Birds of Spring 2005 (2) 而我要找的Warbler卻總是高高地在樹頂端遛達,或隱藏在茂密的樹枝中,往往讓人隻聞其聲,而未見其“鳥”,卻總是欲罷不能。 這是一隻Yellow-rumped Warbler,也是我今年拍到的弟一隻Warbler.
這裏是一些介紹( “Yellow-rumped warbler: One of our most abundant, widespread, and best-known warblers, the Yellow-rumped Warbler winters farther north than any other warbler. The winter diet of berries, especially the high-fat berries of the evergreen bayberry, enables Yellow-rumps to winter as far north as the Great Lakes in the East and Seattle in the West. Yellow-rumped Warblers are relatively large warblers distinguished in all adult plumages by bright yellow rumps and white spots near the tips of the outer tail feathers. There is a marked seasonal change in plumage for both males and females. Yellow-rumped Warblers form large flocks during migration and winter, especially in coastal areas where bayberries are abundant. Birds wintering in the interior feed upon cedar, poison ivy and other berries, and seeds. Yellow-rumped Warblers display a wider range of foraging strategies for hunting insects than most other warblers. They may often be seen sallying from treetops after flying insects or searching for insects on tree trunks in the manner of Brown Creepers; at other times they foliage-glean in the manner of other warblers. They may also be seen foraging on the ground.”