| 油菜花開 燃燒過一天的太陽 漸漸地融化到山那邊 田野也歇腳卸擔 從油菜花地裏 舒出一絲清涼芬芳的氣息
放牛的伢仔回來了 趕著大牛牽著小牛 扯著嗓子吆嗬著 “收牛了!” 刹時間村前村後 牛仔哞哞找母牛 姆媽呼雞喚鴨進籠 婆婆掂著小腳張開臂膀 望著樹叉上那曬得黝黑的 小屁股,輕聲叫喚 “寶仔,寶仔,小心下來” 她也收工 赤腳劈哩啪啦 踩在鬆軟的田埂上 黑亮的長辯在腰間晃動 一望無際的油菜花 在晚霞中黃得耀眼 她是長女取名招弟 為母親招來兩個弟弟 作田人家的女兒 花一樣的年記 村裏最標致的黃花閨女 那年她離開了家鄉 在村口大樟樹下 告別父老鄉親進城做工 母親的眼角皺紋 凝擠出花一樣的微笑 女兒終於吃上了 不是自己種的糧 油菜花開了又落 她回來了 因被人勾引 被工廠開除 那男人的丈母娘 領著一夥人來尋事鬥毆 她跳進了那望不到邊的 油菜花海 那夥人肆意踐踏 開得正旺的油菜花 弄得滿身花粉 終於還是沒找到她 隻好打著噴嚏 垂頭喪氣而去
油菜花開了又謝 喜事辦了三天 男人喝酒劃拳 女人哭嫁勸親 孝敬公婆相夫教子 古老的智慧 千年的枷鎖 眼淚鼻涕裏 一唱一和中 隨著她遠嫁它鄉 油菜花黃了 油菜籽熟了 第二年回娘家 她拎著一罐清油 背著滿月的仔仔 外婆眼角的魚尾紋 又擠出一滴淚花 養子送終 女兒這輩子有靠了 年複一年 油菜花開花落 菜子一粒一顆 曬得幹幹 壓得扁扁 菜油一點一滴 榨幹擠淨 供人享用 | The Yellow Flower Girl The sun gradually melted down to the other side of the mountain leaving the evening sky a burning orange. The earth as if having gotten rid of a heavy burden blew out a gentle breeze. The cowherd back from the hills called the farmers to claim their cattle. Suddenly in every corner of the village a symphony began to play with calves mooing, dogs barking women calling their chickens and pigs and their wandering rascals home for dinner. She came from the fields a sea of yellow rape flowers so bright they hurt your eyes. She walked on the muddy path sucking a yellow flower between her white teeth. She was the first born named "begetting brothers" for girls did not count. For her name sake her mother gave her two brothers. One day she left the village surrounded by bamboo trees to work with machines. Since then her mother's face wore a smile of content. Her daughter could now eat rice not grown by her own hands. When the yellow flowers bloomed again, she was fired from plant. The in-laws of her city seducer came to seek a fight. She sought refuge in the sea of the yellow flowers. They searched for her from one acre to another but found themselves drowning in the sea of yellow flowers. When they finally got out they were all dyed yellow. They went away sneezing and cursing the yellow flowers. The yellow flowers withered the rapeseeds had become ripe. That year she had to marry far away from home. For three days while male guests feasted all female relatives came to cry with her to teach her all the ancient wisdom of how to be an obedient wife and filial daughter-in-law. The following year after the harvest she came to visit her mother a jar of oil on one hand a chicken on the other and a new baby boy on her back. Her mother's wrinkled face wore a smile again. Year after year the yellow flowers bloomed the rapeseeds were ground down rich oil squeezed out for all to consume. |