

(2008-02-21 00:02:43) 下一個

“1. Many Chinese men and women have an inferiority complex, self hate, and White worship towards Caucasians. This is why Chinese women more easily accept propositions from dorky White guys who are bald, old, fat, wimpy, homely-looking, or social rejects from their home country. It doesn\'t take a genius to realize that these disproportionately attractive pairs are because being \'White\' gives the guy points in the minds of some Chinese. Also, many brainwashed Uncle Tom Chinese will say or do *anything*, including bash their own culture or opposite gendered people of the same ethnicity, in order to fuel the ego of their White Trophy. White worship and inferiority complex is also the reason why Chinese men are more shy and less confident approaching White women.

2. Look at the tons of ads, commercials, movies, fashion mags, mall posters that feature and glamorize and \'brand\' White people as the prettiest, best, etc. Then look at how many Chinese try to surgically enlarge their eyes to look more Caucasian (the #1 surgery among Chinese women in China), or the growing number of Chinese girls who dye their hair blond and wear blue contacts.

3. While unspoken, many White men secretly know about Chinese White worship, and they go to China to be social predators leveraging their White skin. Many English teachers in China are unqualified teachers, dirty perverts, or social rejects from their home countries, with major superiority complexes and White Knight mentalities in China based on the blogs online.”

“1. 很多亞洲的男人和女人有自卑情節,自我憎恨,白人崇拜。這就是為什麽一個亞洲女人會輕易相信一個蹩腳的、禿頂的、老的、肥胖的、沒用的,長相一般的,被自己國家拒絕的白人的意見。不難發現就是因為“白”使這個男人在亞洲女人心中的形象加分。而且,有些腦子進水的崇拜美國文化的中國女人會說或者做“任何事”, 包括嘲笑和詆毀他們自己的文化或者異性的同胞,以取悅她們的白人戰利品。白人崇拜和自卑情節也是為什麽中國男人在洋妞麵前害羞、缺乏自信

2. 看看滿天的廣告、商業、電影、時尚雜誌、商場海報把白人美化成是最美的,最好的,等等。看看有多少中國人要整形把自己弄的更像白人(中國女人外科手術最多的就是整形)和正在增長的中國女孩把自己的頭發染成金色,帶上藍色隱形眼鏡。

3. 在白人中的一個潛規則,很多白種男人知道中國人的白人崇拜,他們到中國來,倚仗著自己的皮膚來捕獵。但很多來中國的英語教師是不合格的教師,內心肮髒,或者本身被自己國家拒絕。。.”


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閱讀 ()評論 (1)
strad 回複 悄悄話 這一類現象不僅僅是在國內,可以說整個亞洲都是如此的.從我在亞洲旅行的經曆來看,亞洲女孩子普遍的來講是對白人有崇拜感的.隻要是金發碧眼高鼻子.我再三聲明白人皮膚粗糙,有狐臭,女人還須定時剃體毛...等.最近從泰國歸來,不管他們是禿頭大象,印象中泰妹子還是多願意跟白人出去的.泰妹是這麽來區分的,"Faran"當地發音,是從初始"foreigner"演變過來的.那裏包括所有東南西北歐人,爾其它地區來的人她們就分為India,Arbic, or Chinese, 等.當然在泰國很少有"種族歧視"感.但要是提及"Faran",就是為白人.在上世紀初,和70年代國內開放的時候,我們都不是最先看到的多為白人旅行者嗎?在國內也不是統稱為"外國人"嗎?

亂發表,扯遠了, 嗬嗬!