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Star Scopes (5/16/08 - 5/22/08)

(2008-05-18 08:21:38) 下一個

Star Scopes

Author: James Tucker

Time period: Week of 05-16-2008 ~ 05-22-2008

Aries-March 21-April 19

Your success in life is directly related to your goals and target dates. You are the leader of the zodiac. You have large dreams. You set high goals. You achieve much. Many think you are lucky. It has little to do with luck. It has everything to do with heart, spirit and hard work. Your surrender to instincts is an added bonus.

Taurus-April 20-May 20

This is your month of the year. You are at an emotional, mental and spiritual high right now with the sun, Mercury and Venus in Taurus. Use this boost of energy to finish old projects and start new ones. Follow through on important things, and you will see spirit blessing you with wonderful results.

Gemini-May 21-June 21

Face any new challengers in life with a light heart. It is so much easier this way. You don’t have to be responsible for the world. Surrender your will. This creates patience, trust and faith in the higher power. Refuse to let the world or negative people hold you back from your passion and your destiny. You deserve great success.

Cancer-June 22-July 22

Stay arms-length from gossip. Your good heart and strong spiritual values will tell you what you need to know if you are listening. Let your inner guidance give you the truth about life’s deeper matter. Express your view s on life, not about people. This method simplifies your life and keeps you moving forward and feeling great.

Leo-July 23-Aug. 22

Keep your new plans rolling. You are on the right track. Stick to your guns. Patience and practice of your basic skills is the key to success. Do something special for your family and fiends. Make them happy, and you will be made happy. You are at your best when you are psyched up and feeling good. Let nothing take this joy away.

Virgo-Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Expect wonderful results in life and in everything you do. Expect the unexpected. This keeps you young at heart and filled with hope and promise for a great life. Remove any limitations to your thinking. Anything is possible. Changes, opportunities and inspirations for the better are coming your way. Enjoy them to the max.

Libra-Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Unconditional love is what you are all about. You always have the best in mind and heart for family, friends and associates. This is what I call “high heart.” Your wonderful giving nature makes others want to give to you in return. Let them do it. You are a whole person. Use these blessings to expand your mastery of the mysteries of life.

Scorpio-Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Your creative output gets stronger and stronger. You have so much heart and spirit that you are unstoppable. You are very talented, especially in the area of vision, writing and communicating. When are you going to write your book? It’s in you, you know. The world is anxiously waiting.


The joy of achievements is the fuel for the fire in your soul. Nothing thrills you more than seeing a plan work out that gives joy to yourself and those in your circle of love. The timing is perfect for launching new ideas you have been developing. Your large heart is capable of major accomplishment. Your life is one of high example and virtue.

Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan.19

Jupiter in Capricorn says keep the commitment on your present projects and soon they will become fruitful. This extra boost will continue to move you forward. It is essential that you pay attention to small details. This is easy for your. Others now see your progress and want to help you. You are on the way to victory.

Aquarius-Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Your big heart works overtime. You have such a strong sense of family and old-fashioned values. Your loyalty to loved ones is legion. You never quit or give up. You always have the clarity when needed to make wise decisions in the face of a challenge. You wer3e born with a great gift and blessing .l It is called conscience.

Pisces-Feb. 19-March 20

The answers to the mysteries and secrets of the universe continue to unfold to you. Why? Because you continue to go within and get in touch with your light and truth. Bring out your inspirations and set them free. Your  gratitude for life and blessings keep spirit multiplying and increasing your rich life. So much more greatness in on the way.

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