If New York is worth to say twice, then Paris is worth to say a hundred times.
Every time i am here, i would sigh deeply. what a beauty.
Under the grey sky, beige colored buildings extend, on them the lace-like black ironworks. River Seine dance through the center, bridges weave the two bands together. the names of the palaces in the city, reads the history of this great place. what a beauty, been through so much and still so attractive, even will be more so with the years to come.
Paris was put in shame when they serrender to the Germens during world war II. but the city is kept from bombing. when seeing those worn colors of the building, i would imagine how they looked hundreds years ago. i bet they are in vivid colors, just as the interiors of a Barique-styled room. but when time flies by the colors was washed into these subtle shades of beiges. time does add a whole lot of beauty to this city.
Yves Saint Laurent, the just-died famous French designer, had said his greatest quality is indulgence. it is very French. i would say French like to indulge themselves in beauty. They would not hesitate when to decorate, to beautify, to desire, to create, to love, even to sink into a guilty pleasure.
There are so many beaities in this city. French women are famous for their beauty.when they talk, the voices are usually low, to pronounce the language they move their lips in such a sexy way.
However i never thought French men are that attractive, they are not masculine enough i guess, some are too faminine looking, some are too vulgar.
Sunday, when i just came in, it was raining. i went to the famous antique market , and walked around through the alley ways under an umbrella. i heard the raindrops. i heard the silence in the rain. i smelled the history, and surrounded myself with all kinds of small things from before.
Dolls, Chairs, laces, feather, books, posters, mirrors, embroidered pieces, old dresses, corsets, ribbons, sculptures, a boat, bones....the shiny threads sparkle in the shadow, it is like a movie scene, a childhood dream come true.
Only French will be drawn into the past like this. all kinds of strange things being gathered, collected, displayed, scattered, in this market that people from allover the world would visit. when you come in here, you could not help but slowing your steps, quietly walking around on the pebble stones and feel surreal by your surroundings.
Paris was connected to me very early in my life, although i did not make it here until about 5 years ago. i dreamed about coming here for so long, finally when i saw her i was almost in tears.i would never forget that moment.
"i finally made it here.." i said, in my heart.
one corner at the antique market. a boat and a strange collection.
An Afternoon at left bank.

Versailles-- a quiet hallway.
St Sulpice Cathedral at left bank. the shockingly beautiful stained glass.


The hall of the mirrors... only if you are there you can experiance the shock!
i agree with the words you put there.
Paris, to me, seems to be familiar ( for how many times i have been there) but also fresh ( i have not stayed here longer than 5 days). i need to live here to understand her better.
the city smells like perfume basicly, every store use it!!
The scent of Paris is Chanel No.5 -
artistic, flirtatious, luxury, wild, classic, elegant