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Star Scopes (6/27/08 ~ 7/3/08)

(2008-06-28 04:31:01) 下一個

Star Scopes (6/27/08 ~ 7/3/08)

Author:  James Tucker

Aries-March 21-April 19


Your life works best when your desires and passions are being fed as well as your needs. No one can do this work for you consistently unless you do it first. You are the leader and the very spirit of the zodiac pack. Your drive and courage bring you out on top. Your value to family, friends and associates keeps your fire growing and glowing.

Taurus-April 20-May 20

Your natural vision and leadership qualities continue to open new doors and create new demand for your talents and services. Continue to release old outdated clutter from life to make room for new growth. Expand your thinking. Go deeper within yourself. You are on the way to success greater than you think. Wow! Your ship is coming in.

Gemini-May 21-June 21

The universe has new plans for you. You will soon be called on to stretch your knowledge, expand your horizons and raise your own life, along with others in your circle, to new heights. You can do it. Why? Because of your strong heart. Pay particular attention to your dreams. Write down your visions. Wonderful results are on the way.

Cancer-June 22-July 22

You know you are moving in the right direction when you feel and hear warm feelings coming from friends and associates. Be generous with your thanks. All this joy lays a great foundation for more to come. Yours is a wonderful abundant well of life. Let your attitude be one of gratitude. Your life is a rich blessing and a great example for all of us.

Leo-July 23-Aug. 22

Passion for life is the greatest gift for a Leo. There is no middle-of-the-road for you. When you love, you love all the way. When you suffer, it is just as much. Your basic nature is to give your all. Just keep on refining and defining your talents. Refuse to let negativity pull you away from your deep inner guidance. Your happiness depends on it.

Virgo-Aug. 23-Sept. 22

You are always a person of justice and fairness. Be strong when you need to address issues and speak your truth. This quickly shows you who is real and who is not. Then move boldly ahead with your plans. This creates your own brand of magic. This draws other positive people to you and opens their heart to help you. Now everyone wins.

Libra-Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Sometimes, when things are beyond your control and you can't change them, accept them and manage them. When you have done your best and more is still needed, keep on keeping on but pace yourself. You are the master of balance you know. When unsure, wait for a sign, then march on and celebrate your victory.

Scorpio-Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Everyone gains strength from your light and presence. It keeps friendship bonds strong and respect in the workplace. You are a dearly loved and respected friend. It's because of your "high heart." What a tremendous honor you have been given. You have plenty of power and purpose. You wear it so well.

Sagittarius-Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Take a break, have some fun, get a second wind and relax. Live in the now. Take life one day at a time. Release the past and refuse to worry about the future. Rejoice daily for the good life you have been given. Guardian angels surround you and always protect you from harm. Act on your higher visions, remain at peace and all will be well.

Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan. 19

The only limits are what you place on yourself. You know what you truly want. This is the first step toward happiness. Remain boldly committed to your dreams. Take action every day on your top priorities and you will continue to see exciting results. The ball is in your court. Run with it and score. It's your life.

Aquarius-Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Your wonderful understanding of spiritual, as well as earthly laws and challenges continues to help you find balance in the pursuit of worthy goals and dreams. Focus on a favorite fun activity as well. Let your inner child come out and play. Then, when psyched up and feeling good take action. Nothing in the world can ever keep you from your bliss.

Pisces-Feb. 19-March 20

You deserve the best in life because you give the best. Pisces, the last sign, has the most heart. You finish the race for all of us. You even surprise yourself at times wondering where all this drive comes from. It comes from your emotions and awesome heart. Your thankfulnesss, gratitude and blessed life inspire everyone you meet. Yours is a magical life.

Star visions

Star Scopes is on the Web. If you have been helped, please tell your family and friends. Type in myhometownnews.net. Click on Star Scopes on the left menu. A personalized Astrology or Compatibility chart makes a great gift for yourself or someone you love. A positive business forecast can help you forecast future trends and help increase your profits. It's good to know what the universe wants for us. Call (772) 334-9487 or -email jtuckxyz@aol.com for details. Have a starry week everyone.


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