

(2008-03-24 16:15:53) 下一個
我在美國一所top 20的executive MBA班上課。班上60多學生,隻有我一個中國人。大部分是白人,有不少印度人。還有一個韓國人和一個黑人。

教我們managerial economics的是一個中年白人。說實話,他的課講的非常好。他能把很多枯燥的經濟理論和現在的時事聯係起來,生動的講清楚。他喜歡嘲諷時事,罵各國政府的經濟政策,所以當他有時譴責中國政府時,我開始也不以為意。









我的原話:"I have lived in the US for almost 10 years. I have seen things in China that are not properly reported here by the media in the US, and that might have caused some of the misunderstanding."

"I've never believed in Communism myself, and I think the Chinese Communist Party did a lot of terrible things. But today, whether or not China is still a Communist country is highly debatable. Mostly importantly, I have seen with my own eyes that the average Chinese are living a much better life than they did 10 years ago."

"As managers, we all know how hard it is to manage a team of 10. Just imagine how hard it would be to run a country of 1.3 billion people. It's only inevitable to make a lot of mistakes, sometimes big mistakes."

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't listen to everything I said, and don't listen to everything Dr.XX said. (Class laughing) When you go to China next year, see it for yourselves, talk to people, learn about the country, keep an open mind, and understand that just because people do things differently doesn't mean they are dumb or evil."


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閱讀 ()評論 (48)
shavignon 回複 悄悄話 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpuDTit_pcM&feature=related
songwaimai 回複 悄悄話 作者智力有問題,不自覺的偷換話題。比如說教授說中國是個專製的(共產主義)國家,作者則反駁說人民的生活水平提高了。
思路花雨 回複 悄悄話 ding !
jwayne_1 回複 悄悄話 if you check history, most of the horrible crimes and human caused disasters were due to two reasons: blind patriotism and blind religion. and most of the time, most people wouldn't know they were wrong until too late.
jwayne_1 回複 悄悄話 回複littlebirds的評論: i think you over estimated the political intelligence of average people, american and chinese.
tinygrace 回複 悄悄話 支持你。。。這個教授對中國太偏見了。
littlebirds 回複 悄悄話 回複jwayne_1的評論:
西藏問題則完全不同,它幹係到的是中國主權這樣根本的政治問題,而不是經濟利益和政治理念。中國政府提農奴製度主要還是指出達賴並不是個好鳥,而不是為了要正當化既成事實:中國老早就聲明過了,主權問題沒的談判,美不美化都一樣了。 :-)

pinkpony 回複 悄悄話 太酷了!
jwayne_1 回複 悄悄話 回複緣言的評論: 美國人50%反對伊戰是因為結果糟糕

i don't agree. it was because the government misled people. i don't know about you, but i think the current u.s. government behaves more and more like chinese communist government in many aspects.

some western governments use 民主 as excuse to do many things (including iraq), there is no doubt about it and that's why many chinese are angry. however, have you thought about tibetan people's feelings?

if a chinese argues, we are stronger and we liberated them from slavery, so they should thank us, then the same argument can be used by the american for invading iraq, for supporting tibetan separaists.
鼎祥 回複 悄悄話 說得好
smeagolrocks 回複 悄悄話 I think China deserves some criticizem but your professor is a jerk. You can complaint to your school authority about this professor. Let them know that this is a economy not a political science class. And let them know that this professor is making you feeling uncomfortable by bringing up things that are irrelelavant to the class.
lsj1268 回複 悄悄話 I had similar experince. In a EMBA program, economy class, good prof. Being objective and analytical is very importent in defending China. Not lack of enthusiasm, lack of composer due to the language skill, concerns for the consequence. Yet, we got to do something now rather then later.
foxingy 回複 悄悄話 Thumb up!!
--Another MBA student in north America
水蜜 回複 悄悄話 人人都有民族自尊心!!
shavignon 回複 悄悄話 great !!! BRavo!!!
wantno3 回複 悄悄話 Well Done!!!
金色的麥田 回複 悄悄話 好樣兒的!佩服你!
逛完有話說 回複 悄悄話 你是好樣的,佩服你的勇氣,更尊敬你以理服人,有理有節的氣度!
summer_rose 回複 悄悄話 直接去學校有關部門反應他的言行,有關種族,政治等很多敏感話題是不被大學講課範圍所允許的,也許他會因此失去站在講台上的資格。
littlebirds 回複 悄悄話 1.如果以過去10年而論,中國gdp年增長率一直在10%左右,世界上有這個發展速度的國家是很少的,當然,中國也為此付出了高昂的社會和環境代價。nothing comes free.

2.以過去50年而論,即使有文革對經濟的破壞,中國仍然比印度發展的更快,而兩者在人口問題方麵比較接近。 認為大公司和小公司一樣管理結構/可以如法炮製的人真太缺乏常識了。玩過傳真不走樣沒有?人不是機器,沒法進行精確控製的。假設每個環節上出1%的錯誤,10個管理層次就意味著結果偏離目標10%,50個層次就意味這結果完全變性了。

