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朋友,你試過溫柔的漂流嗎?你感受過輕柔的水波載著你隨波逐流嗎?讓清澈的泉水托著你,欣欣然,悠悠然地飄向遠方。無需你的吹灰之力。你隻需放鬆地坐在那裏,看著遠方的藍天,白雲,綠樹,清流。。。緩緩地向你走近,又漸漸地從你的後方走遠。於是新的天地又不失時機地湧來,再悄悄地從你的視線中褪去。 除了清爽的水聲和蟲鳥的鳴唱,你能聽到的就是你的呼吸,你的心跳。沒有嘈雜的車水馬龍,沒有大城市的熱鬧的喧囂。你全身都置於自然的懷抱。被風吹,被水湧,你的思緒可以隨著清流飄向遠方;你也可以什麽都不思,什麽都不想,任由水流載著你在河中飄蕩,行向遠鄉。 你是有多種選擇的。你可選一個座位的漂流圈,盡享獨處的妙趣;也可和你親愛的伴侶,選浪漫的兩人座,同漂同蕩在清澈的河水上;你也可以和你可愛的一家人選橡皮艇一樣的包廂座,一家人開心地蕩漾在清冽的泉流上。 如果你厭倦了平庸的飄蕩,你可隨時躍入水中,感受清涼的刺激,窺視河底的秘密。你可撥弄水流,弄出水花;你可拍擊水麵,聽她的脆響;你可輕拂泉水,體會她的溫柔順暢。 總之,一切在你。你的漂流,你做主。 位於美國佛羅裏達州北部的Ichetucknee Springs是我們多年前和朋友一家一起去玩過的一個泉水州立公園。那是個天然的水泉,世外的桃園。整個河道有6英裏(10公裏)長,周圍綠樹環繞。我們是每家租了個大的氣墊圈,一家人可以坐進去的那種,從上遊一直飄到下遊,曆經幾個小時。 雖然是炎熱的夏季,但水麵上卻非常涼爽。泉水清澈見底,兩岸景色秀麗。飄遊在水麵上,仰頭藍天白雲,低頭綠水清泉,環視大樹參天,兩岸草木鬱鬱蔥蔥十分養眼。。。真是身心都可以得到完全的放鬆。因為整個過程是順水而下,不用人來劃船,好輕鬆自在。 人們也可隨時在飄遊過程中隨處下水遊泳。即使是夏日,水裏還是挺涼的。等到在下遊上岸後,可坐公園提供的小火車回到上遊的停車處。我們那年,兩家人在那裏玩了一天,非常舒適愜意。 以下圖片均來自網絡。 ![]() 圖 1 ![]() 圖 2 ![]() 圖 3 ![]() 圖 4 ![]() 圖 5 ![]() 圖 6 ![]() 圖 7 遊玩的視頻。 介紹的視頻。 以下資料來自網絡。 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia。 Ichetucknee Springs State Park Ichetucknee Springs State Park is a 2,241-acre (9.07 km2) Florida State Park and National Natural Landmark located four miles (6 km) northwest of Fort White off State Road 47 and State Road 238. It centers around the six mile (10 km) long Ichetucknee River, which flows through shaded hammocks and wetlands into the Santa Fe River. The park contains hardwood hammock and limestone outcrops. Like many rivers in this part of North Florida, the Ichetucknee is fed by natural springs which boil up (in various holes) from the aquifer. The state of Florida purchased the property in 1970 from the Loncala Phosphate Corporation for $1,850,000. Park wildlife includes white-tailed deer, raccoons, wild turkeys, wood ducks and great blue herons. There are also aquatic mammals, fishes and reptiles: i.e. turtles, water snakes, American alligators, North American river otters, West Indian manatees in the winter months, crayfish, bream, bluegill, largemouth bass, alligator gar, mullet, catfish, and several types of minnows. Recreational activities During the summer, one of the most popular park activities is floating down the Ichetucknee River in an inner tube. From the end of May until early September, "tubing" down the river is the premier activity in the park. As the water in this spring-fed river is remarkably clear, swimming, snorkeling and scuba diving are extremely popular. The river's year-round temperature is 72 °F (22 °C) and therefore makes for a refreshingly cool escape from the hot afternoon temperatures in the region. Tubes and rafts, as well as snorkeling and diving equipment can be rented from private vendors outside the park. The tubing season from the North entrance normally begins on May 27. At the South entrance, the tram service operates from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day. Rented inner tubes and rafts are dropped off (at the end of the trip) in designated areas at the "take-out" point. This is a popular weekend getaway for the students (and faculty) of the nearby University of Florida. Amenities within this state park include restrooms, dressing rooms, a concession stand, nature trails, picnic tables and grills. Archaeology A 17th century Spanish mission site has been identified in the park, next to a short tributary connecting Fig Springs to the Ichetucknee River, about one mile (1.6 km) downstream from the head of the river. The mission has been provisionally identified as San Martín de Timucua, which was occupied in the first half of the 17th century. Plans to reconstruct the mission and open it to the public as an interpretational site were dropped. Hours The park opens at 8 a.m. every day of the year (including holidays). The entrance gates close at posted times, which vary by date and entrance. The Education and Exhibit Center is open Thursday through Monday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. |