(2008-05-24 03:27:03)
文/ 王人 - 12/27/2005
一. 毛澤東多次講過,他“絕後”了。
1959年7月23日,毛澤東在廬山會議上批彭德懷 時,講了關於他絕後了的問題。他鄭重其事的對全體中央委員們說:“始作俑者,其無後乎。我無後乎? 中國的習慣,男孩叫有後,女孩不算。我一個兒子打死了,一個兒子瘋了,我看是沒有後的。…… 始作俑者是我,應該絕子絕孫。”以後他又多次講過。例如,他對康生說:始作俑者,其無後乎,我就絕了後。我們知道,毛澤東封建意識很強,他不認為女兒是他的“後”,他認為兒子、孫子才是他的後。但毛岸英雖然死了,可還有兒子毛岸青,毛澤東怎麽會說自己“絕後”了呢?顯然,他知道毛岸青不能生育,毛岸青生不了兒子,毛澤東就不可能有孫子,這不是“絕後”了嗎。毛澤東多次將這件事掛在嘴上,君無戲言,這可不是鬧著玩的。毛澤東作為父親,當然對自己的兒子毛岸青的生育能力了如指掌。從毛澤東親口說的話裏,我們可以清楚的知道毛岸青沒有生育能力。
毛岸青1923年11月2日出生, 1960年和邵華結婚時,他已經37歲了。此前,他沒有婚戀過。試想,一個“皇子”,能拖到37歲結婚嗎?如果他是“地富反壞右”的兒子,沒人嫁他,拖到 37歲結婚,咱信。可他是“當今皇上”的“獨子”啊!怎麽解釋?唯一的解釋就是他“根本沒有那個能力”。而且,毛岸青與邵華結婚,也是毛澤東親自安排的兒媳婦劉思齊撮合的。毛岸青根本不願意談戀愛。一個男人活到37歲了,見到像邵華這樣的21歲漂亮姑娘送上門來都不動心,還要嫂子催,父親勸。為了催毛岸青娶邵華,毛澤東還親自給毛岸青寫了一封長信呢!如果毛岸青是個正常男人,毛澤東用得著這樣嗎?
三、 從邵華的母親、姐姐之品行度邵華之心思。邵華的母親張文秋,先嫁給山東劉謙初,生女兒劉思齊又名劉鬆林。又嫁給陳振亞,生女兒邵華,前後不過幾年。邵華本應隨父姓陳,她卻叫張少華,又改為邵華。中國人很重視姓,哪能把姓改來改去?為什麽不隨父姓?是不是父親不願認這個女兒?為什麽父親不願認?邵華的生父到底是誰?這隻有她母親張文秋知道了。
江青對邵華很不好,這是大家都清楚的。僅舉一例,1966年7月26日,中央文革在北京大學召開萬人大會,江青在會上發言,剛說了幾句,就轉向猛批邵華和她的母親,甚至說:“張文秋的女兒張少華,自己說她是毛主席的兒媳婦,我們根本不承認”(見陳伯達回憶錄)。當時江青權利很大,一句話就會讓人死啊,她為什麽對張文秋和張少華這麽恨?江青自己沒有兒子,用奪嫡之爭沒法解釋,唯一的解釋就是女人之間的爭風吃醋。江青作為毛澤東的妻子,當然對毛澤東與邵華的關係很關注。如果是正常的公公與兒媳的關係,婆婆會吃醋嗎?會吃醋到想把她和她母親整死的地步嗎? 話說回來,如果江青手裏沒有毛澤東與邵華私通的鐵證,她敢公開這樣做嗎?但她這樣做了,毛澤東一句話也不敢說,這是為什麽?明擺著嘛!
從遺傳學的角度看,傻子生的孩子,仍然是傻子的機率很高。如果不是傻子,起碼也不會是個聰明人。但是我們看毛新宇,又是研究生,又是寫書,又是演講,吹捧毛澤東,吹捧自己,連自己剛出生的兒子也變著花樣吹捧到天上,這哪裏像毛岸青?而且,剛搞上山東姑娘郝小姐,又搞上江蘇姑娘劉小姐,而且懷孕生了子,也是 “風流成性”,這哪裏像到了37歲還不會“男女之事”的毛岸青?再看看他的外表,一點也不像毛岸青嘛!請邵華解釋一下,你們不是一直說:“龍生龍,鳳生鳳,老鼠生兒會打洞”嗎?而且,還慘殺了懷疑這一說法的遇羅克。那麽,請問邵華,毛新宇是“龍生的龍”呢?還是傻子生的傻子呢?
