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Star Scopes (6/26/09 - 7/2/09)

(2009-06-27 06:15:55) 下一個

Star Scopes (6/26/09 - 7/2/09)

Author: James Tucker

Aries-March 21-April 19

You know what you want you have such a strong focus. Go for it. Refuse to let the world side track you. You are a warrior, not a worrier. You are close to realizing your dream. Why? because you have many good ideas and know how to put them into action. Be sure to let trusted associates in on the fun. Help is on the way.

Taurus - April 20-May 20

Pat yourself on the back for recent victories. Taurus is a very strong sign. Stay loose, flexible and open for change. Stay firm in your convictions. This inner power has earned you respect, health and abundance in many ways. You love a life of passion. Let no one or nothing stand in the way of such a grand life.

Gemini - May 21-June 21

Sometimes less is more. Become more selective on how you spend your time, energy and resources. Be thankful first for your many blessings. You can do just about anything you want because of your great heart, powerful mind and communications skills. Stay focused on the top two or three and success is on the way.

Cancer - June 22-July 22

You are living in a great life. Look around you. No one has better people skills and the friendly touch more than you. Within your heart lies the greatest gift of all. It is the gift of unconditional love for all living things. Your feelings can be trusted because of your large heart and caring nature. No one does it better than you.

Leo - July 23-Aug. 22

You know what the important things are in life. You have the power to live a fine, self motivate life, healthy, abundant, happy and free. You are in touch with your heart and deep inner voice. This is why you continue to make wise decisions. You are going in the right direction, and that’s toward the winner’s circle.

Virgo - Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Your power of concentration gets stronger and stronger. Why? Because you stay focused on priorities and back off from less important things. There is a strong spiritual blessing on your life. There is much positive energy around you right now. Keep on tuning your dreams into realities. You have earned it.

Libra - Sept. 23-Oct. 22

You love it when everything is balanced. You are what justice is all about. Just be sure to take care of your own needs, as well as giving to others. Create a morning routine that revs you up. Eat a good breakfast and then spend time in meditation and affirmation. Now you can face any challenge and handle it with ease.

Scorpio - Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Within your heart lies the greatest gift of all. It is your insight. You usually see the answer right in front of your own eyes. Acknowledge, feel and welcome it. Accept this power and become completely in tune with it. It comes from an open, loving heart. Let it guide you in all your affairs in this magical adventure called life.

Sagittarius - Nov. 22-Dec. 21

You are at a new crossroads in life. Anything that has separated you from your higher good and divine purpose has vanished. You path is one of health, abundance and happiness. If you don’t love it, don’t do it. Now is a time of deep purpose and creativity. You waited for it, now enjoy the fruits of your labors.

Capricorn - Dec. 22-Jan. 19

There is so much you want to do. You are like a pony at the starting gate raring to run. Just keep an eye on your main goal. It should be to finish what you start before going to something new. Be flexible and make adjustments that keep you sharp and on edge. This is the formula of winners. You are a winner, you know.

Aquarius - Jan. 20-Feb. 18

You continue to walk your talk. People listen and admit that you were right all along. Incorporating new and innovative ideas keeps you moving steadily forward. Stay above the petty stuff. You have much more important things to do with your time, energy, money and dreams. You are a real inspiration for everyone.

Pisces - Feb. 19-March 20

The world sees you as pretty peaceful, but under the surface is a passionate, fiery nature, second-to-none. Your strength and determination to carry on, regardless of the challenges met on the road of life, along with your ability to learn, helps move the team forward. This is leadership at its finest. You have all of it and more.


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