School , Bev George, EC-2006-70

British Columbia Library Trustees' Association and British Columbia Library Association, Lawrence Lavender, EC-2006-53

British Columbia Library Trustees' Association and British Columbia Library Association, Inba Kehoe, Edel Toner-Rogala, EC-2006-53

British Columbia Teachers' Federation, Jinny Sims, EC-2006-68

Judy Brooks, EC-2006-2

Virginia Brucker, EC-2006-24

Paul Bruhn, EC-2006-26

Burnaby School District No. 41, Adult and Continuing Education, Don Jacob, EC-2006-62

Calamus Productions, Heldor Schafer, EC-2006-9

Campbell River Community Literacy Association, (Campbell River School Distict No. 72, also representing Continuing Education and the local Literacy Now Planning Committee), Vicki Simmons, EC-2006-17

Canadian Federation of Students - BC Branch, Shamus Reid, EC-2006-71

Capilano Students' Union, Kiersten L. Ballard, EC-2006-57

Central Okanagan School District , International Education, Leanne Bettesworth, EC-2006-12

P. Emmy Chiang, EC-2006-54

Loong-Sheung Chung, EC-2006-63

Dave Clyne, EC-2006-47

College of New Caledonia , Lakes District Campus, Cathy Ashurst, EC-2006-75

Coquitlam School District No. 43, Continuing Education, Nita Jacob, EC-2006-35

Cowichan Adult Learning Centre, Judy Hershman, EC-2006-55

Peter M. Dawson, EC-2006-42

Downtown Eastside Literacy Roundtable, (representing 30 participant organizations), Sophie Yendole, EC-2006-19

Educacentre College , Thomas Godin, EC-2006-7

English Language Services for Adults Network, (representing 40 service providers), Brenda Lohrenz, EC-2006-22

Family Network for Deaf Children, Cecelia Klassen, EC-2006-43

Frank Smith Educational Associates Inc., Mary-Theresa Smith, EC-2006-65

FuturEd Consulting Education Futurists Inc., Dr. Kathryn Chang Barker, EC-2006-56

Richard Georg, EC-2006-41

Gladwin Language Centre, Joan Berndt, EC-2006-5

Al Goguen, EC-2006-46

haahuupay'ak Adult Education Centre, Jan E. Green, EC-2006-29

Hecate Strait Employment Development Society, Janet Hultkrans, EC-2006-18

Sheila Houston, EC-2006-25

Karin Jensen, EC-2006-58

Shelly Johnson, EC-2006-23

Lillooet Area Library Association, Sheila Pfeifer, EC-2006-28

Lillooet Learning Communities Society, Betty Weaver, EC-2006-30

Literacy Now, Leona Gadsby, EC-2006-72

Ian MacLean, EC-2006-67

Malaspina University-College, Adult Basic Education and Literacy Departments, Bronwyn Brown, Marilyn Guttman, EC-2006-49

Wilma McPherson, EC-2006-11

Multicultural Family Centre, (on behalf of a group of African refugee women), Sylvie Kruchten, EC-2006-60

New Westminster School District No. 40, Community Education, Betina Ali, EC-2006-1

North Fraser Metis Association, Patty Rosvold, EC-2006-33

North Island College , Adult Basic Education Development Programs Department, Maggie O'Sullivan, EC-2006-51

North Island College , Office of the President, Dr. Martin Petter, EC-2006-45

Northern Lights College, Christabelle Kux-Kardos, Val Keeler, EC-2006-39

Okanagan College literacy practitioners, (representing 17 Literacy Instructors and Volunteer Tutor Coordinators), Leslie Kiehlbauch, EC-2006-48

Prince George Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society, Kim Stene, EC-2006-20

Prince George Public Library, Allan Wilson, EC-2006-32

Marg Rose, EC-2006-27

Pat Russell, EC-2006-37

Stephanie Sambandam, EC-2006-14

Peggy Shannon, EC-2006-16

Shine a Light on Literacy, Joseph MacLean, EC-2006-59

Christine Smythe, EC-2006-61

Barb Stewart, EC-2006-34

Gordon Stewart, EC-2006-15

Pat Stone, EC-2006-8

Surrey Public Library, Beth Barlow, EC-2006-38

Terrace Volunteer Bureau, Community Readers and Writers Program, Murray George, EC-2006-3

Sandra Trolian, EC-2006-73

Vancouver Community College Faculty Association, Frank Cosco, EC-2006-52

Vancouver Community College , ESL Division, Alison Norman, EC-2006-13

Vancouver Public Library Board, Joan Andersen, EC-2006-44

Leanor Vlug, EC-2006-50

Janet Elaine Wagner, EC-2006-10

Heather Webber, EC-2006-69

Norma-Ann Webster, EC-2006-21

Sheila Whincup, EC-2006-40



1 Stacy Huget, The Big Picture Up Close: Literacy and Learning in BC. Vancouver: Literacy BC, 2002, p. 18.

2 Tom Sticht, “The ‘Hard Data’ for Increasing Investments in Adult Literacy Education: Moving from a One Life Cycle to a Multiple Life Cycles Education Policy,” Media Release, October 5, 2006.

3 Peter Calami, Broken Words: Why Five Million Canadians are Illiterate: A Special Southam Survey. Toronto: Southam Communications, 1987, p. 13.

4 Ibid, p. 7

5 Statistics Canada, Building on Our Competencies: Canadian Results of the International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, p. 198.



Search terms for November 30, 2006:

Aboriginal Education

All Nations Institute

Human Rights

Institute of Indigenous Education

New Relationship Trust Act

Sean Kocsis

Sean Kocsis President IIG-All Nations Institute

John Nuraney Lib MLA-Chair Select Standing Committee on Education



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