
轉載-標題: 驚天醜聞撕開黑幕:中國政治犯們,是如何在美國被敲骨吸髓的 (269 reads)

This place calls \'China\'-這個地方叫“中國”

(2008-04-03 06:01:18) 下一個


英文好的,請看 http://www.9999cn.com/weblogs/entry.php?u=debin&e_id=5718
Please world good people; The friends look clearly, lives in the Communist Party of China, on the parasitic People's Republic of China land, that many poverty-stricken people! Recently, specially Africa,many presidents, unexpectedly accepted "the Communist Party of China,the parasitic People's Republic of China" give repeatedly, several
1.00001 billion US dollars! Your conscience, can pass? All has accepted "the Communist Party of China, the parasitic People's Republic of China" money - all presidents, have a look the picture which these really records, you can say "the Communist Party of China,the parasitic People's Republic of China" is great?
People with a good-natured all parts of the world depend;The friend sees clearly, and life is Chinese Communist Party, and it is a lot of, so much poor, painful on parasitic People's Republic of China land people. About recent, especially Africa, they are a lot of presidents, and "Chinese Communist Party is accepted, and parasitic the People's Republic of China" is the number of (what)1 billion 10 thousand dollars many times by contraries. Is it ..conscience.. so-so of you?Does all see the photograph of all money-presidents and these true records of "Chinese Communist Party has been accepted, and parasitic the People's Republic of China", and is your "Chinese Communist Party can be said, and parasitic the People's Republic of China" great?It is in Thailand that it was worth the most much taking it up. Are you emperors, and how?Does ape's "People's Republic of China parasitic in Chinese Communist Party" ..friend.. associate the god whenever it can do?!Be a large tragedy in next vicinity (..drinking.. Hit)-Cambodia of you enter the ground, and surely warning of Thailand?Will it be warning of all nations surely?
"Chinese Communist Party and parasitic the People's Republic of China" it is great ..doing and doing.. and in.
Wise men in all parts of the world mutually leave a message please at the end.
Thank you.
HuDebin of a Chinese positive country emperor : in the imperial palace in temporary Europe. 2008,4,3。

[Populace paste chart] the New China net
Goes to work the race bicycle stream of vehicles 鏡頭寫實:這個地方叫“中國”(125張圖s) [大眾貼圖] 新華網 
這個地方叫“中國”(125張圖s) [大眾貼圖] 新華網

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The person multichannel is narrow, the coming and going to work people multi- seats "touch".

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The person multi- vehicles are few, the passenger crowds from the glass boards 人多車少,乘客從車窗擠上車

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The train station crammed full goes south the person which works, gets up the restroom to have to stand in line the most hour team. 火車站擠滿南下打工的人,上廁所要排上大半個小時的隊。

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Spring festival transportation period, in train station turbulent human tide 春運期間,火車站裏的洶湧人潮

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Namely opens is the prize welfare lottery ticket sells the scene 即開即獎型福利彩票發售場麵

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Just left the mine pit coal miner 剛出礦井的煤礦工人

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Worker has the social dealings which with the pollution product 與汙染產品打交道的勞動者

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The standard pulls under the Dan winter icy peak the Qinghai-Tibet Highway  DaoBan-Patches the road the dormitory格拉丹冬冰峰下的青藏公路道班

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Now picked LJ also to have to buy the ticket to enter the stadium 如今撿LJ也要買票入場了

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A construction work site landslide scene
Origin: New China net 一處建築工地的塌方現場 -來源:新華網

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The tide withdraws, the women well up to the beach on dig the corbicula. 潮水退後,女人們湧到灘上挖蜆子。

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The fishermen go against the storm to go to sea 漁民們頂著風浪出海

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Time the work break picks the salt maker 工休時的采鹽工

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In order to help the land leveling, child's body all throws to the row sub- on. 為了幫助平整土地,孩子的身體都撂到排子上。

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Return Vietnamese difficult foreign national in farm cultivation 歸來的越南難僑在農場耕作

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The mother and child four people receive the potato with joint forces in the place 母子四人合力在地裏收洋芋

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Cultivation Zha Can-The oak leaf is the food silkworm countryman 養殖柞蠶的鄉民

