
Recapture218,500綠卡名額修正案即將投票, 請立即行動!!!

(2008-05-18 09:17:09) 下一個
重量級的伊拉克補充撥款法案上周對各種與戰爭無關的修正案大開綠燈,一時間,各種修正案紛紛出台,都想搭上這趟快車。在微軟和LIA遊說勢力的推動下,參議員Murray的修正案:recapture 218,500綠卡名額(for EB ONLY)於5月15日成功地贏得了參議院撥款委員會(Appropriation Committee)全體支持。下周(不推遲的話)就要在參議院進行投票。它需要3/5票(60票)通過。





3.對象:你所在州的參議員在華盛頓DC的辦公室 ,請注意不要打Local Office,那樣會有一天的延遲。

4.電話號碼:所有參議員的DC辦公室都可打這個號碼: 202-224-3121, 然後報上參議員姓名即會轉到相應的參議員辦公室。

5.參議員姓名,在www.senate.gov 右上角可以找到。每州兩個參議員,都要打電話。

6.轉到參議員辦公室後,請要求和分管immigration 或 appropriations的legislative assistant通話。


8. 通話內容

a. 打給你所在州的參議員(除Murray(WA)和Gregg(NH)外)用下麵的樣本:

Hello, this is (your name). I live in your state, and I want to urge Senator (name) to support Senator Murray\'s amendment to the Iraq supplemental, to recapture visas for LEGAL immigration. This is my address (please be sure your address is in the Senator\'s state). Our state needs these skilled workers to help create more jobs for Americans. I am a member of the LEGAL Immigrant Association, and we hope for and appreciate the Senator\'s support. Please vote to keep the Murray/Gregg High Skilled Legal Immigration Amendment in the Iraq Supplemental on the Senate floor.

b. 請盡可能地動員你的公司或美國同事/朋友打電話給參議員。他們可以用下麵的樣本(除Murray(WA)和Gregg(NH)外):

I am a (your state) resident, and I work as (job title, e.g. human resources director), so I KNOW that (your state) needs these skilled workers to help create more jobs for Americans. So I want to urge Senator (name) to support Senator Murray\'s amendment to the Iraq supplemental, to recapture visas for LEGAL immigrants. Please vote to keep the Murray/Gregg High Skilled Legal Immigration Amendment in the Iraq Supplemental on the Senate floor.

c. 打完本周的兩位參議員後,你還可以給外州的參議員打電話,特別是那些中國人少的州。請用下麵的樣本(不用打給Murray(WA)和Gregg(NH)):

My name is (your name), and I am a member of a new national organization, the LEGAL Immigrant Association. We want to urge Senator (name) to support Senator Murray\'s amendment to the Iraq supplemental, to recapture visas for LEGAL immigration. We believe that (the Senator’s state) needs these skilled workers to help create more jobs for Americans. As a member of the LEGAL Immigrant Association, we hope for and appreciate the Senator\'s support. Please vote to keep the Murray/Gregg High Skilled Legal Immigration Amendment in the Iraq Supplemental on the Senate floor.

d. 如果是打給Senator Murray (WA)或Senator Gregg (NH),請用下麵的樣本:

Hello, this is (your name). I am a member of the LEGAL Immigrant Association, and I want to thank the Senator for their amendment to the Iraq supplemental, to recapture visas for LEGAL immigration. As a resident of (WA or NH) I want you to know that we appreciate the Senator\'s support and we want you to know that LIA is working to keep the Murray/Gregg High Skilled Legal Immigration Amendment in the Iraq Supplemental on the Senate floor.



需要幫助,請隨時撥打LIA熱線電話:(800)-556-7065 政府關係部(ext.1)

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