
Take the road less traveled....

IQ 高的人崇尚獨處。。。

(2017-12-29 08:01:38) 下一個


有了度假屋之後,我們常去那兒度周末。我喜歡在秋天的清晨,無人的海邊欣賞日出,看著天邊的幾抹彩霞褪色,又走近沙灘變望著前浪推著後浪,一層層消失在沙灘上。"人類一思考,上帝就發笑". 在這獨處的時間裏,我可以默默思考又或者讓大腦裏一片空白,單純的呼吸著海邊鹹鹹的海風。

我有親密的女朋友圈,六人行,我們一起讀書,學彈琴。她們對我的評價是聰明,溫暖,非常值得信任。awesome and the best..在需要的時候,我非常外向和熱情。可是,隨著年齡的增長,我越來越享受能夠短暫獨處的樂趣。

獨處確不是孤獨。Solitude ...讓我有時間探索自己。每段時間我的精神力量成長了多少。骨子裏我從小就是個獨立特行的人。在這個世界上最不缺的就是人雲亦雲的吃瓜群眾。如果你要和大多數的想法不一樣,就要承擔很多非議。與其花時間和無聊的人呆在一起,我寧願一個人讀股票評論和market watch. 


 Why Very Smart People Are Happiest Alone

Quality time = alone time. 
In a just-published study about how our ancestral needs impact our modern feelings, researchers uncovered something that will surprise few among the highly intelligent. While most people are happier when they’re surrounded by friends, smart people are happier when they’re not.

The researchers, Norman P. Li and Satoshi Kanazawa, of the Singapore Management University, Singapore and the London School of Economics and Political Science, UK, respectively, were investigating the “savannah theory” of happiness.

The savannah theory — also called the “evolutionary legacy hypothesis” and the “mismatch hypothesis” — posits that we react to circumstances as our ancestors would, having evolved psychologically based on our ancestors’ needs in the days when humankind lived on the savannah.

The study analyzed data from interviews conducted by the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) in 2001-2002 with 15,197 individuals aged 18–28. The researchers  looked for a correlation between where an interviewee lived — in a rural or urban area — and his or her life satisfaction. They were interested in assessing how population density and friendships affect happiness.

 所以說,如果你也像我一樣,喜歡Solitude . .我們可能是同路人。

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圓西瓜 回複 悄悄話 回複 '閑閑客' 的評論 :

閑閑客 回複 悄悄話 西瓜新年快樂!果然你是聰明,溫暖,還很會賺錢。我不愛湊熱鬧,可是也從來不感覺無聊 :)
圓西瓜 回複 悄悄話 回複 '每天一講' 的評論 :
圓西瓜 回複 悄悄話 回複 '每天一講' 的評論 :

圓西瓜 回複 悄悄話 回複 '5fruitsaday' 的評論 :

5fruitsaday 回複 悄悄話 那也不行, 獨處久了變飼料雞飼料鴨了, 還是要去生活和觀察生活,好人無賴都要見識見識