

(2008-04-10 13:56:50) 下一個
代表性的帶有恐怖主義色彩的stupid的名稱,分別以五根手指頭來命名了。就我與這些stupid的一年多的接觸了解,雖然有些片麵,隻是通過一個chinese form 隻是通過敏銳地感覺和觀察,但我認為這些stupid絕對沒有智慧去建立一個以人體的四肢,手指頭來命名的一個黑社會色彩濃鬱的網絡黑社會。

聽到關於某某某三個家夥的時候我很詫異,是某個stupid 大概想跟我或是向我宣傳這三個甘肅天水來的整天裝神弄鬼的老土憋吧!在我揭穿了他偽善的麵孔一次又一次之後,他終於搬出了這三個老死憋。當時的感覺是,這個破爛玩意能接觸到啥樣的好人哪!這種東西是人都會躲的遠遠的啦!

隨著他的出現一係列的讓人匪夷所思的槍殺,crush 便出現了,我自己也被車撞了。那是一次警告,因為我隻能在那個form裏發牢騷了。並且寫了一大隊的關於他們很真實地感覺和判斷。這個老死憋顯然並不肯放棄,所以出現了一次又一次的show me his power.可是我仍然認為,這樣的東西根本不能解除,更談不上認識了。所以我被車撞了一下,深深感覺到了危險就在自己的身邊了。

我仍然不斷的寫,跟以前一樣,這個老死憋覺得我可能認識他,或者因為某些原因他總是看我的post.然後一些可怕的事情便會發生,例如槍擊,例如crush.but I still posted a lot of .i feel I am in dangrou all the time. 這個老死憋給我的感覺就像一個從地獄裏爬出來的鬼魂,陰森森的在深夜裏出現陰森森的衝著我笑兩聲,然後就離去了。

我喜歡裝鬼,可是這個東西確是真的鬼魂,地獄的感覺。於是我想起了很多鬼片,例如:吸血迷情,。。。。。。。but before untile now I never get scaried on thoese kind of movie.so I think the guy just want to learn me, 裝鬼。Before untile now I never think the internet is real on me kind of person, because I already saw many many problems happened for no reason, difficult to find what is the real person did the bad thing. And I also know someone posted some like nosanse words on a form in china, i did read it ,we all laughing on the guy. Nobody believe it at that time.
But after the 老死憋出現以及之後發生的一係列的恐怖事件,死的都是比較熟悉的,我認為都是nice people’s id. 例如黑方塊,他說他去了一趟加州,然後他就變了個人似的,he is a nice and smart guy. I did rememding him something. After that 我寫了一些東西關於揭露這些人折騰人when u in love with someone.he looks so sad. Talking so weekness. I also know. He got the stupid problem. I never like any of the stupid just talking 根本缺乏任何常識的關於科學,計算機and everything. 我隻知道這些東西我不能相信,我也有足夠的力量cancle they connect me. 很簡單,just cancle the phone. That is all I did to them, at that time. They thought I need a job from them ,but I formerly know I can not have a job yet . so they are just do what are they think. It is up to them I can but cancle all of the phone call

If a normal person will not calling that much. But they still maked up to be some service company calls, a lot of after that. I just cancled that is all .then they can not connect me so i feel I am still fine. No problem.

But it is not finished some guy looks crazy he did talk to me with yahoo massage I can not talk much with him, he looks little faked so I can but say some like nothing I think. But he did come to usa from Canada. He is stupid I think. I also know someone is using me for cheating boys. So I don’t even talk much. Posted just for explain what they doing at the website. He also get pain for I said I never talk about love on the internet. He wants to using me to make him stay in the website stranger. I never be used before untile now. So I said that to him so cold words.

Someone strange think I will pain for on they guy but I just wrote something then left. They also feel they can not get me on that way. So I just left at that time.

After that I saw some news about someone get crush. I think that is him. I get more scary on the someone strange. But I have no choice. I didn’t feel much pain for on the guy died because he wants to using me when me in love with him. Love is always like a nice dream for me.so I just pain for on his life is gone forover. Then nothing.

Then another one still come to me, I think he is something wrong because he control my ie and send virus to me all the time watching my pc all the time. I have no any intresting on those kind of wrong guy. And before untile now I always heard someone strange a lot of like they share girls together . so I think they guy is one of them. Everyday he just post some dirty stuff then left. He is doing 炒匯。。。。。。he wants me joing him. That is imposble. I can but posted some articles. Try my best to change something. I did changed a lot of them . but after the 甘肅老死憋出現everything just getting worth more worth. 緊接著我接到了可能是那個大拇指的電話,his voice changed. But I am sure it is him. I have known something wrong on him. He looks sick more sick.

But I still answerd his phone, because I wants to know what is really happened on his place. Why everybody got the ca then they changed. Then ………

He looks so scaried on the big snowing in ca. but now I am sure he already died at that time, it is a faked up voice. The voice blong on that stupid old bitch. So I think the old bitch killed him already. Because the voice asked me 這裏的雪下的好大,I said I didn’t online so I don’t know it. I should never answer the phone call I think. But now everything so clearly on my head. I have to write. So the real 大拇指already died 三個月以前 I think.

I never heard about the five figers until the security is open. So u guys all get problems is not a long time. Only the five fingers got the problems for a long time I think.

After that I want to go back home all the time. Because I can not feelling the website that much. Got scaried all the time. No place to run so just go back home.

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