所以,毛澤東得空就給邵華下“種”,可就是“種”不上。眼看毛澤東一天天老了,邵華也感覺到毛澤東一次比不上一次棒了。怎麽辦?天意難違,既然老天爺要讓毛澤東 “絕後”,我一個弱女子能有什麽辦法?隻好另尋“種源”了。但怎樣防備毛澤東的懷疑呢?反正你毛澤東已插上一腿無數次了,我與其它男人好上,趕快懷孕生子,你老毛肯定誤以為是自己的“種”,到時孫子一抱,不用擔心“絕後”了,高興還來不及,怎麽會查查是不是你的“種”?等到孩子長大,你想查查時,你不就早見馬克思去了。想到就幹,追求邵華的男人如過江之鯽,隨便抓幾條,哪個不樂哈哈?就這樣,1969年,她懷孕了,並於次年生了毛新宇。毛澤東以為是自己的兒子,當然樂不可支,並賜名毛新宇,以示與毛遠新同為子侄輩。至於毛岸青,傻瓜一個,怎麽會明白孩子是怎麽來的?有人喊爸爸,就傻笑一通得了。
邵華這一招真高,竟瞞過了毛澤東。既然毛新宇不是毛家的後,那毛澤東發的關於他“絕後”了的毒誓,也就不會在毛新宇身上靈驗。所以,毛新宇又可以生孩子傳 “後”了。邵華呢?更因為給“毛”家留了“後”,而備受恩寵,一直爬到“將軍”。真是皆大歡喜。我以前一直不明白,邵華“將”過什麽“軍”?她能“將”什麽“軍”?怎麽就官拜了“將軍”?現在我明白了,她連毛澤東這個“君”都能“將”,應該叫“將君”才是,叫“將軍”都屈了材。
1. 毛新宇不是毛岸青的兒子。
2. 毛新宇有可能是毛澤東的兒子。
3. 毛新宇也可能不是毛澤東的兒子,他可能是邵華的某一位情夫的兒子。
1. 請邵華盡快公開向全國人民講明,毛新宇到底是誰的兒子。
2. 請毛新宇公布他和毛岸青的基因鑒定報告。
3. 在毛新宇的基因鑒定報告公布以前,毛新宇停止使用“毛主席孫子”的稱號。
4. 如不回應以上三條,說明毛新宇是雜種一個,他和母親邵華欺騙了天下百姓,實為竊名盜利偷權之賊,則天下百姓人人可得而誅之。
5. 了解內情的人們,盡快公開您所知道的這方麵的秘密,這是對人民負責的義舉。
6. 請網友們將此文廣為傳播,最好直接轉給毛新宇、邵華等當事人,並敦促他們盡快作出反應。
Mao Zedong injures the national, the later generation to humorously gives vent to indignation!
(This article is not station host Original creates literature , looks funnily, reprints everybody to share pleasure) [
Mao Xinyu is not Mao Zedong's grandson, but is his son!
Article/ king person - 1.2/27/2005 billion
Mao Xinyu is not Mao Zedong's grandson!
Recently,Person who knows the Internet user circumstances pastes is startled the day Peru to hear that, said:"Mao Xinyu is not Mao Zedong's grandson, but is his son", has caused The Internet user the intense response. Majority of Net friend believes this news. I originally want to look at Shao Hua, Mao Xinyu statement, because said to them, they too wanted to deny this news. Moreover, if this news is"fabricates a rumor", then, they wanted to reveal this"the rumor"too to be simple, so long as made the gene appraisal, an announcement, who also dared to discuss this matter? But, they do not have this, not only has not done, moreover continually a fart does not dare to put, what does this explain? Does not dare!
If this merely is Mao Zedong, Mao Anqing, between the Shao China's lower part of the body's matter, I did not want to say any. But is not. Now, Mao Xinyu continuously everywhere mooches by the Mao Zedong grandson of wife's name, attempts to fish for politics, the economy, the reputation, the pornographic capital using Mao Zedong's corpse, this but entraps whole nation's matter, this was the national affairs. Chinese has the conscience which as, has no alternative but to make clear this matter. Under, I take the Chinese public publication material as the evidence, carries on the analysis to this matter. Certainly, middle unavoidably has some deductions, calculated offers a few ordinary introductory remarks so that others may offer their valuable ideas.
