
A Speech Contributed to the Apr. 26th San Francisco Protest agai

(2008-04-25 22:24:57) 下一個

Today at this very moment we are having a rally here, in a great timing, to promote human peace and equality, denounce racist and spiritual terrorist and more we commemorate a great American, Dr. King for his super insightful vision and replay his immortal voice, “I have a dream…”

Just no long ago, a notorious racist, Jack Cafferty from CNN called the Chinese people in his speech, “goons and thugs in the past 50 years.” His racism speech deeply hurts the Chinese people and offenses the people with reasonable doubt. He is using a public media supported by some political figures to humiliate the Chinese people and attempting to spread his racism and spiritual violence to everywhere.

Nazi’s propaganda doctrine in 60 years ago, “Repeat lie 1000 times, it will become truth”. And the CNN’s biasing reports about the riots in Tibet’ with recent Cafferty’s poison tongue are on the same track of Nazi’s doctrine. This same doctrine dominates today’s CNN’s press direction, which unfortunately misleads the world’s conscience and cognition about this one of the most hard working and kindest minority group in this country.

I call CNN a spiritual terrorist, way more vicious and powerful than the terrorist in plain meaning. And nowadays terrorists, 99% of them were minted by CNN and likewise.

Do we see any racism and spiritual crime more gigantic than what CNN committed in our current world? After this spiritual crime, racism propaganda, CNN is still at large and showing no serious reflection and humiliate the Chinese again by a piece of absent-minded comments on its own racism speech and spiritual violence imposed on the innocent people.

Today, we are here, not only to protest the spiritual terrorists’ racism felony, but also we will have a fight with Nazi’s phantom, controlling today’s media’s direction represented by CNN.

We know CNN’s plot. It reminds us the urgency to tell the world, its next step. At the first stage CNN demonizes the Chinese people then the second stage will be more cruel and bloody. Exactly like the way of Nazi’s 60 years ago on Jews, demonized them first then use guns and poison gas to dispose Jews collectively.

This is just a start of CNN’s crime and its likewise to demonize the Chinese people first then all Asian, all Spanish and then all Africans then all Jewish again, then non-Aryan…This list can extends to all until the racists themselves.

Recall in early 1990s, in the exact same city, San Francisco, in Fairmont Hotel, a group of “world elates” seriously discussed how to eliminate 80% of human beings. 10 years later in 2000s, Iraqi Arabians are the first batch.

Today we have the urgency to alert the world citizens, a Nazi’s genocide plot is revival and will be more sinister and crueler than 60 years ago, and the scale will be broader. It is also the burden of conscience to awake the world to be prepared to fight with those spiritual terrorists persistently and constantly.

We have the burden of obligation to bring spiritual terrorist to justice and give the world an answer: No racist, No racism; No spiritual terrorist, No spiritual violence. The spiritual terrorists perpetrated more attacks on the innocent civilian and reverting normal sense than any terrorist group in plain meaning.

For any organization supporting racism and spiritual violence, we will bring it to justice sooner or later. We won’t leave it at large. CNN is one of them, bankrupt in its public credibility by distorting facts and controlling news and promoting spiritual violence.

They capture more resources than you can imagine and the damage is more devastating. We have to reorganize CNN and return the true press freedom and truth to the deceived people. Now they kidnapped the information right of the global people as well as Olympics in 2008.

Today’s rally is not just for the civil rights, it announces the inception of a great time with the burgeoning of an advanced civilization. Announces a great vision and the dream for all the people, loving peace and harmonious development of the world.

“One World, One Dream.” The world is our globe still with hungry people, polarized affluence distribution, and human disasters; the world is still volatile in global politics and economy with war and genocide, having slaughtered and wounded millions of Iraqi civilians and created millions of Iraqi refugees because of their oil, their fortune. Those war criminals broke our dream, a beautiful one, having imagined that all the people should live and roam on earth peacefully, affluently and harmoniously.

We have the burden of soul to simulate them into our dream. We had a great potential to find new alternative energies by investing just a tiny portion of the war debt, hardly covered by taxpayers, in R&D instead of wasting trillions dollars to commit genocide and robbing in Iraq. But the governors of this state repeated the Vietnam War disaster by a short-cut way, which was barbarian and buried over 4000 American soldiers and injured over dozens of thousand. While the oil money with bloods of two countries’ people goes to overseas bank account opened under some very secret names from this state.

In California we know a “political tycoon” has her own dream, a dream too dark to be open to the public, but hidden in the cabinet. Her craziness about “moral high ground” pushes her to grab anything can help her crawl on it. Her last hit is licking the boot of a duplex, the serflord and the political monk under the foothill of the Himalayas to agitate riots and conflicts in the territory of the Saint Mountains.

Now it is our time to pay for our dream by persistent struggles with the revival Nazi’s phantom, and fight with those Nazi’s medias, eulogizing the war criminals and providing lift to so called “Moral High Ground” to Nazis. The words, “Moral High Ground” was so abused and over contaminated by this “Politicant”. I say she is a “Politicant”, not even a politician, without moral and human conscience.

Now it is our time rising up on the zenith of this globe, no “Moral and Political”, the purest place in the world, we uphold Olympics Spirit there, the absolutely highest ground on the globe, at the top of Himalayas. At the zenith of the world, we are going to light the Olympic torch and relight our dream, “One World, One Dream”.

We have to catch up for the delay by the riots and disruptions in this torch relay process, while we have to leave the “Moral-High-Ground” lady alone and behind in the serflord’s boot for a while. I don’t need to tell her how high she is now. Definitely she is in the boot far below the top of Himalayas.

I don’t care where she and her likewise stand, moral high ground or low. I care my burden of soul to dig them out from the burrow of vermin, from the boot of the serflord and bring them to justice. The world is no longer the time of 60 years ago; their Nazi’s propaganda doctrine was over. It is no longer an elixir for the hypocrites and conspirators to dupe the world again.

“A threat in anywhere is the threat to everywhere”, I am hearing the solemn voice again. Dr. King’s announcement still echoes; our voices are just uttered.

I wish I could have been born in your, Dr. King’s time; shoulder by should with you and had shielded the evil bullet from racist gang. The bullet took your life away, but made your spirit forever to guide the next generations carrying on your struggles with the racist gang.

And now we have more to do, to fight with Nazis, cure and simulate those contacted by racism and Nazism. You can tell how hard it is, but we have to confront and there is no way to evade.

I wish you could be live and eagleview this great process of eliminating racism and Nazism completely.

This state consists mainly of hardworking people loving peace and equality. This state has a delicate group of people right with you to make the great dream to become true. Asians are left way behind the dream, a group of honest and hardworking people requiring way less than they deserve, a group of people demonized by the Politicant and CNN alike.

We have extended our dream including your dream to a new territory in 2008 Olympics; we invite you, “Dr. King” in all different colors to accomplish the world’s dream, “One World, One Dream” for the people loving peace, equality and harmony.

2008 Olympics is destined for the inception of the greater time of a greater civilization after the endlessly volatilities and harassments. It is a symbolic event relieving the past grievances and opens the door for a true racial equality and harmonious engagement.

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