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Star Scopes (7/9/10 - 7/15/10)

(2010-07-09 08:22:33) 下一個

Star Scopes (7/9/10 - 7/15/10)

Author: James Tucker

Aries-March 21-April 19

Consult your closest friends before making big decisions. You will achieve more success. All top-level people have trusted advisors. These good souls are like booster rockets to your plans. Magic happens. It creates priorities, respect and success. You are now on the winning side of life. Share the fun.

Taurus-April 20-May 20

You are on a positive roll. Life has its ups and downs. Go for the highs. Manage the lows. Move forward toward your dreams. Refuse to let the world sidetrack you or turn you in circles. Have positive expectancy. Now review your progress. Make adjustments as needed. Stay on target. Victory is waiting just ahead.

Gemini-May 21-June 21

If an idea doesn't work, it either means the timing is off, the universe is not blessing it or it needs refinement. Harmony is the guiding light. All elements have to blend to create a new form. Look at your life and see how much harmony you have. We can't fight ourselves and win. Surrender the ego and find peace.

Cancer-June 22-July 22

Allow no room in your life for sadness, fear, doubt or indecision. Keep moving. Your best time is in the moonlight. This is when moon children come out to play. How much time do you take to play? Your health and happiness demand you do this. Listen to your heart. It always tells the truth and makes you happy.

Leo-July 23-Aug. 22

Keep a soft touch. You don't have to be all things to all people. Abundance is based on how you feel inside. You are a fire sign, ruled by the light. We're not talking about just money here. Wake up feeling gratitude for all that has been given. Ask for signs of more to come. Sharing now becomes the true joy of life.

Virgo-Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Take it a day at a time. Keep releasing the past and focusing on the future. The past, plus the present, is what creates the future, you know. You have command over your own universe when you listen to your inner guidance first and then take action on the outer side to create positive results. This is life at its best.

Libra-Sept. 23-Oct. 22

You continue to grow spiritually, Libra. You have been reborn in spirit. You are of the light and unconditional love. You refuse to let stress pull you out of your light and balance. You are the real deal. You are walking your talk. You are what the real zodiac is all about; love, balance, healing, light, joy and peace.

Scorpio-Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Scorpio, you have wonderful inner strength. Your personal appeal is emerging stronger than you may believe. Your beautiful light shines stronger than ever before. It's time to take some of this powerful energy and direct it onto your desires. You have earned it for all you have given. Love and joy to you always.

Sagittarius-Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Sagittarian souls need to help others find happier life, joy in the soul, love in the heart and a purpose in life. My dear friend, Rainie Lewis, a sag, just reminded me of that. Come on sag's of the world. You can do it. It's your divine aim and purpose. All the money in the world will not create happiness unless you share it.

Capricorn-Dec.22-Jan. 19

Pay a lot of attention to details now. It is better to be prepared than scattered. Stay balanced and focused on your dreams and the universe will help you succeed. Why? Because the supreme law is like attracts like. You know what you want. It's in your heart. Go for it and receive the great harvest.

Aquarius-Jan. 20- Feb. 18

As with Libra, balance is the key to your happiness. Your strong ties to spirit demand that you find quality time for yourself. Your inner quest is stronger than the outer. You continue to find new direction in life. Work crossword puzzles. It improves your memory, vocabulary and gives motivation into your future.

Pisces-Feb. 19-March 20

Pisces is the last and deepest of the zodiac signs. Thanks for being our rudder. You may never hear it in words, but you give us a sense of direction about how to navigate our waters (feelings) of life. Without your guidance we would have a risky journey. You are what heart is all about. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


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