
猶太人的 ’盤尼西林‘ 雞湯,防感冒

(2011-03-01 20:13:34) 下一個
猶太人的 ’盤尼西林‘ 雞湯,推薦給藍MM來源: 糖果果 於 2011-03-01 20:04:12 [檔案] [博客] [舊帖] [轉至博客] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:33次 字體:調大/調小/重置 | 加入書簽 | 打印 | 所有跟帖 | 加跟貼 | 查看當前最熱討論主題 感冒時喝熱湯是公認的好招,中國傳統是喝紅糖薑水。我是非常熱愛薑水的,每年初冬都會喝一兩星期以抗寒氣。但遇到感冒,我隻在初期喝薑水,主要用途是發汗。一身大汗以後,或遇到不需要發汗的時候,我喝雞湯來幫助提高免疫提力氣。沒有科學根據地打個比方,相比而言,紅糖薑水是一劑能衝壩推渠的‘猛料’,雞湯是溫潤和緩的小溪,適用不同身體狀態。一般受涼情況下,我發現自己喝雞湯比喝薑水的時候多很多。 一般西方人感冒都會喝‘chicken noodle soup',但 chicken noodle 不是最有權威的治感冒雞湯。最有權威的是猶太雞湯。你用 Jewish panicillin 狗,就能找到一堆資料,比如在 MedicineNet.com上的所謂‘科學依據’,如下: Jewish penicillin: Chicken soup. If not really a form of penicillin," chicken soup may, in fact, have some therapeutic merit.A study published in the journal Chest demonstrated that chicken soup may contain substances with beneficial activity including an anti-inflammatory effect that could ease the symptoms of colds and other upper respiratory infections. Chicken soup was found to inhibit neutrophil migration providing a basis for an anti-inflammatory activity. "Undoubtedly, the in vivo effects of chicken soup include more than the effects on neutrophils," the researchers wrote. "The warm liquid, particularly when sipped, can stimulate nasal clearance and may improve upper respiratory tract symptoms." (Rennard BO, Ertl RF, Grossman GL, et al. Chicken soup inhibits neutrophil chemotaxis in vitro. Chest. 2000;18:1150-1157.)It should be added that to benefit from Jewish penicillin, one need not be Jewish. 做起來很容易,就是費時。用料簡單:帶骨的雞,洋蔥,西芹,胡蘿卜,dill, turnip (optional) and parsley (optional)。 1。大鍋(很大的鍋),大半鍋水,開高火2。往水裏加:a。雞,全雞或雞塊問題不大,但一定要去油,把看得見的脂肪都剪了。b。西芹兩根,切段c。洋蔥一個,去皮,一切四d。胡蘿卜一根,切段e。(optional) turnip一個,去皮,一切四f。Dill … 這個最關鍵,沒這個不成。新鮮的大把,切一下,1/4-1/2杯的樣子。g。(optional) Parsley … 新鮮的大把,切一下,1/4-1/2杯的樣子。 3。燒開以後,轉小火,5分鍾之後就不滾沸了。保持在這樣將沸不沸的狀態4小時,湯就成了。 我喝湯不加鹽。熄火以後,不攪拌,喝上部的清湯,很容易下口。這個湯,我冬天會當水喝來添力氣。因為那個蔬菜‘金三樣’(carrot, celery, onion), 湯不油膩,可以常喝。 祝早日康複~~
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