1. Mao Zedong has said many times, after he"certainly ".
On July23,1959, Mao Zedong when Mount Lushan conference group of Peng Dehuai , said after he certainly question. He treats a matter seriously said to all members of the Central Committee that,"The setter of a bad example, it has no children. I have no children? China's custom, after the boy calls to have, the girl did not calculate. An my son has killed, a son has been insane, I looked is does not have after.... ... The setter of a bad example is I, should certainly the child certainly grandson."Later he many times has said. For example, he said to Kang Sheng that, The setter of a bad example, it has no children, after I certainly.
We knew that, Mao Zedong feudalism consciousness is very strong, after he did not think the daughter is he"", he thought the son, the grandson are his after. But Mao Anying although has died, has been possible also to have son Mao Anqing, after how Mao Zedong can say oneself"certainly "? Obviously, he knew Mao Anqing cannot give birth, Mao Anqing could not live the son, Mao Zedong is impossible to have the grandson, after this was not"certainly ". Mao Zedong hangs many times this matter on the mouth, Mr. does not have the joke, this certainly to be sure jokes. Mao Zedong takes the father, certainly knows from A to Z to own son Mao Anqing's birth ability. In speech personally said which from Mao Zedong, we may clear know Mao Anqing has not given birth the ability.
Shao Huamao person and so on new space always said that, Mao Zedong is the great talent, consistent is correct. Then, he after oneself"
certainly "the view also certainly is correct, this prediction also certainly is the talent accurate. Since like this, how can emit a grandson to come? This grandson is false? Or Mao Zedong predicts not correctly? The two must occupy its one. Ask the Shao China, since Mao Zedong's grandson is really, then he after"certainly "the view was wrong, how then you did say he consistent was correct? Since he consistent is correct, after then your that son is not Mao Zedong"", whose after is he?
2. Mao Anqing truly"is sick"
Mao Anqing's spirit, human body all"sickness"is very heavy, this is the open secret. Some articles said Mao Anqing is a schizophrenia, some people said he is"the fool", some people said he is"mental illness".
His body very is also weak, frequently hospital treatment. Lian Heshao the China marries, all is hospitalized in the Dalian hospital time does. This sufficiently explained that, Mao Anqing's bodily condition is very bad. Some people possibly said that, is sick not necessarily does not have the birth! But we look Mao Anqing's love and marriage history, he is a normal man?
Mao Anqingon November2,1923was born, whenin 1960 and Shao Hua marriage, he already37years old. Before this, he does not have the love and marriage. Suppose,"the emperor's son", can tow to37year old of marriage? If he is"the landowners and rich peasants counter- bad is right"the son, nobody marries him, tows to 37year old of marriage, we believe. But he is"now the emperor""only son"! How explained? The only explanation is he"basic does not have that ability".
Moreover, Mao Anqing and Shao Hua marries, also is daughter-in-law Liu Siqi which Mao Zedong personally arranges reconciles. Mao Anqing simply is not willing to discuss the love. A man lived to37years old, saw delivered the gate like the Shao Chinasuch21 year old of attractive girl to come all not to move, but also wanted the sister-in-law to urge, the father urged. In order to urge Mao Anqing to marry the Shao China, Mao Zedong personally has also written a long letter to Mao Anqing! If Mao Anqing is a normal man, Mao Zedong uses like this?
Mao Anqing and Shao Chinain 1960married.Has only then livedtoJanuary17, 1970 Mao Xinyu, ten years! How also is a matter? At that time, who didn't hope Mao Zedong adds a grandson? The Shao China does not think? How is the bosom not on? This also explained that, Mao Anqing has not given birth the ability. If in front of bosom Mao Xinyu, Mao Anqing restored the function, could give birth to a boy, after then Shao Washington Mao Xinyu, why stopped does not live? The at that time may not do any"the prevalence of one child per married couple", later will do, also will not do the king family! Asks Shao Hua to explain, if Mao Anqing has the birth ability, why not then gives"the great leader"to add a big grandson again? Shao Hua only lives Mao Xinyu, is how that skillful, Mao Anqing has not early given birth the ability, late has not given birth the ability, sole bosom Mao Xinyu that moment had the birth ability. The fact showed that, Mao Anqing has not given birth the ability.
