
亂彈煤井新聞 -- 我的2008 Top 5

(2009-01-01 19:57:30) 下一個

The top 5 Wall Street companies who have to die before 700B is approved:

  1. Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.(LEH)
  2. Washington Mutual, Inc. (WAMU)
  3. Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. (MER)
  4. Wachovia(WB)
  5. Countrywide Financial Corporation. (CFC)

The following 5+1 companies should declare bankruptcy but too big to fail:

  1. Fannie Mae(FNM)
  2. Freddie Mac(FRE)
  3. American International Group, Inc (AIG)
  4. General Motors Corporation (GM)
  5. Citibank (C)
  6. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (GS)

The top 5 people who will be remembered:

  1. The Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson
  2. Chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke
  3. President Gorge W. Bush
  5. SEC Chairman Christopher Cox
  6. Bernard Madoff

I don't want to put any comments on above names though I have reasons to list them here ;)

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