今天,美國國會舉行的關於Madoff 在華爾街幹下的五百億美元醜聞的聽證會是見到的語言最豐富,最生動活潑的場麵了。聽著 Harry Markopolos 振振有詞地做證,美國證卷交易所 S.E.C.的那些監督管理人員簡直就像是幫混飯吃的?。這些官員先是裝傻充愣,一問三不知,再問就說不能告訴你。哎,這是在國會呀,人民選出來的代表不吃這套! 最精彩的交鋒是在紐約議員Mr. Ackerman 和 Lori A Richards, 證卷交易所 director of compliance 之間.聽聽,“真見鬼啦 - What the heck went on? ” “你什麽也沒有告訴我們”。冒火並大喊大叫的阿克曼先生強烈譴責 S.E.C. “我沮喪得難以置信。我們是在自說自話,你假裝是在這裏。你什麽也沒有告訴我們。真見鬼啦?這是怎麽回事?他一個人與幾個朋友和助手發現這起欺詐有十年以上了。你們這些人在有燈的時候用雙手都找不到自己的 'backside'- 這字可以是指背部或是指臀部。你們的使命完全失敗了。”
1:40 p.m. | "You've told us nothing": A steaming and yelling Mr. Ackerman blasts the S.E.C. "I am frustrated beyond belief. We are talking to ourselves and you are pretending to be here. You've told us nothing. What the heck went on? What went wrong? One guy with a few friends and helpers found this fraud over a decade. You guys couldn't find your backside with two hands when the lights are on. You have totally failed in your mission."
1:44 p.m. I Canót give specifics: Ms. Richards responds that she can't talk specifically about what happened in the Madoff case.
誰是敵人? 阿克曼先生火氣一點沒消,接著強烈譴責 S.E.C. 和Mr. Vollmer,代理總法律顧問, “你對這個聽證會毫無貢獻。我們原以為仇敵是 Madoff. 我想你就是敵人。”1:51 p.m. | Who is the enemy?: Mr. Ackerman continues blasting the S.E.C. and Mr. Vollmer. "Your contribution to this proceeding is zero," he says. "We thought the enemy was Mr. Madoff. I think it's you."