Of third, from Shao China's thoughts of conduct of Shao China mother, the elder sister. The Shao Hua mother Zhang Wen fall, first marries for Shandong Liu Qianchu, lives daughter Liu Siqi to also name the Liu pinery. Also marries to Chen Zhenya, lives the daughter Shao China, around only several years. Shao Huaben should be surnamed Chen along with the father, she actually calls Zhang Shaohua, also changes the Shao China. The Chinese takes the surname very much, how can change the surname changes? Why isn't surnamed along with the father? Is not the father is not willing to recognize this daughter? Why isn't the father willing to recognize? Who is the Shao Hua father? This only her mother Zhang Wen fall to know.
Shao Hua elder sister Liu Siqi first marries for Mao Anying, the Mao Anying skeleton has not been cold, he on It is separately made to marry
others. The Shao Hua mother, the elder sisters all are not the Chinese tradition woman's type. The Shao Hua mother Zhang Wen fall is and my paternal grandmother the same age person. My grandfather when kills, my paternal grandmother only thenover 30years old, but she has not remarried, tear, perspiration, raises my father the adult. How many humiliations, but she until death does not remarry, continuously remains a widow toover 80years old passed away. Now at last is that time woman.
The be influenced by the surroundings, Shao Hua is born in such family, family all members all do not have the traditional woman's chastity, on the contrary had to the Shao China? Can defend a mental illness husband for a lifetime? Also this fool also lost the birth ability, the fool has only then believed such nonsense
4. guesses him and the Shao China's relations from Mao Zedong's natural history. Mao Zedong"loosely becomes second nature". If he is the common people, then can be called"the hoodlum to become second nature", moreover,he already is possibly condemnedby"the hoodlumcrime" the death penalty to carry out immediately.His several years old on married with the local girl. But he It stops in the wife did Yang Kaihui again. Yang Kaihui has also lived for him three sons, but she has not died, also did He Zizhen. He Zizhen has not left, also did Jiang Qing, Jiang Qing has been also young, he did has not known how many women.
Until at the point of deathover 80year-old old man, but also dominates young appearance beautiful Zhang Yufeng to release the desire. Such a man, is defending the as pretty as a flower daughter-in-law, was thinking this stature wife has not been pregnant, looks own silly son dull stay in there laughs foolishly, what can he do? Gentleman may.
5. looks at Mao Zedong and the Shao China's relations from Jiang Qing to the Shao China's manner Jiang Qing is not good to Shao Huahen, this is everybody all clear. Only lifts an example,on July26,1966, the central Great Cultural Revolution held ten thousand person of congresses in the Beijing University, Jiang Qing speaks at the meeting, just said several, changed fierce group of Shao Hua and her mother, even said:"Zhang Wen fall daughter Zhang Shaohua, own said she is Chairman Mao's daughter-in-law, we simply did not acknowledge"(sees Chen Boda memoirs). At that time the Jiang Qing right was very big, a speech could let the person die, why did she such hate to the Zhang Wen fall and Zhang Shaohua?
Jiang Qing do not have the son, with snatches the throne the struggle to have no way to explain, the only explanation is between woman's being rivals for sexual favor. Jiang Qing took Mao Zedong the wife, certainlypays attention very much to Mao Zedong and the Shao China's relations. If is the normal father-in-law and daughter-in-law's relations, mother-in-law will be jealous? Will be jealous to wants the situation which torments to death her and her mother? The speech returns to the original topic, if in the Jiang Qing hand does not have Mao Zedong and the Shao China illicit intercourse ironclad proof, she dares to publicize does this? But she has done this, a Mao Zedong speech does not dare to say, why this is? Clearly is suspending!
6. flatters from Shao Hua to Mao Zedong looks at their relations.