Mulan_t 回複 悄悄話 you did great job.
kyderby 回複 悄悄話 Does the communist party allow a foreigner to meet anyone in Tibet freely? The Chinese goverment is so paranoid about unchecked information exchange. If the goverment has nothing to hide, why it does not allow foreign journalists (even journalist from Hong Kong) to report from Tibet? People in Tibet want religious freedom, not just money.
denzil39 回複 悄悄話 Good job! Well done. I wish I could be as wise and brave as you when this moment comes.
wtwyc 回複 悄悄話 我想就憑一句中國人都不懂經濟,你就可以complain discrimination,居然有這麽愚蠢自大的教授。應該公布他的姓名。
wtwyc 回複 悄悄話 為你感到自豪
gn3721 回複 悄悄話 I am very very proud of you !
緣言 回複 悄悄話 監督政府是公民的義務,維護中華民族的利益是中國人的職責。做為個人來說,盡責而已。
smith34 回複 悄悄話 well, it is sad that the individual chinese has to defend their own country, where is the chinese government, what have they done? counting their money in some banks in us?
緣言 回複 悄悄話 如果民主代表著民族的利益或神的意誌, 就不會有大洪水了。文革和第三帝國也是特例了。美國人50%反對伊戰是因為結果糟糕,戰前的支持率是超過一半的,而且布什畢竟也是美國人選出來的。就像天地萬物一樣,規律是自然的,人再多也沒用。行事在人,成事在天。做人心正即可。

jwayne_1 回複 悄悄話 回複緣言的評論: there are more than 50% of american disagree with the us government on iraqi war. you want to call them mei3 jian1?
jwayne_1 回複 悄悄話 of course there are lots of prejudice and misunderstanding. but the communist government is not defendable. for your comments, you may gain some applause in usa but you will get into trouble if you are in china for saying "i never believed in communist and they did lots of terrible things".

so, try not to confuse china / chinese with the current chinese government.
緣言 回複 悄悄話 LovingKyle 是好樣的,至少盡了作為一個中國人的本分。反對者們
其實也在盡作中國人的本分,隻是環境和方式值得斟酌。LovingKyle 的本意和對一個對中國有偏見的人辯論(對外),而不是討論中國的發展的實際問題(對內)。對方如果已經有了偏見,合理的辯論在那種情況下是不可能的了。但如果要討論中國的發展的實際問題,可以到相應的論壇去探討,發牢騷發錯了地方。 其實反對者們的言論依鄙人看也是憤青言論。

再多說幾句,辯論一個問題,特別是政治問題,首先要確定立場,政治問題就是利益問題,如果站在中國人的對立麵上,那就不是”人民內部矛盾了“。換言之,西藏問題是中國的利益問題,用個不恰當的比方,就像“和美國政府辯論伊拉克戰爭的正義性”。所以,西藏問題是中國政府怎樣才能保護中國利益的問題。再者,辯論要有前提,中國發展有內部的問題,但也有外部的大環境問題,絕對的討論兩者的每一個都是片麵的。再三,說人多不是問題, 那最好拿出點數據來,比較一下和中國國情(資源,國際政治環境,等等)差不多的國家,也讓大家心服口服。
rhealthy 回複 悄悄話 頂賈兄!
其實現在生活好隻不過相比30~40年前的窮苦而言, 而那又恰恰是中共造成的, 比解放前還糟!回過頭來說,現在有肉吃,有車坐就是生活提高了嗎?不說別的,環境惡化造成那麽多疾病,更有很多窮人得病不敢上醫院,又有孩子考上大學家裏卻絕望的自殺. LovingKyle, 要是您,您還會說好嗎?您隻是看到兩極分化的上麵, 大千世界的俗麵, 緊張社會的表麵, 難聽一點講,您帶有選擇性的忽視了負麵.在您的潛意識裏,您認為這些負麵對您以後發展不利(比如,MBA需要經濟蓬勃的中國,世界矚目的中國).這不怪您, 我們都會犯這樣的錯誤,因為我們常不善思慮,亦非聖賢.舉個例子,來美國"參觀"的大陸官員大多嘲笑美國好象中國農村.
人多不好治理?大公司還敢要您這個MBA?敢要您當CEO, MANAGER?
Quarx 回複 悄悄話 好!
Suggest change "guess what I'm trying to say is," ==>"what I'm trying to say here is,". It is more assertive.

adriana 回複 悄悄話 回複gzlady的評論:

I like the speech very much. It's very objective.
袁小二 回複 悄悄話 同意屠夫的話
gzlady 回複 悄悄話 Great speech! I am very proud of you.
外鄉人 回複 悄悄話 agree with adobecreek, in fact, you are safe after this "battle". No one whants trouble, you have shown to everyone that your prof and you had different oppion. therefore any low mark may result a dispuse.
賈慶皋 回複 悄悄話 過去十年哪些國家或地區的生活水平在下降?縱向自己和自己比的進步,不如橫向同類型國家比的同步!1949年中國和其他哪些國家人均生活水準類似,現在他們之間的區別如何?


子夏浮雲 回複 悄悄話 Very good! Chinese need to speak out loudly!
瘋一樣的男子 回複 悄悄話 你的回複非常的proper,換做我可能就被學校kick out了,嗬嗬
biglovee 回複 悄悄話 Well done!

Cannot imagine an economics professor can be this openly disrespectful and judgmental of another country's internal affairs without doing fair amount of research. It takes huge arrogance to point fingers like this, especially with your presence!

Remember to give him an awful awful teaching evaluation!
瘋一樣的男子 回複 悄悄話 樓主加油!!
瘋一樣的男子 回複 悄悄話 回複adobecreek的評論:
夢馳 回複 悄悄話 Thank you for speaking out for Chinese.
adobecreek 回複 悄悄話 That's the difference between Chinese system and American's. If you are in Chinese university and have a different opinion, for example: you think Japan should stay in Manchua and you speak out, you will not only fail the course, you'll be in big trouble too.

Becomes you are in America, not only you won't be in trouble you get applause for speaking out your opinioin.
屠夫詩人 回複 悄悄話 好!將你這段英文版收錄了,等有機會也和周圍的澳洲朋友鄰居宣傳宣傳。如有此類英文的反駁文章,請一並放在網上,以供各位朋友,我們需要英文“子彈”。
blackjack8 回複 悄悄話 Great!!. You should be fine, otherwise he will be in touble.