
南山鬆 (熱門博主)
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周末一笑: 安全係統(轉載)

(2016-03-04 16:49:16) 下一個

1 你教不了一隻老狗飛翔/You Can’t Teach an Old Dog to Fly

A woman called our airline customer-service desk asking if she could take her dog on board.

“Sure,” I said, “as long as you provide your own kennel.” I further explained that the kennel needed to be large enough for the dog to stand up, sit down, turn around, and roll over.

The customer was flummoxed: ?“I’ll never be able to teach him all of that by tomorrow!”




2 被鸚鵡擊敗/Bested by a Parrot

Wandering inside a pet store, ?I stopped in front of a birdcage to ?admire a parakeet. We watched each other for a few minutes before it asked, “Can’t you talk?”


3 企鵝低語者/The Penguin Whisperer

A man is driving down the highway when he sees a shipping truck wrecked on the side of the road, and 25 penguins waddling around outside it. He pulls over and the truck driver tells him, “Quick! You’ve gotta take these birds to the zoo while I wait for AAA!” The man agrees and drives off with the penguins.

After fixing his vehicle, the truck driver heads over to the zoo to make sure the penguins made it safely. There’s no sign of them. The truck driver panics and starts scouring the town for his missing penguins. An hour later he passes by the local cinema and sees the guy who said he’d help him is leaving the theater with 25 penguins.

“What happened!” the truck driver screams. “I told you to take them to the zoo!”

“I did,” the man answers. “But I had a little money left over, so I thought I’d take them to a movie too.”

一名男子駕車在高速公路上時他看到一個運輸卡車在路邊失事,25隻企鵝在車外蹣跚。他停下來,貨車司機告訴他,“快!我等AAA,你得把這些鳥送到動物園!” 那人同意並帶著企鵝開走了。


“怎麽回事!”卡車司機喊道。 “我告訴過你帶他們去動物園!”

“我去了,”那人回答。 “但我還有些餘錢,所以我想我也要帶他們看場電影。”

4 丟失的狗/Missing Dog

An old farmer is inconsolable after his dog goes missing. He takes out an ad in the newspaper, but two weeks later, there’s still no sign of the mutt. “What did you write in the ad?” his wife asks. “Here, boy,” he replies.

一個老農民在他的狗走丟後傷心欲絕。他在報紙上打了一個廣告,但兩個星期後,還是有沒有狗的跡象。 “你在廣告中寫的什麽?”他的妻子問。 “到這來,孩子,”他回答說。

5 安全係統/Security System

When a neighbor’s home was burglarized, I decided to be more safety conscious. But my measly front-door lock wasn’t going to stop anyone, so I hung this sign outside: “Nancy, don’t come in. The snake is loose. Mom.”

當鄰居的家被盜了,我決定要更有安全意識。但我可憐的前門鎖是擋不住任何人的,所以我在外麵掛了一個牌子:“南希,別進來。蛇跑了。 媽媽。”

6 伴侶/Companion

Steve, a lonely bachelor, wants some company, so he buys a centipede and a small box for it to live in. That evening, he decides to go out.

"Want to grab a drink?" he asks the centipede. But there’s no answer from the box. A few minutes later, he asks again—still no reply. Finally, he hollers, "Hey! Do you want to get a drink?"

"I heard you the first time!" says a small, irritated voice. "I’m putting on my shoes!"



“你第一次說我就聽到了!”一個小的,惱怒的聲音說。 “我在穿我的鞋!”

Source: http://www.rd.com/jokes/animal/

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南山鬆 回複 悄悄話 回複 '洋蔥炒雞蛋' 的評論 :
才看到留言. 問好洋蔥, 新周快樂!
洋蔥炒雞蛋 回複 悄悄話 好喜歡那隻鸚鵡,太聰明咯 :)
南山鬆 回複 悄悄話 回複 '花甲老翁' 的評論 :
花甲老翁 回複 悄悄話 謝謝好朋友,我差點錯過了,2和6都好,
南山鬆 回複 悄悄話 回複 '婉妮' 的評論 :
謝謝婉妮喜歡, 新周快樂!
婉妮 回複 悄悄話 謝謝鬆鬆的笑話帶來的快樂。
南山鬆 回複 悄悄話 回複 '50後的姥姥' 的評論 :
美眉好! 看到你笑, 我真高興:)
美眉, 周末快樂!
50後的姥姥 回複 悄悄話 看到人,鸚鵡先開腔了,笑笑笑!還有蜈蜙穿鞋,那得穿多久啊!
南山鬆 回複 悄悄話 回複 '思念青荷' 的評論 :
青荷好! 覺得那兩個都是玩笑了吧:)
青荷, 周末快樂!
思念青荷 回複 悄悄話 哈哈哈哈那個鸚鵡,還有那伴侶,是諷刺嗎?

南山鬆 回複 悄悄話 回複 '小小月' 的評論 :
小小月好! 真高興你喜歡這兩個,周末快樂!
小小月 回複 悄悄話 哈哈哈,我也是最喜歡鸚鵡和蛇的
南山鬆 回複 悄悄話 回複 'momo_sharon' 的評論 :
默默好! 我也喜歡這兩個:)
默默, 周末快樂!
momo_sharon 回複 悄悄話 鸚鵡和最後那個太逗了。人不會說話,鸚鵡倒說得挺溜。
南山鬆 回複 悄悄話 回複 '小聲音' 的評論 :
小小好! 賣鞋的見了蜈蚣他們, 不知有多高興呢:)
小小, 周末快樂!
小聲音 回複 悄悄話 哈哈,不知道蜈蚣有多少隻腳,穿鞋可能至少得半小時:)))
南山鬆 回複 悄悄話 回複 'erdong' 的評論 :
東東好! 那定是一隻不凡的鸚鵡:)
東東, 周末快樂!
erdong 回複 悄悄話 太逗了,人被鸚鵡擊敗了,鸚鵡居然問人會不會說話!那天在linmiu家看到一個鸚鵡也是特別的神奇。
南山鬆 回複 悄悄話 回複 'spot321' 的評論 :
嗯, 給狗主人提的建議可把人家給難住了~ 鸚鵡的確逗,先發製人:)
問好點點, 周末快樂!
spot321 回複 悄悄話 喜歡描寫狗的段子。那婦人也真是的,有了籠子,就不用管那狗在裏麵幹什麽了。那隻鸚鵡簡直是太逗了,估計它還可以教人說幾句人話呢。哈哈哈。問好小鬆!祝周末愉快!
spot321 回複 悄悄話 問好小鬆!