Shao Hua to Mao Zedong's flattering, arrived the disgusting situation. Asks each position to look she publishes the article, this where is the daughter-in-law praises the father-in-law! Is not obtains has cut into love of the marrow person, how can't say this kind of disgusting speech. Looks Mao Zedong the daughter, the sons-in-law, they all cannot say this kind of disgusting speech, only her Shao China! Why is this? Didn't the Shao China know what person Mao Zedong is? Did not know how many people he does kill, kills how many people? Did not know he is the person in front of, behind is the ghost? Like the Shao China, all can crawl"
general"the person, muddled to continually such selects the recognition capability all not to have? Is impossible! Some one kind of explanation, is only in cahoots function!
7. is not the fool looks at him and Mao Anqing's relations from Mao Xinyu
Looked from the genetics angle that, fool's fresh child, still was fool's probability is very high. If is not the fool, cannot be a smart person at least. But we looked at Mao Xinyu, also is the graduate student, also writes the book, also is lectures, flatters Mao Zedong, flatters oneself, just was born including own the son also to change the pattern to flatter the space, this where liked Mao Anqing? East moreover, just did climbs mountains girl Miss Hao, also did Jiangsu girl Miss Liu, moreover was pregnant has lived, also was "loosely becomes second nature", this where liked arrived37years old not to be able"matter of the male and female "Mao Anqing? Again has a look his semblance, does not like Mao Anqing!
Asks Shao Hua to explain, you are not always said:"Long Shenglong, the phoenix fresh phoenix, the mouse lives meets Sexual intercourse"? Moreover, but also killed cruelly had suspected this view met Rock. Then, asked the Shao China, Mao Xinyu is"Long Sheng dragon"? Or fool's fresh fool?
Whose sons are 8. wools new spaces?
This question, only has in Shao Huaxin to be clear, also continually Shao Huaye is not possibly clear. We want It clarifies, only usefully inferred.
Possibly has harms, please forgive.
The first kind of possibility, is Mao Zedong's son. Has read"Person who knows circumstances"person of the article, can approve this view. Has no way to dispute! Read my article person, also can deepen to this conclusion approval. In order to save reader's time, is not redundant.
The second kind of possibility, is not Mao Zedong's son, but has his/her father in addition.
According to House of zoology the scientific judgment, primates' child mortality rate is very high. Take the monkey as the example, the male monkey frequently injures is not a little ape which the oneself copulation gives birth to. The female monkeys in order to do not let own child bite to death by other male monkeys, as far as possible is then broad and the male monkeys copulation. Thus, possesses with this female monkey copulation male monkey, all thought this female monkey fresh little ape is own child, thus cannot bite to death him, but also can protect it. This continually female monkey all understands the truth, General Shao Hua certainly can understand.
Reads here, whether we possibly like this do deduce: Shao Hua very wants to live a son,"the mother to sub- is expensive"! But Mao Anqing has not given birth the ability, how manages? Certainly should better be obtains "the kind "fromMao Zedongthere. By the Shao China's facial expression and the ability, are joined to Mao Zedong's manner, this matter can accomplish.If is, they fell in love. Mao Zedong crossedYangtze Riverin 1966, the physical strength is really healthy, hereafter, he overthrew Liu Shaoqi, was elated with success. I read then newspaper, doctor have inspected Mao Zedong's body, said he could live to 140 years old, the whole nation has also celebrated the good period of time for this! Therefore, he is the Shao China"the kind"the on possibility is very high. But did not forget, also had a Jiang Qing among those two! Besides Jiang Qing this wife, he also had Xie Jingyi at that time and so on a big group of concubine! Mao Zedong although wants to give Shao as soon as possible China"the kind"on, but that also has"the divine intervention"
question. He said many times, after he"", he but"has certainly gone against 10,000 ",how"can the God" not arrange to act accordingly. You look at Mao Anying, hides in the rear air-raid shelter, Guard is strict, Peng Dehuai and so on a A lot of people person As for the hair, it is not damage (damage), he actually hardly died for the fever. This is not a divine intervention? You look at Mao Anqing, hard has been silly, moreover, has lost the birth ability, this is not a divine intervention? Like Mao Anlong, hardly on evaporated from the Earth, the divine intervention is difficult to disobey! Therefore, Mao Zedong has free time gives Shao under China"the kind", may be"the kind"not on. Saw Mao Zedong one has been old daily, Shao Hua also felt Mao Zedong time did not compare a stick. How manages? The divine intervention is difficult to disobey, after since the God must let Mao Zedong "certainly ", what means an my weak female can have?
