(2010-08-19 22:02:40)
居然真的受傷了! 腳著地那一瞬間的劇痛宣判了我的運動生涯的record. 也正試宣布了aging 的到來. 真的不願意接受現實. 那是上周四晚發生的. 在場邊凳上歇了超過30分鍾. ice pad treatment. 等那鑽心的痛過了(more than labor pain). 才由他背到車上載回家. no bruise seen. no red. just hurting. pain killer taken once
Friday: Lie on bed for whole day. pain killer 3 times. put on 雲南百藥膏. at night time.
Sat: same thing, pain killer 3 times. removed paste in the morning, saw bruise. scared. then dare not put it on again.
Sunday: same. No pain. foot can rotate slowly
Monday: drive to work, walk around, no pain
Tuesday: drive to work, walk around too much, no pain
Wed: drive to work. slight pain while walking.
Thursday: today. stay at home. take pain killer once. afternoon, went to see Dr. Hughes. (watched step up 3D). X-rayed, no bone fracture. gave ankle protection wrap; recommended physical therapy. put on 雲南百藥膏 again. hope it will help to recycle the clogged blood clusters.
Made appointment for therapy. tomorrow 2pm.
發現用拐杖也滿累. 一會兒手就累了, 需要換來換去. 而且左腳腳踝也開始有點不舒服. 感歎手真沒用. 腳走了一輩子也沒抱怨. 手偶爾幫忙扶一下拐杖就喊累. 沒出息.
will do daily update beginning tomorrow.
再抱怨一下. 敲中文好累啊.