
Lens Questions and answers

(2008-02-02 14:16:02) 下一個
If I later find my favorite focal length or become more advanced, can Istill use these lens or I need to buy all new lens?

Also what is the difference between

1. Sigma Zoom Wide Angle 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 and 2. Sigma Zoom DC OSbesides Optical Stabilizer? is Optical Stabilizer very important?


來源: pieq314

1. Yes, when you get more lenses, the Sigma 18-200mm will continue tobe useful for its convenience (small in physical size and large zoomrange). Situations you would need convenience: travel, ski slopes,hiking, etc. The new lenses you buy when you become more advanced willalso be much heavier with a lot less zoom range.

2. OS is important for telephoto end. Without OS, you may have trouble holding the camera steady at 200mm.

Drawback of 18-200mm
來源: pieq314

The reason that 18-200mm (with or without OS) is so small andinexpensive is because it has small aperture: f/3.5 at 18mm and f/6.3at 200mm. Small aperture means slow shutter speed and slow autofocusingspeed. This is also one reason for getting the "OS" version so that youcan hold the camera/lens steady at 200mm.

The small aperture may not be a major problem for using this lensduring the day. But if you try to use it to photographying indoorsports, such as basketball, you will find the shutter speed to be tooslow (and autofocusing speed is also very slow).

The wide end (18mm) has f/3.5, which is not too bad. The expensive zoomlenses (such as Canon 17-55mm f/2.8 or Sigma 18-50mm f/2.8) only haveaperture f/2.8, which is not too different from f/3.5. This means youcan use this lens (18-200mm) for taking indoor group photos duringparties, etc.

來源: -sjmj-



What is your recommendation for mid-range lenses that don't need to be upgraded?

在你預算附近,you can get one of the following normal zoom lenses:
Tamrom 17-50 f2.8 $350-400:優點是性價比高,有f2.8的大光圈,適合人像和室內。
Sigma 17-70 f2.8-4.5 macro $350: 優點是焦段稍長, 有不錯的macro功能,缺點是光圈比Tamron小一級。
Canon 17-40 f4 L $600, 優點將來能用在全幅相機上和Canon L頭的reputation, 缺點是如果不配上一個長焦,焦段稍短。

這樣你隻要再攢銀子以後敗一個長焦:Canon 70-200 f4 L ($600) 或者最好是帶IS的version ($1000),就齊了。

另外看看pieq說的,也有道理, 也看你是不是出門時嫌換鏡頭麻煩。上麵的鏡頭主要缺點是現在沒有長焦,旅遊時可能受限製,跟你自己的拍攝習慣也有關。。。複雜嗬。

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