

(2015-04-19 21:30:08) 下一個
I think that you would be easy to feel that how loneliness when you was standing at vast expanse of desert and looking up to the moon on night by yourself. But do you feel when you are standing into the noisy crowd and at a loss what to do , the feeling of loneliness would getting stronger? That feeling used to give me lot's of complex painful.
Even now, I stil could not guess that what was a kind of mood with my mother had sent to me to school when I was seven. That year, I was wearing beautiful clothes and carrying a new back bag, the cheerful singing in my heart like same age chirdren.


Every day, My mother had sent to me into classrom and then had standed out side of the class door to talk to my teacher  some few words, after that she had never forgotten to give me a warm smilling when she left.

So by the way, I had gotten a diffrent treatment with other students from my teachers.- Teacher put a chair on the end of the corridor and let me to sit when other students were doing clean our classrom. I could stay at the room when others were going out side to do excise at break time. When we learn sport outside in sport class, I had always placed a warmest place by teacher to sit and to see other students how happy they were playing and running at front of me. 

久而久之,每個同學都開始睜大眼睛用好奇的目光上上下下的打量著那個麵色蒼白,瘦弱無骨的我,像是發現了一個新奇的怪物。每個老師看到我也都是微笑的搖搖頭,雖然那是很微妙的動作, 卻足以令我萬分難過了。



我是多早就學會了一個人寂寞啊,我的臉上越來越多的呈現出不敢讓人接近的冷漠。 我多希望會有明媚的風兒向我吹過來,將我身體的每個縫隙都填滿溫暖的味道,融盡我所有開始結冰的骨骼。

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