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Marches forward on The transportation cargo uses crowd of horses the track  KangFu-The shoulder shoulders the cargo行進在馬幫小道上的扛夫

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Wuhan sends out Hong Kong on the bright commodity train live pig convoy 武漢發往香港的鮮活商品列車上的活豬押運員

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The mailman passed through the rugged village roller extension to deliver a letter the origin: New China net 郵遞員穿過崎嶇村路輾轉送信 來源:新華網

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The first batch Three Gorges immigrants move down the furniture from the mountain 首批三峽移民將家具從山上搬下來

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87 year-old old immigration is supported by the arm embarks, leaves the Three Gorges storehouse district. 87歲的老移民被攙扶上船,離開三峽庫區。

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The employment advertise advertisement attracts is coming off sentry duty female worker's vision 招聘廣告吸引著下崗女工的目光

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Newly constructs one crowds daily the open area which the girls plays 新建築一天天擠走女孩們嬉戲的空地

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On factory gate guard and blackboard notice 工廠門衛和黑板上的通知

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The unemployed lines up receives the relief fund which the government provides 下崗職工排隊領取政府發放的救濟金

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The unemployed people braves the heavy snow to wait for the employer in the odd-job market 無業人員冒著大雪在零工市場等待雇主

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Labourer waits for the work which in the freight yard 在貨場裏等待工作的民工

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The youth sorts the coal 少年揀煤者

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Small coal pit well head origin: New China net 小煤窯井口 來源:新華網

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The Qianxi small coal pit worker hands and feet develops simultaneously the coal pulls out from the hole, boss observes pound heavy in side. 黔西小煤窯工人手腳並舉將煤從洞中拉出,老板在旁察看磅重。

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West TaoJinZhe -Gains the money person is hugging soon the family member which is taken away by illness the life 一個西部淘金者抱著即將被病魔奪去生命的親人

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Carries on crowd of dogs in wilderness to expel the hare competition在曠野上進行細狗攆野兔競賽

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Veterinary station, skilled worker concurrently nail horseshoe. 獸醫站,師傅兼釘馬掌。

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In open market fragrant-flowered garlic vegetable stall 自由市場上的韭菜攤

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The villagers the tourist sell food to the ship on 村民向船上遊客推銷食品

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Enters a city 進城

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In the suburb county fair sells the fancy steamed roll mobile peddler 郊外市集上賣花卷的流動小販

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Depends on the railroad in to peddle food for the fresh peddler to the passenger 靠鐵路為生的小販在向乘客兜售食品

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After bull market opening originates: New China net 牛市開市後 來源:新華網

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Small Barber shop opens is only being left over in a wall relocation room 小理發店開在隻剩下一麵牆的拆遷房裏

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A street corner Does business ---- manner facing the street sews the skirt 街頭營生之一----為人當街縫補裙子

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Discontinues studies the youth to drop in from house to house sells roasts the sweet potato 輟學少年走街串巷賣烤紅薯

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In the midnight, 12 year-old sell the colored youth. 午夜裏,一個12歲的賣花少年。

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For leukemia pray mother 為白血病兒祈禱的母親

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Triplets and their mother 三胞胎與他們的母親

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Minute food 分食

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A peasant woman and she lives 10 children 一個農婦和她所生的10個孩子

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The passer-by surrounds the female infant which abandons 路人圍觀一個被遺棄的女嬰

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A mountain person's just was him has tied up the surgery the wife back to go home the origin: New China net 一名山民將他剛做過結紮手術的妻子背回家 來源:新華網

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In front of beef noodles hall restaurant patron.牛肉麵館前的食客

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The old room opens the clear scene the worker lunch lunch box 舊屋拆清現場的工人午餐飯盒

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The resident lines up buys the rice noodle 市民排隊買米粉

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The street corner enjoys the cool air 街頭納涼

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A non- seat passenger lies down the chair to carry on the back 一個無座位乘客躺到椅子背上去

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Every day, some several dozens elementary students must go and return from this bridge four time go to school. 每天,有幾十名小學生要從這座橋上往返四次去上學。

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Clips the double leg leper in performance aquatic time 截去雙腿的麻風病人在表演水上功夫

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In a hospital in deathbed care branch courtyard 在一所醫院臨終關懷科的院子裏