Had to seek "the seedling source"in addition. How but guard againsts Mao Zedong's suspicion? Your Mao Zedong has inserted a leg in any case innumerably inferior, I with other men on good, quickly is pregnant gives birth to a boy, your wool definitely It thinks because it mistakes it is own"the kind", at the appointed time the grandson as soon as hugs, after Don't worry"certainly ", has been happy also without enough time, how meets Zha Cha is you"the kind"? When the child grows up, you thought Zha Chashi, you not early died. Thought does, pursues Shao Hua the man like multitude of people moving to and fro, how many strip casually grasps, which isn't cheerful? Then,in 1969, she has been pregnant, and has lived Mao Xinyu in the next year. Mao Zedong thought is own son, certainly is overjoyed, and bestows Mao Xinyu, shows with Mao Yuanxin with for sub- nephew generation. As for Mao Anqing, fool can, how understand how the child is comes? Some people shout the daddy, laughed foolishly.
Shao Huazhei move is really high, unexpectedly has hideed the truth from Mao Zedong. Since Mao Xinyu is not Mao Jia's after, that Mao Zedong sent after him"certainly "poisonous oath, also could not the body be effective in Mao Xinyu on. Therefore, after Mao Xinyu was allowed to give birth to the child to pass on "". Shao China? After because gave"the wool"the family to remain"", but prepared the favor, continuously crawled"
general". Really is happy. I before did not understand, Shao China"
"what"armed force"? What will shebe able"""the armed force"? How has done obeisance "general"onthe official? Now I had understood, her Mao Zedong this"Mr."all energy"", should be called"Mr."will be, was called"
general"all to bend the material.
9.3 points conclusions; To here, whether or not draws three conclusions?
1. wools new spaces are not Mao Anqing's sons.
2. wools new spaces have the possibility are Mao Zedong's sons.
3. wools new spaces also possibly are not Mao Zedong's sons, he is possibly the Shao Hua some sentiment husband's son.
10.6 appeals
1. asks the Shao China to publicize as soon as possible to the whole nation clarified that, whose son Mao Xinyu is.
2. asks Mao Xinyu to announce him and Mao Anqing's gene appraisal report.
3. in before Mao Xinyu gene appraisal report announcement, Mao Xinyu stops uses"the Chairman Mao grandson"the title.
4. like does not respond above three, explained Mao Xinyu is hybrid, he and mother Shao Hua has deceived the world common people, actually steals the famous robber advantage to steal thief of the power, then the world common people everybody may result in executes it.
5. understandings inside stories people, publicize this aspect secret as soon as possible which you knew, this is to the people's responsible magnanimous act.
6. asks widely to disseminate this article, best directly forwards to Mao Xinyu, litigant and so on Shao Hua, and urges them to make the response as soon as possible.
Attaches: Person who knows circumstances response: Mao Xinyu is not Mao Zedong's grandson, but is his one's own son!
Mao Zedong's son Mao Anqing not only is the nerve patient, also thoroughly has lost the function. After Shao Hua and Mao Anqing marry, is extremely painful. But divorces, does not dare, to worry is killed by Mao Zedong. Mao Xinyu Shandong nationality wife is killed all all is not "is a vegetarian" on the explanation wool, but the beautiful springtime cannot on work as like this for a lifetime old maid! But under, she to father-in-law Mao Zedong in front of, complains tearfully Mao Anqing's nature to be incompetent. Certainly, also expressed oneself lives is the wool family member, dies for Mao Jiagui, the biggest desire is leaves behind a descendant for the wool. Mao Zedong what kind intelligent, had understood immediately the Shao Hua regard, the emperor's countenance is greatly pleased, then has a sextual intercourse with Shao Hua. Then, Mao Xinyu was born.
Named the word-time for Mao Xinyu, Mao Zedong has given a care. Originally should use"the shore"character generation, but is not good, cannot be called Mao Anyu, with Mao Anqing generation? Finally, he took nephew Mao Yuanxin"to be new"the character."Mao Xinyu ", the meaning understood very much that, Mao Yuanxin, Mao Xinyu, person of the of the same generation, all is Mao Zedong's sub- nephew generation. Both lets Mao Xinyu be worthy of the name obtains the oneself son's rank, and can hide.
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