
Pelase share your thoughts - job offer

(2008-03-14 09:22:09) 下一個
Hi all, I\'m a regular here and enjoy all the discussions here. Now I need your help. Appreicate your thoughts!
About me: 4 years marketing experience post-MBA. With a US financial service firm in mid-west. Earning 50K (I know I know but I took the job due to every other thing you can imagine... :) Very familiar with what I do. But, become no productive as the whole work environment is the same. Little break-through growth opportunity because every one has been here 10 years. About the offer: An international brand with strong tie to Aisa, in particular China. Position will lead web development projects. 35% increase in pay. A wide range of different brand product will potential offer more opportunities to move around or upward. The challenge: It\'s 50 miles away one-way. This cuts my family time 1.5 hours a day. Potentially it\'s challenging when my baby goes to school because I won\'t be there for every school events. What do you guys think? Please share!!! Thanks!!!
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