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The street corner practices medicine 街頭行醫

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"Non- standard" period, an old woman performs duties in the village. “非典”期間,一個老太太在村口執勤。

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"The non- standard" in front of the checkpoint, a little girl copies the preparation to enter the village the automobile vehicle trademark “非典”檢查站前,一個小女孩抄下準備進村的汽車車牌號

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Origin: New China net
At entertainers' guild storytelling person 來源:新華網 書會上的說書人

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A blind person has sung for a living in the street tunnel 一名盲人在過街隧道內賣唱

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Leans on disabled old man which double turns to catch up with the flock of sheep to crawl in the snowy area 拄著雙拐的殘疾老漢趕著羊群徐行在雪地裏

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Second: [ Relational ] 第二部:[關係篇]
Two girls are looking writing Shamune that begs the thing ahead the content. 兩個女孩在端詳乞討者胸前所寫內容。

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In subway compartment, an exhausted passenger 地鐵車廂裏,一個疲憊的乘客

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Crowds in the waterfront sluice waited for allows to pass crowd. 擠在江邊船閘等待放行的人群。

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On bus 公共汽車上

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To the wounded who become busy though help is asked for calling it after one
traffic accident occurs. 一起交通事故發生後,受傷者忙於打電話求援。

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The elementary student is mobilized to maintain to the street corner the transportation order. 小學生被動員到街頭去維持交通秩序。

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The crude township cadre overturns the old farmer in the place. 粗暴的鄉幹部將老農民打翻在地。

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In heavy snow day dispute. Origin: New China net 大雪天裏的爭執。 來源:新華網

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Is not willing to relocate "the person who stubbornly resists moving" to rest to in realtor's company. "House in which it doesn't cooperate" where it clears out The building of the house is demolished and it goes in dealer in real estate's company sleeping. 不肯拆遷的“釘子戶”睡到地產商的公司裏去。

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Three DaGongMei-Female worker person have not been able to crowd the very full train, also has overturned the baggage. 三個打工妹未能擠上爆滿的火車,又打翻了行李。

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Gets off work the female worker to accept searches a person. 下班女工接受搜身。

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A passenger vehicle comes to anchor on village, but nobody is willing to execute gives aids. 一輛轎車在村道上拋錨,但無人肯施予援手。

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Is hugging child's woman, facing continuously is hugging the public telephone person. 抱著孩子的婦女,麵對一直抱著公共電話的人。

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The mobile phone just emerged. 移動電話剛剛興起。

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Some people hold the marriage celebration to put up a stage perform in an opera, some people actually worry the brow. 有人辦喜事搭台唱戲,有人卻愁上眉頭。

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27 year-old residents' committee directors mediate the dispute for the young couple 27歲的居委會主任為小兩口調解糾紛

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The parents are popular in the court dispute the divorce, the child plays in the one side. 父母在法庭上興訟離婚,孩子在一旁玩耍。

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Outside the factory fence, DaGongMei-Female worker person is away from the wire netting with the laborer which admires to chat. Origin: New China net 工廠圍牆外,打工妹隔著鐵絲網與心儀的打工仔聊天。 來源:新華網

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Beijing street corner, a pair of student lover. 北京街頭,一對學生情侶。

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A farmer prepares own kidney transplant for the son which contracts the uremia 一位農民準備把自己的腎移植給患尿毒症的兒子

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On Wang Fu Jing avenue lover 王府井大街上的情侶

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A station higher woman 一個站得更高的女士

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When day heat, the old person closes the front door to take a bath for the spouse.天熱時,老人關上大門為老伴搓澡

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Yili Allah horsepower border defense continually military officer and family member. 伊犁地區阿拉馬力邊防連的軍官和家屬。

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The summer night accompanies the mother which the child studies. 夏夜裏陪孩子讀書的母親。

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Teaches the child the guardian. 教訓孩子的家長。

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Initially the manner father's young fellow studies for the baby nurses. 初為人父的小夥子學習為嬰兒喂奶。

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Father who administers an intravenous drip watching child in hospital. Origin:
New Ka net醫院裏,守護著孩子打點滴的父親。 來源:新華網

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The wife who visits one serviceman and the relative and returns bids farewell to it. 一位軍人與探親歸去的妻兒告別。

