
  • 博客訪問:


(2010-10-30 19:42:18) 下一個



Hi Mom,
I'm currently reading this sleep book for my psychology class (written by James Maas, the professor of the class who also gave the sleep lecture in the beginning of orientation), and there's a section on sleep and blood pressure. Adequate sleep for almost all adults is 7.5-9 hours of sleep per night.

Sleep More, Drop Blood Pressure: One extra hours of sleep per night decreases the risk of artery calcification by 33%. Plus, it's accompanied by a 17mm drop in systolic blood pressure
~Dr. Diane Lauderdale, University of Chicago

Not sleeping often causes the body to produce more stress hormones. Such an imbalance can lead to arteriosclerosis, which can cause heart attacks and strokes, in addition to hypertension, muscle loss, increased fat storage, loss of bone mass, and lower production of growth hormone and testosterone.

In addition, short-sleepers miss out on REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep (predominant between the SEVENTH and EIGHTH hours of the night), during which time the heart pumps more blood to the muscles. This helps it relax as blood pressure falls.

The next sections are on cancer and skin health:

Women who exercise regularly and were generally healthy had a 47% higher risk of cancer if they were sleeping fewer than 7 hours.

Sleep is essential for rebuilding tissues and cells, including the skin. Sufficient sleep is required to maintain good skin texture and a healthy glow. The first area of skin to be affected by a lack of sleep is the eyelids. The skin is very thin here so lack of sleep causes puffy eye bags, fine lines, and dark circles. In the long term, lack of sleep causes skin to age faster leading to wrinkles, poor texture, and discoloration much earlier in life than in the well-rested individual.

I'm really learning a lot of practical information in this class. Even though I'm going to be pretty busy this semester, I'm going to try to get more sleep every night. I think you and Dad should both consider it as well. If between the hours of 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm you find that it is extremely difficult to stay awake especially after having eaten lunch, you probably are mildly sleep-deprived.

Take care,
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