Hwo many of Chinese family has the 3rd child?
(2008-03-30 21:11:29)
I have two kids: 3 and 6. Married for 9 years.
In the past years, We can\'t dicide if we want the 3rd one. Since my LG and I both work. I always started work after 6 week of delivery. I work for 8 years already. I can\'t give up my job.
My Parents-in-law are strongly againt the 3rd childe ideas. My LG doesn\'t care since it is all my job. (I brestfed my two kids in the past and we work at different cities 200 miles apart.)
I am worrying about time and energy. But I believe evry child is a gift and can\'t be replaced. If I want another one, I need to have it in the next five years before I am too old (my last chance).
I am a person: if I want to do it, I will try my best. But I just don\'t know if I can afford it now. I am scare a little.