bamboo seven

bambooseven (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2009-01-21 20:35:53) 下一個

     i have to believe somehow there is a high power that has been watching me.

     in this sad winter day, i suddenly got a phone call from Beijing. in the afternoon, we were in a fitting. a Beijing Phone number showed up on my phone. it is 3:00am there.

     it turned out to be my friend L. she worried about me. she says those others are worry about me as well, i should call them and let them know i am doing fine.

     Oh these friends from 11 years ago, what did i do to have such great friends? L is the most boyish one, cursing all the time and making mean comments about world. but she has the softest heart. she worries about me, she has been waiting to call me. she just lost her cat herself, she knows , somehow today i would be sad.

     then i called those others, some try to give me a lecture about women, others are just making sure i am OK. yeah, yeah, i am trying to see this fuck*ing world and try to face it again. man, whatever i saw already, it is not easy for me. but, whatever, whatever, i am not afraid, if i don't dare to start over, then i am too old.

     then it is N. N the beautiful girl, my best friend. i gave her hugs and warm words when she was in tears, today it is her turn to give me. i watched her growing up with me. this girl is like my big sister today. she had "scandalous" relationships, God, i love her when she said that. cool , i just need to refresh my skills for those relationship stuff, don't I.

     Then it is F, my friend from here. the lovely F. she told me to indulge myself  to be sad today! i will, indulgence is my thing !

     thanks, thanks, i should be so thankful to everything i have, even to those who hurt me. for the moments i was happy, the small moments, the sparkles, the fun, the desire, the warmth. was it true? i guess for how long it existed, it was true. but, well, it is the world, the ever changing world i am living in. in several monthes, i forgot a lot of things, i forgot that i am ready for the whole, fantastic world, and this new thing called "freedom" i love the most, is in my hand, right there.

     i am ready to fly again.

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閱讀 ()評論 (6)
bambooseven 回複 悄悄話 婭米,謝謝!我真幸運,有這麽好的朋友。
bambooseven 回複 悄悄話 thanks bodylanguage. i agree. and i am looking foward to that peace from inside!
bambooseven 回複 悄悄話 阿健--謝謝,我沒事,你沒有什麽歪論 ^_^ 我是運動白癡,不過在沙灘上跑步聽起來很不錯。下次到最近的沙灘去一定跑。不過到最近的沙灘也得四小時吧。
婭米 回複 悄悄話 睡一覺,一切就又都是新的了。

bodylanguage 回複 悄悄話 I do agree with 阿健's suggestion, although the peace of mind would ultimately come from inside.
阿健 回複 悄悄話 看了這篇知道你現在情緒不佳。希望我之前的歪論沒有起了壞作用。