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The street corner, sells the melon peddler and the son plays. 街頭,賣瓜小販和兒子嬉戲。

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The adult and the child rides the same baby carriage to compete on the sidewalk. 大人和孩子騎著同樣的童車在人行道上比賽。

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Hits on the wheat field, the father for the child which on the ground rests obstructs the straw hat 打麥場上,父親為席地而睡的孩子遮上草帽

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In sleeping berth compartment happy grandparent and grandchild. 臥鋪車廂裏開心的祖孫倆。

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A liquid gold ends of a bridge scenery. 金水橋畔一景。

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72 year-old Taiwan retired veteran returns to the hometown. 72歲的台灣退伍老兵回到故鄉。

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After this back aluminum labor receives the wages, especially buys the brown sugar which the old mother likes eating 這個背鋁工領到工錢後,特地去買老母親喜歡吃的紅糖

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To township 40 Zai overseas Chinese and when year eight ten-day periods sister-in-laws farewells. 離鄉40餘載的華僑與時年過八旬的嫂子告別。

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This festival abandoned the compartment to become a retired staff to be occupied by several years family to originate: New China net 這節廢棄車廂成了一位退休職工住了十幾年的家 來源:新華網

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Three generations live in 7.3 square meters spaces 一家三代居住在7.3平方米的空間裏

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The hut allows not to be below three generation of people, the holiday dines together has to carry on in the big courtyard 小屋容不下三代人,節日聚餐隻好在大雜院裏進行

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In neighborhood old neighbor. 裏弄裏的老鄰居。

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The street corner washes rinses. 街頭洗漱。

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In the building altogether uses the waterhouse. 筒子樓裏的共用水房。

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The children play in the narrow building. 孩子們在狹窄的筒子樓裏玩耍。

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A man of wife 〓 (The head is shaved) is painted in the house. 在家中為妻子焗油的漢子。

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In tenth yard native manufacture ping-pong table. 十號大院裏的土製乒乓球台。

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Returned to the yard to see the mother the person to play the childhood bamboo flute 回大院看望母親的人吹起了兒時的竹笛

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In 1910 was open to traffic on a Yunnan railroad small station. Origin: New China net 1910年通車的滇越鐵路上的一個小車站。 來源:新華網

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Before the heavy rain approaches, the Tibetan nationality girls rely on the wall alone to boast the chewing gum. 大雨來臨之前,藏族女孩倚牆獨自吹著泡泡糖。

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In child and village amusement park's merry-go-round. 孩子和鄉村遊樂場裏的旋轉木馬。

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The elementary student class recess movement ---- "stands upside down" the game. 小學生課間運動----“倒立”遊戲。

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In a manpower deficient welfare home 在一所人手缺乏的福利院裏

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From burns down the fake and shoddy merchandise in the fire of high-piled firewood to snatch the goods. 從焚燒假冒偽劣商品的火堆中搶貨。

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The waiting turns LJ which picked just ships in 等待翻撿剛剛運來的LJ

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This teacher in approximately 20 square meters housing, has adopted 40 -odd only the disabled cat which abandons. 這位老師在約20平方米的住宅內,收養了40餘隻被遺棄的傷殘貓。

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Beijing looks the person which in the Beijing new town walks a dog. 北京望京新城裏溜狗的人。

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A pair of lover the central green lawn exposes to the sun the sun in Lu Jiazui in. 一對戀人在陸家嘴中央綠地草坪上曬太陽。

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The horse-drawn vehicle, the truck and the road sky preparation descends airplane 馬車、卡車和公路上空準備降落的飛機

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Hainan's rotten poop has become constructor's open-air bathing place. 海南的爛尾樓成了建設者的露天浴場。

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Audiences special statuses visit Imperial Palace under the bodyguard surrounding protection. 一眾特殊身份者在保鏢圍護下參觀故宮。

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450) this.width=450" src='http://www.9999cn.com/weblogs/images/noavatar2.gif' border='0'> The lens practicalize: This place calls">
* The Nanchang street corner public prostitution, several hundred people surround-南昌街頭公開賣淫
* 轉載-難以置信:南昌街頭公開賣淫,數百人圍觀(38張圖s)
* 都是畜牲照片!

備案惡行 !


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